Saturday, December 24, 2022

Public pursuit of a resolution to my dispute with the Canadian government

 The year 2023 will soon be upon us. It is the year I turn 80. This will happen in a few months. Taking into account the reality that I won’t have much longer to live beyond that age, I set it as a red line at which time I’d go public with the decades-long dispute I’m having with the Government of Canada should the latter continue to break its public promise as well as its numerous private promises to me.


It happened that decades ago, the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) did what comes naturally to Jews, which was to inject tons of fear and hate about me into the veins of the Canadian Government. The latter responded by putting the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at the disposal of the CJC, allowing it to do whatever it took to destroy my life should I continue to refuse writing like Lubor Zink, the self-loathing Eastern European Salman Rushdie of his time.


Typical of the Globe and Mail editors of that time, they appropriated the dispute I was having with the RCMP, and carried on with the debate concerning the excesses committed by Canada’s federal police force. The editors said they were doing it to help establish a new public policy, but made sure never to mention my name even though I was at the center of the dispute being debated. Go figure.


Under mounting pressure, Pierre Elliott Trudeau who was then Prime Minister of Canada, established a Royal Commission to look into the excesses of the RCMP, publicly promising in the name of the Canadian Government that everyone so victimized, will be notified in writing as to what happened, and given the opportunity to pursue legal remedies. I was never notified and so, I tried to resolve the dispute using the methods established by the system of Liberal Democracy, only to discover that the methods were boobytraps, and meant to explode in the face of those seeking justice.


The first method I used, consisted of speaking to my member of Federal Parliament. I did so on several occasions, meeting with a member of one political party or another over the decades. Each time, I was promised that I’ll be getting the awaited notification but instead of this happening, I was visited by the RCMP who interrogated me as if I had committed a crime complaining about them. And that wasn’t even their punishment of me. The punishment that was meant to hurt and did so profoundly, consisted of the RCMP or their surrogates approaching my landlord, my employer or an acquaintance to ask questions about me after introducing themselves as members of things like the “contraband” squad, the “narcotics” squad or what have you.


This method to resolve my dispute with the Canadian Government being closed to me, I do not wish to try it again.


The second method I used to resolve my dispute with the Canadian Government, consisted of speaking to prominent people privately and quietly to see if they could do something to end the CJC/RCMP surveillance, harassment and persecution of me. The RCMP responded by destroying these people, revealing sexual behavior about them or a member of the family.


This method to resolve my dispute with the Canadian Government being closed to me, I do not wish to try it again.


The third method I used to resolve my dispute with the Canadian Government, consisted of writing letters to the government or its agencies — not about the harassment itself — but the effect of the harassment that was preventing me from getting a break in life such as, for example, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) lifting my name off the blacklist, and accepting for production any of the 100 or so scripts I wrote, and were deemed excellent by many people in the industry.


What happened was a response that is so unique to Canada, you’ll never see its like anywhere in the world. It is the savage mutilation of history in a manner that’s so imaginative, it is as gruesome as taking pleasure dismembering a fetus in the womb before it is out taking its first breath.


Here is how that worked. I write a letter on a given date, making several points. Instead of the responder responding to my concerns, having properly dated their letter showing it to be written after mine and in response to it, the responder predates their letter to before mine so as to make it sound like I was responding to their letter. The net result of the correspondence — that which will be archived to preserve Canada’s history — will be as confusing and dishonest as Canada telling China it has a bad record on Human Rights … instead of learning a lesson in intellectual honesty from the Chinese.


This method to resolve my dispute with the Canadian Government being closed to me, I do not wish to try it again.


And this leaves me with no choice but to go public with my dispute, asking the Government of Canada to keep the promise of notifying me as to what happened and why, and telling me of my options.


No more private talks behind closed doors, no more stabbing me in the back, no more giving me the runaround, and no more punishing me for asking to end my persecution. Robbing a man of his entire adult life is savagery unheard of before anywhere in the world.


Enough is enough. There is an urgent need to put closure to this matter.