Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The collective bark that convinced no one

 Earlier this morning about a dozen Republican politicos filed in front of the television cameras, and one by one, barked the song of mental retardation: Keep the money that America stole from the Iranians, they repeated.


In fact, things are happening these days that may baffle the casual observers who were not made privy to all that’s going on, or did not themselves give sufficient attention to what’s going on.


For these reasons, I feel compelled to begin this discussion by laying the historical background of what brought us to the current situation.


Having lived for 55 years in the hell of the Jewish democracy that was adopted by the Trudeaus, I went public on December 24, 2022 with my story. I published a brief account of what I had done to get in touch with the government that was supposed to protect me but stabbed me in the back instead. It did so by giving me the kiss of death and handing me to the Jews in exchange for a handful of dollars.


Believing that the government of Canada, its operatives and influencers will realize that the time had come to put closure to the horrific terror that was imposed on me for 20,000 days just because I had refused to say that Egypt, which is my place of birth, was bad whereas Israel was good — I was flabbergasted to see Justine Trudeau respond in the same old way of treating an ongoing criminal act like it was a harmless political game meant to entertain the participants and be enjoyed by them.


Now compelled to take a different approach, I started making the moves that revealed to others I was thinking legal action. And no one noticed this development more than the Jews, who immediately responded in the most familiar of their ways: They thought money, money, money!


Fearing I may win the case and be awarded the money that’s owed to me instead of going to them – as this sort of thing always happens in the so-called democracies – the Jews turned to Jewish Central and asked that the syndicate find a solution. And yes, the syndicate did come up with a solution.


It said that America owed Egypt 300 million dollars it plans to pay out shortly. The thing to do, added the syndicate, is to mobilize the Jewish foot soldiers and have them impress upon the treasonous American politicos to start working on diverting that money to the various Jewish causes. And the foot soldiers were able to buttonhole 11 Democratic politicos, labelled them “Woke,” and had them sign a letter demanding that the Executive impound what’s owed to Egypt.


Thus, you can see that the collective bark let out this morning by the American politicos—though done by Republicans and not Woke Democrats—is no different from what was done in the Egyptian case.


It says that the orchestrators are one and the same. They are the Jews who never stop thinking about money, money, money, and always work on monetizing the incidents they get their hands on.