Sunday, August 15, 2021

The difference between the real and the fake

 What’s the difference in comportment between (1) someone that knows what he is doing, therefore provides for himself and his family by the work that he does, and (2) someone that knows not how to do anything constructive, therefore provides for himself and his dependents by hustling, deceiving and robbing the people who produce the good things which are meant to serve all of society?


The answer to that question is that a big difference exists between the two. But it is a difference that can be stated in simple terms. It is this: The one who produces what he needs to sustain him and his family has only one story to tell: the truth and nothing else. That’s because there is only one truth to every story. It is one that need not be embellished or justified. It is what it is, and that’s that. As to the hustler, he is forced to invent a new story to justify his evil doings each time that the audience, the settings or the needs change. But try as he may, he can never make the pig look better by changing the lipstick.


Because the truth does not change with time, it stands like a monument to integrity for all to see, and the one that tells it, does not have to repeat it. As to the hustler, he constantly finds himself sinking deeper into the morass of the partial stories he finds evermore difficult to stitch together into a coherent whole. The stories he tells begin to disintegrate, and he begins to dissolve mentally along with them. And this, my friend, is where Jonathan S. Tobin finds himself at this point in time.


You can see how this is happening when you read the article that Tobin wrote under the title: “You can’t be ‘pro-Israel’ if you defend anti-Zionists,” and the subtitle: “Liberals and left-wingers are still trying to avoid conflict with anti-Semitic ‘Squad members’ Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Their excuses are wearing thin.” The article was published on August 13, 2021 in Jewish News Syndicate.


Because Jonathan Tobin and those like him have repeatedly demonstrated they are too feeble-minded to understand the simple concept of equality and equal treatment, I must start the discussion by making this assertion: If two different people or different entities perpetrate the same kind of act, the nature of one act does not change because its perpetrator claims to be different. The two acts can and must be compared.


Because of this, the two perpetrators will be praised or damned according to the same criteria. This means that no individual can claim immunity because he belongs to a certain group (even a protected one.) As well, no entity can escape being compared to another group or another nation because it claims something unique about itself (like being the only Jewish entity on Earth, for example) or because it belongs to a protection racket like pretending to adhere to the principles of liberal democracy … whatever this means nowadays.


To be specific, when American soldiers or contractors commit crimes of the kind that they have in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, neither they nor their acts, nor even America, which pretends to adhere to the rule of law, can escape being equated with the Nazis or the Vietcong or the Taliban. To argue otherwise is to claim that America is inherently superior to others. But superior in what way? Superior in any way you can think of: racially, religiously, ideologically or whatever strokes your fancy. Anyone of these choices is as evil as claiming racial superiority.


What is even more gruesome than all of that, is (1) knowing about the Israelis that have admitted to harvesting the organs of Palestinians they killed, (2) watching an Israeli soldier shoot a wounded Palestinian in the head in full view of the TV cameras and the Israeli politicians who congratulated the soldier for a job well done, and (3) hear the Jews claim that Israel cannot be compared to others because it is both democratic and the ONLY Jewish state in the world. In addition, Israel is claiming, for now at least, that it has shed its Marxist-Stalinist skin to wear a right-wing mantle that is yet to be defined. Call it what you will, but this is criminal insanity of the most Zionist kind.


If Jonathan Tobin and those like him cannot grasp these simple truths, they must be considered as having become mentally deficient by a toxic ingredient that has infested them. But what can that ingredient be? It could be anything. Take your pick: something racial, religious, ideological or whatever strokes your fancy.


So now that we have determined with some certainty what Jonathan Tobin stands for, we look closely at his writing, from which we may determine what it is that bothers him. Here, in condensed form, is how he expressed himself on that score:


“Drawing a straight line between what she characterized as oppression of Palestinians by Israel and the treatment of African-Americans in the United States, Rep. Rashida Tlaib invoked a shadowy, villainous conspiracy behind wrongdoing on two continents, like this: ‘They do it from Gaza to Detroit. They exploit the rest of us, for their own profit. It’s the same people that make money off of racism,’ she said. Claiming that the same people who are preventing Palestinians from getting rid of the Jews are also exploiting regular Americans was tying it all up in a conspiratorial bow that fellow Michigan icon and anti-Semite Henry Ford would have happily endorsed”.


So, this is what bothers Jonathan Tobin, and whining about it, is how he manages to live the highlife on tax exempt donated money. He does it by hollering that Rashida Tlaib and all the good people like her, should be punished for telling the truth and for protecting America from going down in history as the sponsor of the evillest terrorist entity that has ever plagued Planet Earth.