Saturday, July 20, 2019

He finally unveiled his criminally insane Logic

David French has finally dropped the mask on how he has been coming up with screwy ideas about giving legal cover to a bunch of criminals who want to keep on committing crimes like they have been since the beginning of time.

He wrote: “The Anti-Semitic BDS Movement Advocates Illegal Discrimination,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “In their zeal to punish Israel, the movement's proponents push for violation of non-discrimination laws.” It was published on July 18, 2019 in National Review Online.

French's beef this time is that “Ilhan Omar co-sponsored a resolution designed to support the anti-Semitic BDS movement against Israel.” His complaint is this: “The resolution doesn't mention Israel and is crafted as an ode to free speech.” And so, he explains: “Individual anti-Semites have as much right to boycott Israeli products as individual racists have the right to refuse to patronize black-owned businesses. The fact that the Constitution protects such conduct doesn't render it less repugnant”.

Watch now how the devious lawyer employs a convoluted logic to argue that this constitutionally protected but “repugnant” refusal to buy Israeli products leads to the commission of an unlawful act. He does it by warning that to exercise one's right to support BDS “often leads to advocate violations of the law.” How is that, you ask? Well, it's because the movement is anti-Semitic, he says … and that's how the law is violated.

To prove his point, he gives the example of how he intervened in one such case in 2014 and won the argument. He says he served as counsel at the ACLJ where he co-authored a letter to a hotel informing it that it might violate California's nondiscrimination law if it hosted the ASA's annual meeting, given that the latter had declared it was honoring BDS. This veiled threat apparently had the effect of the hotel working to convince the ASA to allow the Israelis to participate in the meeting.

David French goes on to say that later that year, he coauthored another letter, making a similar argument to Janet Napolitano, president of the UC system, warning her that if the student-employee union voted to join the BDS movement, the UC system risked violating the law. Well, David French does not say what happened to this warning, but Janet Napolitano is known for her robust will to resist intimidation, especially when it comes from a little fart of the David French caliber. And so, we must assume that she ignored him or that she gave him a very robust Italian middle finger.

Unable to show a big win he can be proud of; David French borrowed the Jewish trick of immersing himself in a vitriolic rant aimed at slandering those he calls anti-Semites. After a short preamble, he found nothing else to say, thus repeated some of the quotes that were gathered by the Jewish Virtual Library, in which anonymous “anti-Semites” were said to have expressed the desire to see the apartheid system of Israel end the same way that it did in South Africa.

But not even for a moment was David French able to show why those who honor BDS are anti-Semites or that they help promote anti-Semitism knowingly or inadvertently. Do you know why this cannot be done, my friend? Because –– as shown in the two examples cited by French –– no one at the hotel and no one at the UC system tried to ban or curtail the activities of Jews. It's because people who honor BDS do not hate Jews, they only want to see the Jews of Israel stop hating the Palestinians so much as to ban them from going into their homes, plowing their fields and living their lives like everyone else on the planet. In fact, nobody in America or anywhere else is advocating the BDS of Jews. They only advocate the BDS of products made in Israel by enslaved Palestinian workers.

In fact, if you want to see swarms of Jewish diplomats gathered in one place, go to an American embassy in an Arab capital, and you'll find it overflowing with Jews that came into the country using an American passport or any other passport that is not Israel's. That's because there too, nobody is boycotting the Jews; they only boycott the entity of Israel that's boycotting the Palestinian people simply because they are Christian, or they are Muslim, but they are not Jewish.

Finally, a David French article would not be a David French article if it did not end with a glaring exhibition of the criminal insanity that inspired it. Look how David French ended his article this time:

“When Ilhan Omar supports BDS … the Constitution grants her the same rights it grants all other bigots, but for the movement to mean anything it has to violate the law, including the very non-discrimination statutes that were designed to lead the United States out of its Jim Crow past”.

This prompts the question: Does this mental case realize that the Jim Crow of America's past is dead and will remain buried as long as there are Ilhan Omars to keep it at bay lest it migrate from Israel where its twin is alive and well –– the way that everything else that's evil migrated to America from Israel over the decades?