Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) protects us

 When for personal reasons, Winston Churchill convinced trigger-happy and gullible Americans that the way to go was to encircle the Soviet Union with bases because these people are hard to understand, therefore must be considered evil — America started Cold War 1 that proved unnecessary by the behavior of the Russians when at the end of that war, the losing Soviets (now a nuclear superpower but an economic wreck) proved to be a docile pussycat desirous only to be protected like everyone else, and sharing the good life with those who tried to strangle it, motivated by the demonic advice of Winston Churchill.


Having caused the Soviet Union to permanently live with a war economy that allowed it to become a nuclear superpower sitting on a civilian economy that could not sustain it, America and its Western European allies created a situation of theoretical stalemate between them and the Soviet Union. This was a situation that reigned during the entire period of Cold War 1. That period earned the moniker Mutual Assured Destruction or MAD in recognition of the fact that a war between the two nuclear armed camps would have annihilated both sides, and taken down the rest of the world with them. This is why neither side dared to start a hot war.


When at the end of Cold War 1, the Soviet Union voluntarily relieved itself of the responsibility to protect and guide the Eastern European satellites under its influence, it lost half of its population and a great deal of the territory — part of which was its own, and part was under its controlling influence. Instead of seeing this act as a gesture of goodwill on which to build and create the world that human beings have been clamoring for during the millennials that they did much to inflict misery on themselves and each other, the Western alliance headed by America started Cold War 2 by taking into its camp the satellites that used to be under Soviet influence. In so doing, they tightened the rope on Russia’s neck as if it had lost not the Cold War but a hot war against the West, leaving behind much spoils for the winners to pick up.


This development caused the Russian leaders to see things as representing an existential threat to themselves and the land to which they sacrificed much to protect against foreign invaders during the centuries. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union is what caused the chain of events that brought us to this point, the Soviet leaders determined that the logical response to the moves of the Western alliance can only be the attempt to reconstruct the old Soviet Union. To that end, Russia invaded Ukraine that was formerly its most prized rump in an attempt to make it part of Russia once again.


The war in Ukraine is ongoing at this time with Russia fully committed to winning it, and the entire Western alliance, now apparently on the side of Ukraine, fully committed to preventing Russian from winning. Enter the stage from the far right, the shapeshifting Jews who are having a great time playing the peacemakers trying to bring a resolution to the conflict so as to allow Russia to ramp down and save face, while at the same time flooding the Western marketplace of ideas with exhausting anti-Russian propaganda, aimed at making the West believe that the Jews, including Israel, stand with the West.


You can see how that Jewish effort is playing itself out when you study the article that came under the title: “Tyrannical dictator Putin gives new life to NATO,” written by Clifford D. May, and published on May 17, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Having failed to bring the Russian and Ukrainian leaders to meet in occupied Jerusalem, of all the places in the world — an attempt that if successful would have legitimized the Jewish occupation of Palestine while at the same time delegitimized the Russian occupation of Ukraine — the Jewish mouthpieces of Israel, such as Clifford May, started to attack Russia with all they got.


The propaganda purveyed by Clifford May had been that the invasion of Ukraine was the brainchild of the Russian President Vladimir Putin who wants to reconstruct the Russia of the Czarist era (stretched over 250 years), which is a bizarre contention given that during most of that time, Russia enjoyed a smaller territory than today’s Russia.


Throughout the article, Clifford May is expressing the delight that Russia has invaded Ukraine because he sees the move as the act that got the Western allies to rally around America, even see other European nations that lived as neutral states for decades, finally deciding to seek membership in the NATO military alliance headed by America. These were Finland and Sweden who did so as an insurance policy against a possible Russian aggression, a move that would trigger Article 5 of the NATO charter, prompting all the members to come to the rescue.


Also throughout the article, Clifford May is promoting the idea that deterrence is the way for America to go, thus keep the world safe from the bad characters who threaten the good people that cannot defend themselves. But this has proven to be a false contention given that nations as small as Venezuela, and as powerful as Russia are doing what they want while giving America the middle finger. The truth of the matter is that so far, MAD is the reason why there has not been a nuclear war on Planet Earth. But there has been plenty of smaller wars in which America got involved, and got its ass kicked everywhere by big boots and small boots.


The sad fact is that what deterrence manages to do, is force the other guys to keep up with America by arming themselves to the teeth. This, in turn, feeds the worldwide arms race which duplicates the danger we see in the streets of America. It is that many guns have led to the murderous rampage no one knows how to stop.


Humanity wants a better outcome than that.