Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sordid saga of the Iron Dome that never was and the Iron Curtain that never vanished

 First, the Jews convinced the dudes of Western Civilization that because the arrangement of their civilization rests on human judgment, and because humans are evil, they too are individually and collectively evil, doomed to suffer for an eternity. But their salvation can come from the outside, promised the Jews who are willing, even eager to help bring about a happy outcome. That’s because every Jew on Earth wishes to participate in the transformation of the world into a place as perfect as it can get.


The Western dudes believed the Jews and took their advice near the end of the nineteenth century. The trouble was that the Jews were making false promises to the two main factions that did not see eye to eye as to the right way by which to organize their societies, let alone organize all of humanity. This gave the Jews the opportunity to play the game they have been playing since the beginning of time.


Instead of giving good advice to one side or the other, or giving it to both sides, the Jews fabricated an advice that suited each faction. They based the fabrications on what they had learned will disgust and/or terrorize the targeted faction. And when, as a result, the factions started fighting each other, the Jews were there telling them what to do so that when the ongoing World War ends, it will have put down the basis for the eruption of the next World War.


The Jewish advice to what came to be called the Eastern Bloc, was that the evil Fascists of the West were planning to complete the colonization of the world as they had already been doing for a century or more. If this happens, said the Jews, the Westerners will accumulate enough power to  thoroughly subjugate the Easterners, even turn them into slaves.


The Easterners naively bought the Jewish argument, and wanted to know what to do to protect themselves. They were told that the best way to do so was to erect a kind of Iron Curtain that will prevent the Westerners from reaching out to their people, and prevent their people from being enticed to move to the west — an occurrence that, if it happened, will deplete their countries of population.


As to the Jewish advice to what came to be called the Western Bloc, it was to the effect that the Easterners were planning to conquer all of humanity and bring it to their side – not by force of arms where they are deficient – but by the persuasive force of the argument which says that every human has the right to live decently, therefore all that can produce wealth should do so, and all that have needs should be helped to acquire them.


But guess what, my friend, while appearing to be busy giving good or bad advice to others, the Jews were working on something deeper and more consequential than was meeting the eye at the time. The Jews were working on establishing Israel, a base of operations for themselves, one that would become the headquarter of Jewish Central. From this place, all operations pertaining to the disruption of normal human life were conducted and continue to be in favor of reorganizing things in such a way as to serve the Jewish causes regardless of the potential fallouts.


However, as time moved on and people became more sophisticated, especially when it came to seeing through the arguments of con artists, things began to change for the Jews as well. Instead of the leaders of nations and their populations gobbling every idea presented by the Jews, the populations began to break away from the Jewish influence on them whereas the leaders of the West (now called Western Democracies) were falling deeper into the hypnotic morass of the Jews, surrendering to them all powers of governance and all vestiges of self-respect.


Of the countless examples that can be cited to demonstrate the validity of that last statement, two were chosen for discussion here. It is that they show in the most stark of ways, how a Jew, any Jew, worthy or unworthy, smart or dumb, knowledgeable or ignorant, can get the braindead of America’s politics to plan the destruction of America by making a simple statement that is false.


The first example was that of Israel being ahead of everyone where it sists at the leading edge of high technology. One Jew came up with the lie to create a new stream that will siphon off a never-ending stream of money to flow to Israel from America. The journalists, the experts and the charlatans picked it up from there and created a fictitious ecosystem in which, for years, all that made Taiwan’s high-tech glory was described as being achieved in Israel.


The result was that America’s politicians, generals, admirals and even academics believed so much in the illusion they were made to see, they did not think of the possibility that a crunch such as that which disrupted the Supply Chain could cripple much of America’s high tech industries and military. They did not bother to verify the Jewish claim that Israel will protect America because the latter needs Israel more than Israel needs America.


As to the second example, it was that of an Iron Dome that was said will protect American lives in the fields of combat where America could not protect them. The Jews described it as a system of defense of a kind that only Israeli genius can devise. For these reasons, America that has already financed this sordid lie, must continue to finance it with a never-ending stream of money going from America to Israel. And then the war in Eurasia happened.


The Ukrainians asked for the Iron Dome, but there was no Iron Dome to be had. Just like the high-tech of Israel, the Iron Dome turned out to be a hoax designed to rely on the mental retardation of America’s leaders to rob the country of its people’s money.