Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tobin created a paradigm entirely of fantasies

People that were incarcerated in solitary confinement in some kind of gulag and are released, tell how they spent their time defeating boredom.


Each tells a different story but they all have one common element. It is that they imagined a complete paradigm in which they featured and played a leading role.


This raises an important question: What happens to a child that grows up in a virtual gulag that’s none other than the family home in which he is raised, surrounded by the society to which the family belongs?


As if living in a cocoon without walls, the child grows up seeing the world in which he exists; one that is different from the world out there; a world that is just as real to him. He interacts with both worlds by being himself when surrounded by the society to which he belongs, and pretending to be someone else when in the world that’s out there, requiring him to follow norms contradicting the realities of home.


This is what happens to the children of families that migrate from one culture to a markedly different culture. Fortunately, what happens most of the time—with rare exceptions—is that the parents quickly grasp the burden that’s placed on their children, and encourage them to blend with the society they have themselves adopted to be theirs and that of their descendants.


Because migration has been the norm throughout human history, a scenario of that sort must have played out millions of times on Planet Earth. But then, something curious happened to humans; one that added a new dimension to the reality of migration. It was a phenomenon that may be called “Religious Fanaticism.” With it came rituals and modes of living that were so rigid, they prevented some migrants from adapting to the culture in which they settled.


Whereas in most cases, the migrants either adapted to the ways of their adopted homes, or converted the locals to their own beliefs and way of life, one group of religious fanatics has resisted this trend. They are the Jews who, unlike what the Christians and the Muslims did, failed to convert whole nations to Judaism or fully assimilate in the cultures to which they migrated. Because of this, the Jews failed to escape persecution everywhere they went for being threateningly different from the locals.


What’s happening to the Jews nowadays throughout the Planet, is that they are reviled by the local populations because of two phenomena which are unfolding simultaneously. One phenomenon is that the Jews stole a country called Palestine, and are treating its unarmed local population with unprecedented savagery. The other phenomenon is that, having deployed their full bag of trickeries, the Jews managed to transform superpower America into a killer that’s ravaging the Planet like never before.


Whereas the leaders of America remain in their hypnotic state, mindlessly obeying the Jewish commands, the ordinary people of America are waking up to the reality that they have become a mere plantation in existence for the sole purpose of serving the Jews, as well as their pet project in Palestine which they now call Israel. The people of America are getting restless, they are shaking their own leaders, imploring them to wake up. And this is causing the Jewish leaders to run scared.


One of those Jewish leaders, is Jonathan S. Tobin who wrote an article in which he displays the difficulties that the Jews experience having to live in two worlds at the same time. Tobin’s article came under the title: “Biden’s ‘build back better’ message to Iran, Israel and the Arabs,” published in the online publication Jewish News Syndicate on November 22, 2021.


Those who were reading Jonathan Tobin over the years while also following the events of the real world, would have detected the extent of divergence between the Jewish world that Tobin was describing, and the real world he thought he knew but did not. Well, he is doing that same thing again in his current article, something we can study to understand where the Jews have taken America, and where they are heading with or without America.


The fantasies that make up the paradigm created by Jonathan Tobin are many, but one is noteworthy because it makes up a good part of his current article. It is the following:


Tobin is implying that because Israel, like Jews, does not do anything that’s not a paragon of absolute perfection, the work it has been doing to make life miserable for the Iranian people, is of such high quality, you must conclude that sooner or later, the people of Iran will start committing mass suicide, perhaps a million at a time, to be relieved of the pain that Israel is heaping on them. Here is a sampling of that:


“Note Israel’s highly successful efforts at sabotaging Tehran’s program and threatening to take military action with or without American help. Note also Israel’s successes inside Iran, including assassinations and explosions at facilities. Think how it would be if the Israelis hadn’t been playing havoc with Tehran’s facilities and putting the fear of God into those working there. The point about Israel’s efforts harassing the Iranians is that they’ve tied the regime up in knots searching for a set up inside the country that has resulted in epic intelligence coups and operations. The Iranians have no idea where or when the Israelis will strike next or how it will happen, and that means the regime cannot protect its assets or its equipment. What the Israelis have done is make it plain that no one person or facility in that country is safe from the long reach of Israeli intelligence operatives”.


But the truth is that neither America nor Israel knew about Iran’s nuclear project till some Shah loyalists left the country and spilled the beans. They formed several groups in exile, each dedicated to harass the current regime hoping to destabilize it, thus be able to bring back the Shah’s regime. They are doing most of the dirty work in Iran for which Israel takes credit.  


And while this is the reality of what’s happening to Iran, another reality concerns what Iran is doing to Israel. Aside from the cyberwar that’s bringing unto the internet many of Israel’s secrets, the Iranians have managed to plant a spy in the home of the Israeli Minister of Defense.


Talking about sleeping with the enemy! Let Israel plant a spy in the bedroom of the Chief Ayatollah before those like Jonathan Tobin can brag about Israel’s spying prowess.