Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Certainty of Death, Taxes and the big Lie

It was Benjamin Franklin who said that nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. That’s because he did not live long enough to see something else: The big lie.


The big lie is now uttered thousands of times everyday by dozens of liars. The culprits get away with it because the good people of the Earth are tired of following behind them to pick-up the lies they drop like dogs on laxative. It is not that the people of the Earth do not know what’s happening, they do. It is just that they know the Jewish lie is a disgusting feature of the landscape they must live with because there is no one at this time who cares enough to clean it up.


One of the big lies came under the title: “New proof that it was Hamas — not Israel — that committed war crimes last May,” written by Geoffrey Corn and Richard Natonski, both of yet another fly-by-night Jewish institute they call National Security of America’s Gaza Conflict Task Force. Their article was published on November 12, 2021 in The New York Post.


Seeing a title like that, the first thing that comes to mind is that if the authors were normal people, they will say they have evidence that the Israelis did not commit war crimes, and evidence that Hamas did. For this to be believed, the two Jews would have to say they were embedded with the Israeli troops most likely to have committed such crimes, but that they did not see any committed by them. They might even have gone further and said that they saw crimes committed by Hamas, which they caught on camera, and have the footage, anyone can see on demand.


But the authors are not normal people, so you don’t really expect to see anything like that in the article they wrote. You are curious, however, to know what demented arguments they are pushing forward in the belief that they can convince someone, somewhere that the lies they are telling are the truth. Yes, you are aware of the reality that the septic tank they call Congress, is where the Jewish lies go to be turned into American law for the purpose of binding current and future generations. But that is part of the disgusting landscape you have resigned to live with because no one at this time will clean it up.


So then, what is it that Geoffrey Corn and Richard Natonski are saying in their article? Here, in condensed form, is what they say:


“After reviewing the Israeli Defense Forces’ [IDF] operations as retired [Jewish] officers, we find these accusations spurious — fed by Hamas’ disinformation and a misunderstanding of the Law of Armed Conflict, or LOAC. These dynamics could soon feature in conflicts involving the US military. ‘The real crimes,’ Hamas’ spokesperson told the media, ‘were committed by [Israel] targeting civilians … killing more than 100 children and women and demolishing buildings.’ LOAC requires militaries to only attack military targets. Israeli actions in Gaza reflected a consistent and good-faith commitment to respect and implement these principles. The IDF dropped leaflets, placed phone calls and sent text messages warning Gazan civilians in advance of airstrikes. Hamas deliberately targeted Israeli civilians. Even when attacking military targets, it routinely did so indiscriminately. It exploited Gazan civilians as human shields. We fear America’s enemies could similarly delegitimize future US operations. Chinese officials have already spread false images of supposed Australian war crimes. US troops could be next”.


So that’s what the two clowns, Corn and Natonski did: They reviewed the operations of the IDF after the war. They were not embedded with any Israeli unit while the war was on; they were not even in Israel while the war was raging. They simply reviewed the talking points that were put out by the Jewish propaganda machine in Israel and America, and were satisfied that not only did Israel respect the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), but that Hamas violated that law.


Corn and Natonski went on to accuse Hamas of putting out propaganda to the effect that Israel violated the LOAC. Really? Did they say, Hamas propaganda? How many Hamas publications are there in America, compared to the number of Jewish publications? How many Hamas writers are there in America, compared to the number of Jewish writers? How many Hamas Blitzers are there in America, compared to CNN’s situation roomer?


It’s none of that, say Corn and Natonski, it’s that a Hamas spokesperson who never left Gaza was asked by a foreign journalist what happened, and he or she responded: You were here, you saw them with your own eyes target civilians, saw them kill more than 100 children and women and saw them demolish buildings.


In fact, the Jews of Israel are so enamored with blowing up Palestinian homes and commercial buildings, and so enamored with bombing Palestinian media outlets, they could not resist bombing the building that housed the international media in Gaza. They blew it up, then gave the transparent excuse that Hamas was conducting scientific experiments in that building.


They went on to explain that the experiments were of such advanced sophistication, none of the superpowers has yet come close to that level of scientific knowledge or technical prowess. Well, lets be clear about it; this was not an excuse, it was a premeditated insult meant to hurt the feelings of the world media that refused to kiss Jewish asses or carry their lies to the public.


Knowing that none of that will make their lies stick, Geoffrey Corn and Richard Natonski opened their Jewish toolbox and used the trick they found to be most effective at convincing the Americans that a lie is the truth. That tool is called demagoguery because it is based on hate and fear. And this is how the two writers used it:


“We fear America’s enemies could similarly delegitimize future US operations. Chinese officials have already spread false images of supposed Australian war crimes. US troops could be next”.


That is, the Jews are telling the Americans: You are as bad as us. Today they want to hold us accountable, tomorrow they will want to hold you accountable. Think about it and fret.