Friday, May 27, 2022

Deep pocket calls to account a serial killer

 There are good journalists who report the facts as they observe them, and express honest opinions when necessary. And there are amateur journalists who sensationalize what they see, and then editorialize about them rather than report honestly on what they observe. 


As well, the world is run by authorities that respect the good journalists and tolerate the bad ones. And there are authorities that want journalists to be purveyors of the good news that happen in their jurisdictions while ignoring the bad ones no matter how consequential they may be. These authorities protect and reward the first kind of journalists and punish the second kind.


And then there are the Israeli authorities who run the country of Palestine they stole by exercising the power they derive from the American legislators who are plagued with low self-esteem, thus arm and finance the Israelis on command. These despicable creatures squander the power that belongs to the people, and survive in their posts by kissing Jewish rear ends day and night.


Trained like savage circus animals who respect the self-confident authoritarian trainers, and attack the weakly trainers that show fear and self-doubt, the American legislators squander what they are in charge of on the Israelis who show a self-confident contempt for them by treating the journaliststhat the Americans “pride” themselves on protectinglike toys meant to be played with or worse.


In fact, the Israelis deliberately show contempt for the Americans by treating the journalists of the world as disposal commodities to be thrown in the trash can when they do not serve the purpose for which they were supposed to have been created as described in Jewish beliefs. Thus, we see the Israelis constantly complaining to the Americans about the foreign publications that do not toe the Israeli line while bombing the buildings that house those publications, and killing the honest journalists in the field as they do their job covering the events of the day.


The Jews of Israel do all this in the knowledge that however blatant their acts of contempt for the Americans, they’ll hear not a peep from them or from anyone else in the American government. These are the same Americans who get on everyone’s back for doing less to harm the journalists, and say nothing about the Israeli actions, but continue to arm and finance Israel while looking the other way when the most horrible crimes are committed by the Jewish masters of America.


No one in the world has in the past dared to challenge this state of affairs because no one had the means to do it, and have a chance at being successful going against the combined power of the American patsies and their Jewish masters. But things have suddenly changed because finally a deep pocket has decided to challenge the status quo. That challenger is Al Jazeera, who is backed by the government of Qatar, a wealthy country sitting on vast natural gas resources.


You can see the news about this event as reported by Arjun Singh in an article he wrote under the title: “Al Jazeera Will Take Israel to International Criminal Court over Journalist’s Death,” published on May 26, 2022 in National Review Online.


Arjun Singh is reporting that Al Jazeera has decided to take Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the killing of an American journalist that happened to be of Palestinian origin. Al Jazeera is also taking Israel to court for the bombing of the building in Gaza that housed the international media.


That incident took place during the war of May 2021, a time when the Israeli air force proved to be useless trying to destroy the maze of tunnels in which the Gaza military had stored its equipment. It was also a time that the Israeli military was fearful of going in with grounds troops, having leaned during previous wars that it takes 10 Israeli soldiers to fight one Palestinian soldier man to man, and then run away with tail between their legs to hang on to their dear life or perish on the spot.


Frustrated at their inability to defeat the Palestinians who fight the Israeli occupation with the same zeal and determination as the Ukrainians who fight the Russians who are trying to occupy their land, the Israelis and their Jewish and non-Jewish supporters have learned that it does not pay to ask the Americans for weapons and money in a situation that is expected to last long. That’s because the Americans get bored quickly, and will drop you like a hot potato in no time at all.


Still, the Israeli occupation of Palestine has lasted more than half a century while paid for by the Americans during all that time because the Jews had learned that to keep the Americans interested in their cause, they must play on their low self-esteem by constantly making them feel they are inferior to the Jews who will accuse them of antisemitism if they relent even for a moment in their support for Israel.


And so, like the successful circus trainer, the Jews have kept the American political class in check by showing a self-confident contempt for them, trampling on the American Constitution, not only by making a mockery of the rule of law, but also forcing the Americans themselves to make a mockery of the rule of law. The latter did just that when the State Department sided with Israel in its opposition to the Palestinians who decided to take Israel to the ICC, citing its never-ending criminal behavior.