Friday, May 13, 2022

Will they now do the right thing and eat crow?

 Can you imagine the editors of the New York Post making yet another horrible mistake — which is as natural to them as breathing ­— admitting that they erred and publicly eat crow to pay for their mistake?


How about if to them, eating crow consists of writing an editorial in which they apologize for jumping the gun and thoughtlessly supporting Israel when it does the wrong things as much as when it does the right things? Would the editors of the Post write such an editorial?


Consider the reality that whenever an Israeli is killed, the government of Israel automatically blames the Palestinians, and so do the editors of the New York Post who never call their supposition disgusting, even though it was made before an investigation or a trial were held to determine who was culpable.


Well, the editors of the New York Post have the chance to redeem themselves by retracting their latest editorial in which they called the assertion made by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, disgusting. The editors should retract and apologize whether the upcoming investigation will prove them right or wrong. It is that they attacked Rashida Tlaib because she made the reasonable assumption that because the Israelis use guns in their confrontation with the Palestinians who use only their bare hands and stones, it must be that the shooting of a journalist happened with a bullet that came out the nozzle of an Israeli gun.


Who needs a trial — or even an investigation?” howled the editors of the New York Post in an editorial they wrote under the title: “The week in whoppers,” and published on May 12, 2022. The editors proceeded to explain what they thought went on that day, and hummed an accusatory hmm when reporting that the Palestinian Authority — whose trust in the Israeli government after half a century of negotiations came down to zero — had refused to hand the killer bullet to the spiteful government.


Now, my friend, I must admit that the New York Post editorial was not without redemption. It is that the piece of work produced by those editors inadvertently brought out something that the Jews have always refused to acknowledge. Here is what they did this time: “Tlaib is only interested in slamming the Middle East’s only true democracy as it defends itself against terrorists. Disgusting”.


How redemptive is this? It is when you consider that every time someone accused a Jew of being obnoxious, the Jews complained about the use of such “inappropriate language.” They complained in their own publications as well as those which pretend to be mainstream but are run by Jews, such as the New York Post and the New York Daily News. But now, the editors of the Post have shown that it is acceptable to describe Tlaib as being “disgusting” because she slammed what they view as a “democratic” Israel defending itself. In so doing, however, they validated the view that Jews who call themselves Zionists can be viewed as obnoxious by others because they stole the country that belongs to the Palestinians who are the most noble and peaceful people on the Planet.


This being the case, what are the ramifications of the Jews being viewed as obnoxious by the general public? We get an answer to this question by studying the article that came under the title: “Don’t just condemn anti-Semitism; combat it,” written by Marisa Bearak and published in the New York Daily News on May 13, 2022.


To argue that it is necessary to educate the public about the Holocaust in order to solve the problem of antisemitism, Marisa Bearak has managed instead to demonstrate that educating the public about the Holocaust, makes people illiterate about the Holocaust, and increases antisemitism. And so, Bearak has concluded that what’s needed in America, is doing more Holocaust education. Imagine.


And so, when you read that kind of passages, they make you think that this woman, Marisa Bearak is a one-of-a-kind screwball, but you’d be wrong. The fact is that there is not a single rabbi or Jewish writer that does not share those views. They are all screwballs.


The following is a condensed version of the passages that tell all about the screwy viewpoints of Jewish so-called thinkers:


“With 1.7 million Jews in the [New York] metropolitan area, there are more Jews here than in any one place besides Israel. Yet, more visibility has only made Jews more vulnerable. To curb Jew-hatred must be central to a plan to combat anti-Semitism. It should start with passing a Holocaust education bill. New York is among the states that scored the lowest in a nationwide 2020 survey measuring knowledge of the Holocaust among millennials and Gen Z adults. While teaching about the Holocaust is mandatory in New York, a study of the current curriculum will provide necessary insight into gaps in Holocaust education and a better understanding of how it is taught in schools. Condemning anti-Semitism is not enough”.


During the four thousand years that the idea of Judaism has been haunting Planet Earth, the Jews have convinced the political leaders of the countries where they found themselves, to impose the Jews on their own people by enacting Jewish-specific laws and rules that privileged them. This caused the public resentment that the Jews conveniently call Jew-hatred and antisemitism. They complained about it in the way that Marisa Bearak has done in her article. But instead of “combating” antisemitism, the approach has fueled antisemitism.


It follows from this that the way to combat Jew-hatred and antisemitism is to tell the Jews they got too much already, and they need to stop nagging the higher-ups for more, because all they will get from now on, is a public dressing down and humiliation.


In fact, the editors of the New York Post can begin the trend by eating crow, and writing an apology addressed to Rashida Tlaib, while telling the Jews they must end the occupation of Palestine.