Tuesday, December 6, 2022

America finally adopts the Palestinian cause

 American intellectual pursuits, international diplomacy and local politics have sunk so low into the Jewish cesspool, they are often reduced to a debate about two personalities trying to outdo each other.


You can see an example of that in the article that Jed Babbin wrote under the title: “Biden adopts the Palestinian cause,” and the subtitle: “The president's team is intent on undoing everything Trump did – no matter how good it was.” The article was published on December 3, 2022 in The Washington Times.


That article is such a joke, I’ll be forgiven for starting the discussion by telling a joke that will serve as allegory to what Babbin has started. Here is the joke: Because monks take a vow of silence, they don’t ask that they be served if and when they need something. They can, however, ask that someone else be served if they see a need for that.


So, there was this monk who saw a cockroach in his soup at dinner time. Unable to tell the waiter about it lest he violate the custom, he came up with an ingenious solution. He told the waiter that the monk sitting near him, is missing a cockroach in his soup, and the waiter got the point. So, there you have it, my friend. The need of the monk was brought to light via the pretense that another monk had a false need.


You’ll know how that joke mirrors Jed Babbin’s logic by recalling the time — years ago — when Netanyahu went to the United Nations, shaking in his boots and telling a worldwide audience that Iran was only days away from producing the bomb that will inflict a holocaust on Israel’s Jews. Now, my friend, juxtapose that image with what Jed Babbin is saying in his article:


“The Arab nations, terrified by the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, saw Mr. Trump’s Abraham Accords as the best chance to align themselves with the US and Israel, the only regional power able to face up to Iran”.


So, there you have it according to Jed Babbin. It wasn’t Netanyahu shaking in his boots years ago about Iran’s real or imagined capabilities. It’s about the Arab nations which are currently terrified about Iran’s capabilities that never materialized to begin with. Thus, analogous to the story of the monks, Netanyahu’s fears are responded to with the pretense that it is the Arabs who are fearful of Iran. And while they are at it, why not add that the Arabs are looking to Israel and America to protect them. It is that when the Jews begin their diarrhea of self-praise, they don’t stop even after the cesspool fills up.


Believing that he sits at the apex of intellectual pursuits, international diplomacy and local politics, Jed Babbin went on to say the following with great pride: “As this column has pointed out before, Mr. Biden and his team are intent on undoing everything Mr. Trump did, no matter how good it was.” And so, he proceeded to tell stories that did more than mutilate history, they made minced meat out of history.


That situation arose because Babbin could not get to the core of his argument—which is that President Biden must not adopt the Palestinian cause—without inventing a string of events that never happened while at the same time ignoring a string of events that did happen. But why was it necessary for Babbin to get into this kind of squabble at the present time?


It was necessary because Netanyahu got elected Prime Minister of Israel, and he called on his moral prostitute in America to start spewing the kind of venom that will justify his Hitlerian plan to annex the West Bank instead of doing the right thing, which is to end the criminal occupation of Palestine. Here, in condensed form, is how Jed Babbin formulated Netanyahu’s call:


“Since 1974, when Yasser Arafat addressed the UN General Assembly, the Palestinians have been an obstacle to peace. The Arab nations insisted that the Palestinian issue be resolved before they would address Israel’s demands. The Oslo Accords set forth the idea of a trade of land for peace. Israel would surrender lands to create a Palestinian state; in turn, the Palestinians would agree to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Israel has offered peace on those terms at least three times. In 2000, 2005, and 2008 when Israel proposed a map of a Palestinian state. President Mahmoud Abbas promised to study the map and return to the negotiations. He broke that promise. The Oslo Accords failed because ‘land for peace’ never ends a war; it only delays an end until one side is defeated. Nevertheless, Mr. Biden has long been committed to the land for peace theory”.


The reality is that at the end of each negotiation, when the agreements were written up and ready to be signed, Israel came up with a new demand out of nowhere in a transparent move to sabotage what had been accomplished. The new demands would be so egregious, Arafat felt that the Jews wanted more than the shirt on his back, thus iconically lamented the question: Are you asking me to striptease?


The most egregious demand being that the Palestinians should agree to call Israel a Jewish state — which would be a license for Israel to expel all non-Jews out of occupied Palestine — the demand froze the negotiations between the two sides, which is where things stand now.


And then, for some strange reason, Jed Babbin could not resist shooting himself in the foot at the end of his discussion. What he did was cite the most apt example you can think of, that would demolish his argument. Whereas the whole world sees that Russia’s invasion and annexation of Ukraine is analogous to Israel’s criminal invasion and annexation of Palestine, Babbin wrote this:


“The same holds true with respect to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Any such deal will delay, not deter or defeat Russia’s desire to conquer Ukraine”.


One can only guess what Netanyahu will want to do now with a surrogate as incompetent as Jed Babbin.