Saturday, July 27, 2019

Legitimizing Israel by delegitimizing America

Even before the 1967 Israeli surprise attack on its neighbors and the resulting occupation of Palestine –– a situation that continues to this day –– Israelis were committing terrible acts in the Middle East and Europe.

In the Middle East, Israel was stealing water from Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. It was sending letter bombs to European scientists and engineers working in Arab countries. It was luring Arab Jews and training them to bomb American embassies and other installations in Arab capitals. And it was sending squads of Jewish terrorists to assassinate prominent Arabs working in Europe or just traveling there.

These activities were such an embarrassment to America's Jews, they distanced themselves from Israel. In fact, their distancing was so forceful, they loudly complained it was unfair to attribute to America's Jews what Israel was doing because America is America, and Israel is Israel.

And then, the Israeli attack on the Arabs took place in 1967 using French (Western) warplanes at a time when America was being decimated in Vietnam at the hands of people that looked somewhat like the Arabs and used Russian made weapons like those used by the Arabs. Thus, instead of seeing the treachery inherent to Israel's Pearl Harbor style attack on its neighbors, the American spirit was lifted by the fact that Western weapons had demonstrated their superiority over the presumably (Eastern) weapons of Russia.

Despite the fact that the Jews were playing a major role in weakening the home front (making a large contribution to the defeat of America in Vietnam) for a reason that was not understood at the time, the Israeli attack on the Arabs and its effect on America's psyche marked the start of the Jewish conquest of America. This happened because the Jews who were distancing themselves from Israel only days before, were now proudly displaying their kinship and close association with Israel.

And then, bit by bit, the reason why the Jews had worked to defeat America in Vietnam, became clear. They wanted America to pivot from the Far East to the Middle East and stand as sentinel to protect Israel while the latter implemented the ancient dream of setting the region on fire and taking possession of it. Well, the Jews obtained the American pivot they wanted, were given American weapons galore free of charge, were given oodles of money at perpetuity and were given diplomatic cover for all the crimes that Israel was committing at the time, and for those it intended to commit in the future.

These were the events that motivated the whole world to join the Arabs in condemning Israel's criminal activities in the region as well as denounce America's complicity in the matter. In addition, the world that had taken pity on the Jews and gave them a homeland, was now experiencing buyer's remorse. But seeing that Israel was delegitimizing itself to dangerous levels, the Jews pressured America to do all it can to restore to Israel what it was losing. America complied by vetoing every reproach that someone leveled against Israel's activities. And the inevitable consequence has been that America's status as a member in good standing with the human family became suspect. Do you know what else, my friend? Israel was not helped one scintilla.

When you familiarize yourself with this history and read the superior article that Ilhan Omar published in The New York Times, then read the inferior response that Cheryl K. Chumley published in The Washington Times, you feel pity for those who were born in ignorance, are condemned to live their lives in ignorance and remain slated to depart this world in the full glory of their ignorance, never to see light even for a moment.

See for yourself. Ilhan Omar's article came under the title: “It Is Not enough to Condemn Trump's Racism,” and the subtitle: “The nation's ideals are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.” It was published on July 25, 2019. Cheryl Chumley responded on the same day with an article that came under the title: “Ilhan Omar, New York Times, partners in latest anti-Trump hit”.

Here is what Omar did: She introduced herself and then explained that she was prompted to write for a personal reason (crowds at a Trump rally chanted “send her back”), and a civic reason: being elected to serve and defend the Constitution of the United States. She spent little time talking about herself, and a great deal of it explaining that: “The beauty of this country is not that our democracy is perfect. It's that embedded in our Constitution and democratic institutions are the tools to make it better”.

And here is what Cheryl Chumley did: She accused Omar of falsely accusing Trump of being a racist for allowing the chant, “send here back” to go on during a political rally. Apparently Chumley is incapable of seeing why someone might detect a hint of racism in such performance. She also accused Omar of anti-Semitism, not because she knows what Omar said or did to be labeled anti-Semitic, but because someone accused Omar of anti-Semitism, and this was good enough to make it so in the eyes of Chumley.

Now my friend, imagine what Cheryl Chumley would have said or would have written or would have done, had Ilhan Omar chanted: send the Jews back to Europe or to Israel or whatever.