Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fox News wants to see universities shutdown

 Next time it happens that the big topic preoccupying the media of Aerica, is higher education, switch to Fox News and stay with it for as long as you can. You’ll see host after host take charge of program after program and guide guest after guest to do no less than espouse the Fox News point of view and then elaborate on it to make it sound like it is the guest’s own point of view.


To be accurate in my reporting, I must add that once in a while, the pattern I described above may be punctuated with the appearance of a guest who will not need the guidance of Fox News to espouse what he or she thinks. These people will describe what it is they want to see done with America’s systems of education — not just the higher education but those at all levels.


These people would be the Jews whose motto for thousands of years has been to ask the question: “Is this good for the Jews?” If it is, they want it done; if not they want it rejected. In addition, with the circumstances having changed to now include a place called Israel, which the Jews consider to be their own, these people expanded their preoccupation to include the question: “Is this good for Israel”?


Campus protest is not new to America. It’s been happening for decades, leading even to fatal encounters between the protesters and the defenders of law and order, as it happened in 1970 at the University of Kent State when the students were protesting the War in Vietnam. In fact, no group has taken more advantage of that “sacred” privilege than the Jews who mobilized the students of very university, and had them harass the Soviet Union with the chant: “Let my people go.” Now those same Jews are forcing Fox News to promote the idea of shutting down America’s universities by starving them of funds.


But then, subtle events began to show the emergence of a different American sentiment toward their country’s involvement in foreign wars. Instead of blaming the “war mongering” military for those wars, the young men and women who were called to serve, developed a different point a view. They saw that the real culprits behind the wars have been the Jews who took control of the government and forced it to work in such ways as to fulfill the Jewish desire that everything be done in such a way as to serve the Jews and Israel.


This is how the Timothy McVeigh syndrome developed among the soldiers of America. Those who were infected dealt with it by ending their own lives, others began to spy for a foreign government, and still others used the social media to unveil America’s secrets so as to embarrass the government. But what was the nature of the infection to begin with?


The infection has no name yet. So, the best way to describe it is to think what McVeigh must have gone through as he wrestled with his conscience. An ace marksman specialized in shooting people in the head and taking them down instantly, he thought he was sent to Iraq to fight evil Arabs. What he found instead were primitive peasants who would not hurt a fly.


But McVeigh had his orders and shot them dead anyway. This triggered a crisis of conscious in him, the kind that millions of veterans suffer from these days. What adds to the misery of these people, is that the Jews who caused them to commit crimes overseas are returning to a country where the same Jews are forcing them to live on the street in their own feces without money or medical care. Thousands conclude every year that suicide was the answer to their misery.


To add insult to injury, the Jews have now teamed up with Fox News, and started a massive scheme to take over the system of education in America. Their aim is not education but the indoctrination of America’s toddlers with subjects that include studying the Holocaust, memorizing the names of concentration camps, maybe even retaining the names of those who perished nearly a century ago far away from here.


You ask: How are the Jews proceeding with their scheme fearing as they do that they may fail the way they did in everything they tried? Well, they are proceeding by saturating the airwaves with the demand that the survival of the so-called Jewish people be responded to by making it the duty of every American to work for the preservation of Jewish life even at the cost of America’s survival as a nation — whether their scheme succeeds or fails.