Wednesday, April 29, 2020

An absurd Extreme is now governing America

If you live in an environment where debating all kinds of issues, is a way of life for you and your friends, you get to learn a debating method that comes in handy once in a while.

If it appears that your debating opponent does not have a core system of values from where to defend his point of view, but relies on the accumulation of talking points he learned by rote –– you activate that debating method to point out the fallacy of his stance, or put an early end to the debate.

What you do is grab onto one of the issues in which your opponent appears to be the most vulnerable, and maneuver him to keep pushing the point in one direction till he takes it to an absurd extreme where his argument melts. He thus reveals the moral bankruptcy of his stance, and you win this round of the debate.

Well then, suppose you are in a group that is locked in a constant state of debate with another group. What would be a God-given gift to your group that you'll savor like manna from the sky? Would you not love to have someone join the other group, who is at the same time a reflection of what the group is about, and a constant revelation of its extreme points of view?

Would you not love it if, like a veritable joker, he would take those points to the extreme without the need for you to maneuver him there? Would you not like to have him there instead, whereas members of the group have up to now been cautious enough to make their points with subtlety … having learned the bitter lessons of their long sordid history?

Believe it or not, one such dude actually exists. His name is Donald J. Trump who is such an embodiment of the Jewish moral bankruptcy, he cannot open his mouth without sounding like the unvarnished voice of the two-bit Jewish propagandists. Self-centered, selfish, amoral to the core, reckless and shallow, he firmly believes he is the best thing that happened to humanity in the same way that they firmly believe they were created to make of humanity the best that it can be.

And because he is today standing as President of the United States of America, many of the pundits that were right-wing moderates until the recent past, have been colored by his presence, and were converted to the absurd extreme almost overnight. You could see how extreme that was at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak when they rushed to explain to the bewildered American public that Israel and America were going to have a cure for the pandemic in a week or maybe a day or maybe just an hour from now.

They also explained to the public that America's democracy and Israel’s “za damacracy of za Shamir” will never, never do what the Communists of China did, which was to ask people to lock themselves in their homes to contain the disease and defeat it. But time has shown those pundits to be as wild and wet as the wet markets of China from around where the pandemic may have originated.

You can appreciate that when it comes to saving lives by the hundreds of thousands, normal people do not stop to think if a move they make is Left-wing or Right-wing, Communist or Capitalist, Oriental or Western. They just do it; they save lives and ask questions later. But the clowning pundits that spewed the nonsense at the start of the outbreak, did not wait to see how things will develop before making fools of themselves to make Israel sound like the perfect thing, and make America look like the privileged protector of the perfect thing.

Had those freaks waited long enough, they would have read the article that was written by Alyssa Ayres, showing how India, the largest democracy in the world emulated China, the largest capitalist country in the world –– and ordered the lockdown of its citizens for a time, thus saved hundreds of thousands of lives that would have perished the way they did and still do in America. And the freaks would have seen how in the end, America and much of the so-called democracies ordered the lockdown of their own citizens after all.

Alyssa Ayres's article came under the title: “Coronavirus in an Informal India: Fighting Economy,” and the subtitle: “India has so far prevented a major outbreak of the coronavirus, but the trade-off in doing so has meant hardship for those in the vast informal economy.” It was published on April 24, 2020 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations. After telling how difficult life has been for those who labor in India’s informal economy, Alyssa Ayres reported the following:

“The lockdown has helped prevent the spread of COVID-19. The country has reported a relatively low number of cases given its enormous population––more than twenty-three thousand cases as of April 24. But some in India have begun to ask whether the lockdown has come at too great a cost to the economy”.

These are the armchair generals who –– like their American counterparts –– have nothing intelligent to say before the crucial decisions are taken, but then come up with smart Aleck questions after the decisions are taken, and the event has run its course.

They deserve not a single moment of your attention.