Thursday, April 16, 2020

When the lie is no longer possible to sustain

Except for monks who live a cloistered life in monasteries and spend a lifetime praying to God that they be made perfect in every sense of the word, nobody walks around while permanently visualizing a balance sheet that's made of two columns, one headlining the title: ‘All that's good about me’, the other headlining the title: ‘All that's bad about me’.

On the contrary, everyone walks around thinking they are near to perfect in every sense of the word, but if someone sees something wrong with them, it's because someone has a distorted vision of reality. And besides, if once in a while: ‘I am temporarily not perfect in a small way, it's because others made me like that, but I'll soon recover and go back to being perfect again’.

That is true about individuals as it is about societies regardless of their size. But when a socioeconomic shock hits a society, and its imperfections come to the fore, its people blame the old institutions for preventing them from seeing what was coming and preparing for it. Individuals react by attacking symbols of the old institutions as seen by (1) the Taliban of Afghanistan who blew up the ancient statues representing deities now deemed irrelevant to them, and (2) in Iraq when it was invaded by the US army, and crowds of young men ransacked the museums as well as the headquarters of government ministries.

The Jews are no exception to this rule but for the fact that when it comes to basking in what they see as the glory of their perfection, they think of themselves as surpassing by several orders of magnitude the ultimate in infinite perfection. This also applies to Israel in the eyes of Jews, but because Israel cannot survive without America, it is their judgment that when it comes to America's activities pertaining to Israel, the said activities also rise above the glory of infinite perfection by several orders of magnitude.

And this is how the Jews have conditioned the American media to paint the image of Israel and the Jews to the American public and the various populations around the world; populations with which the American media and/or politico-diplomatic arm of the government are in constant communication. One of the most prominent American politico-journalistic institutions having access to large swaths of the world is Voice of America (VOA).

For half a century VOA has acted as a megaphone informing the world about the infinitely glorious perfection inherent to everything that is Jewish or Israeli or Israeli-American. And then it happened that a shock known as social media, hit the world. It started to shake the confidence of the mouthpieces that have been blowing the Judeo-American propaganda into megaphones around the world, causing the mouthpieces to wobble. One of those is a mockery of a think tank calling itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies, conceived two decades ago, and still headed by Clifford D. May.

You can see the effect on Clifford May of the changes now sweeping America and the world concerning the undeserved position that the Jews used to occupy. Shaken by those changes, you see Clifford May treat the VOA that used to be the vanguard of Judeo-American propaganda around the world, with the same contempt that the Taliban and the Iraqi youngsters treated the old institutions when they came tumbling before their eyes. Here is some of what you'll encounter when reading the Clifford May article:

“VOA journalists were fired for accepting bribes. The Hoover Institution cited concerns about Chinese officials' influence on VOA employees working in China. Chairman Ed Royce called the US Agency for Global Media broken. The chief strategy officer pleaded guilty to stealing from it. Other examples of corruption have come to light. The Washington Post fumed that criticism of the VOA was outrageous. It endorsed VOA director Amanda Bennett, neglecting to mention that she is married to the former owner of The Washington Post. Here's what I think: Those who regard themselves as the resistance are determined to block President Trump's policies and personnel, leaving as much power as possible in the hands of ideologically aligned career bureaucrats. This seems undemocratic, an attempt to establish one-party rule. One more thing: If you were looking for a way to radicalize a growing number of Americans who fear they are being ruled by an unelected bureaucracy, you couldn't come up with a better strategy”.

And so my friend, thanks to social media, the lie about the Jews being supremely perfect in everything they say or do, has been unveiled. The resulting appearance of the naked truth––what used to be hidden from the American public and much of the world––revealed itself. Losing confidence in the ability of the VOA to be the carrier of Jewish propaganda in America and around the world, Clifford May turned against the very institution that had been the Joseph Goebbels of modern Jews for longer than the gentleman has ever lived.

And this is how Clifford May ended his article, unable to suggest what to do that will revive the good old days when it used to happen that:

(1) every Jewish insult thrown at a Palestinian leader netted Israel a few million dollars deposited in its bank account; and

(2) every anti-Palestinian act of ethnic cleansing committed by the Jewish settlers in occupied Palestine, netted the settlers thousands of new settlements in the West Bank; and

(3) every Jewish attack on the unarmed children of the Gaza Strip by the genocidal army of Israel, netted Israel shiploads of new American weapons and munitions.

As you can see, the Jewish evil is still there as demonstrated by the articulated aspiration of Clifford May, but the respect for it has disappeared as shown by his moaning.