Sunday, December 11, 2022

They seek universal assent to be supreme

 When Moses lied to them saying they were chosen by God to be his favorite children, and when he promised they’ll inherit the Earth with all its content—considered to be their property even now—the so-called Jews took the cruel hoax to heart and lived by it ever since.


Even though thousands of years have passed, and the promise looks more like a bad joke than a divine plan to organize humanity into a hierarchy that puts them at the top of the heap, the Jews do not seem to give up demanding that humanity accept the divine will and cede all powers and possessions to them.


Why is that?


It’s because Jews are not the Jews they want the world to believe they are. It is that the Moses hoax was given to the Hebrew tribes that wanted a country of their own but did not want to work on building one. Thus, Moses suggested that they steal one. To legitimize the crime, he said it was the will of God that they do so. In fact, Moses went on to say that God had volunteered to be the general who will guide them to victory after victory when they decide to go on a rampage, kill everyone and destroy everything that stands in their way.


But living with the hoax that asserted they were chosen, had its negative effects on the Hebrew tribes. It happened because when they saw their numbers dwindle as they fought to steal a country, they went to the proverbial Tower of Babble and recruited people of all kind to shore up their ranks. In so doing, they sacrificed their tribal cohesion and diluted their pedigree. They could no longer pretend they were Hebrew, so they called their movement a religion, named it Jewish and made it sound like to be a Jew was to be of one and the same race.


And the Jews have been stealing, rampaging and killing ever since those days while constantly recruiting new conscripts from among those they con into believing they’ll become of the chosen, and will inherit the Earth with all its content.


But times have changed and the influence of religion on the masses, has steadily been reduced. The stories that supposedly happened in the distant past, and were believed to be miraculous events, are increasingly viewed as mythologies in the genre of the Greco-Roman deities. With this, the myth of the Jews being the chosen children of God and sole owners of the world, is vanishing.


Accustomed to being venerated for what they were believed to be but were not, the self-appointed Jewish leaders now refuse to accept that their people have been demoted to the status of ordinary human beings who are deprived of monopolistic privileges that would visibly demonstrate to the rest of humanity they are the chosen children of God, and meant to reign supremely above everyone.


To fight back against what’s happening to what they call their people, the Jewish leaders devised a plan according to which they manipulate the defects of the liberal-democratic system of government. They motivate the political leaders of those countries to betray their oath of office and serve the interests of the Jews, which they do to the detriment of their own people. This causes the masses to get angrier and more hostile toward the Jews, as manifested by the speeches they make and the acts they commit — all of which are deemed to be antisemitic.


You can see how this comes about when you read the article that came under the title: “It’s time to implement the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism,” and the subtitle: “Jews do not feel safe in many parts of the continent, and they need European leaders to take the matter in hand.” It was written by Rod Singer who is chairman of the Center for Jewish Impact, chairman of the Board of Trustees of World ORT, a member of the governing board of the Combat Antisemitism Movement and the former CEO of the World Jewish Congress.


The article was printed on December 8, 2022 in the online publication, Jewish News Syndicate.


What you see in the first paragraph of the article are the words “strategy” which means artificial, “combating” which means a war of some sort, “fostering Jewish life” which means granting special privileges to Jews — as well as the idea that “Europe can only prosper when its Jewish communities prosper,” all of which prompts the question: What does Robert Singer want the world to do for the Jews? Here is what he wants:


“Each country must develop national strategies for combating antisemitism. Adopt and use the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and encourage local authorities, regions, cities and other institutions and organizations to do the same. Bottom of FormTo T  Actively strengthen the capacity of national and local law enforcement and judicial authorities to prosecute those involved in online hate. Strengthen education against antisemitism. Teach tolerance towards the Jews to children as young as possible, through junior and high schools, in formal and informal educational settings. More children and youths having been exposed to antisemitic hate speech and conspiracy theories, there must be a counterbalance to this in the classrooms and informal education programs. Syllabi should focus on how the Jewish people have been targets in the past and the present. All forms of antisemitism must be addressed, including modern manifestations involving Jewish collectivity in Israel”.


Robert Singer wants the hypnotized political leaders of the liberal democracies to hand him and his fellow Jewish leaders, the children of Europe so that they can brainwash them at a young age, and make them grow up believing that Jews are a race apart, and a supreme one at that.


He also wants the leaders of the liberal democracies to hand him and his fellow Jewish leaders, the entire judicial system, beginning with the codification of the Jewish definition of antisemitism. This done, he wants the Jews to own the national and local law enforcement and judicial authorities so that every Jew will have the power to summarily convict those he accuses to committing online hate.


Last but not least, he wants humanity to hypnotize the self into believing that Israel is heaven on Earth, and that it is the exclusive home of the Jews.