Sunday, November 14, 2021

I deny for thee what is allowed for me

There are two sayings about war. There is, “war is hell.” And there is, “all is fair in love and war.” No one has ever tried to repudiate these sayings by arguing that they have no value, for example. And so, we must take it that they stand as statements of truth and wisdom.


This being the case, it stands to reason that when you’re engaged in a war and you heap hell on your opponent because you see it as being fair, you should also expect that your opponent will heap hell on you because he sees that as being fair. But if one of you complains that the other is not being fair, the complainer will automatically be considered a born loser, and must be ignored.


Until the decade of the 1960s, the Americans understood all of that, and behaved accordingly. In fact, once the war was over, the American military as a whole, and individual American soldiers, sympathized with their former enemies because they knew that they too were fighting for their country. In many instances, surviving soldiers became friends with those against whom they used to fight. But then, something happened to America that changed all of that.


What happened was that the Jews decided to take control of America. To do so, they began by infusing America’s culture with the Judeo-Yiddish one; a culture that rests on the premise which says: “I fight the way that suits me; a way that I deny for thee.” Translated to describe how this applies in a war situation, it means that what the Jews do in war, must be considered fair because war is hell. But when it comes to their opponents, what they do in war, must be considered unfair acts of terrorism.


In consequence of all that, the Jews see it as perfectly normal to explode their entrails out of their bellies hollering: Terror, terror. Look and see Hamas unleashing their kites and balloons against the F-16s and F-35s that America gave us. This is unfair, unfair terrorism. Help, America, help. Send us more weapons and send us more money, money, money.


In time, the Jews had managed to conflate the American identity with the Judeo-Yiddish culture, so much so that writers of all kinds, began to speak about American concerns after passing them through the distorting lens of the Judeo-Yiddish language. An example of that can be seen in the article that came under the title: “The Iranian regime is the problem,” written by Sean Durns, and published on November 13, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here, in condensed form, is what Sean Durns wrote:


“The Islamic Republic of Iran has greatly accelerated its global terror campaign against the US. Iran's attacks and plotting prove the regime’s imperial ambitions. Iranian-backed forces the Houthis stormed the US Embassy in Yemen. The Houthis looted equipment and material, they kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the US Embassy. Earlier, the Houthis had kidnapped 22 others who were tasked with the embassy’s security. Some assert that the Houthis are a homegrown movement in Yemen’s civil war. Accordingly, some hailed the State Department’s decision to remove the Houthis from their list of designated terrorist groups. But the Houthis are a terrorist group. And they are also a subsidiary of Iran. US allies have had to contend with an increasingly emboldened Tehran. Some policymakers in the US have believed that they can separate Iran’s malign activities from negotiations over its nuclear program. But the last several weeks make clear that it is not possible. Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons isn’t the primary problem. The Islamic Republic is”.


So, here it is. Even though it is America’s military that has encircled Iran, and America’s drones that are assassinating Iranian generals, and American cyberattacks that are disrupting Iranian operations — not the other way around — you see Sean Durns accuse Iran and not America, with committing acts of terror. Furthermore, instead of acknowledging that this is a part of the Jewish scheme to use American power and impose a Jewish-led Pax Americana on the world, Sean Durns went on to accuse Iran of plotting to implement imperial ambitions on the world. Durns has turned reality upside down.


Because everything that’s done is done for a reason, we try to find out what it is that motivates Sean Durns. We get lucky in that we don’t have to go too far looking for the reason. We find it at the bottom of his article. Going over it again, we discover that the real reason has to do with the nuclear deal which Iran negotiated with the (P5+1) representing the entire human race. This was the deal that a mad American administration reneged on, and a new, sane administration is trying to resuscitate.


All of that takes us back to Pax Americana. It is the newest version of the old Jewish dream that’s meant to force the messiah to hurry up, come down and give the Jews the ownership deed to the Planet.


The story is that the Jews see a proviso in their mythology which says that the messiah will come only after Armageddon will have cleansed the planet with fire. To make this happen, the Jews came up with a two-pronged strategy. One is to accuse the Muslims of trying to take control of the world. The other is to incite America to preempt the Muslims by heaping fire on them wherever they happen to be.


In the Jewish view, this is what will ascertain the coming of the messiah, who will officially designate them owners of Planet Earth.