Wednesday, January 31, 2024

How Canada’s Human Rights nakedness was exposed

 It usually takes a long time during which many people exercise great effort to bring it. But when the resolution comes, it brings with it a surprise. It proves that whereas the efforts were worth it, all that was necessary to bring about the resolution, was the single revelation that eventually cracked the case open, and exposed the horrors of the regime that broke Human Rights in the first place.


A scenario unfolding in that manner took place in Canada but with a twist. Because the situation is so complex as to have unfolded inside a wall of silence that is itself protected by a degenerating Democracy, the situation has not resolved itself completely despite the fact that all which needs to be known has been revealed, and no one denies or questions any part of it.


It was a violent act committed by an aging husband (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) against his young wife (Margaret) that started the ball rolling in favor of exposing the inherent hypocrisy which sits at the core of the democracies that say one thing but live by rules opposite to what they preach.


You see the hypocrisy when you learn that Pierre hit Margaret because, being young and loving life, she dared to spend more money on clothes than he budgeted for the purpose. Did Margaret respond to that act in a way that suggests retaliation? Well, it is impossible to tell if her subsequent behavior was meant to be a response, or that it was a show of determination on her part to live the life she chose for herself despite Pierre’s menace to resort to violence.


However, the one thing that cannot be ignored in what Margaret Trudeau did subsequent to him disciplining her violently, is that she chose a public place where she sat without wearing the underpants that would have covered her naked vagina.


Could this be her deliberate way of telling him that if he keeps restricting her access to money for buying clothes, she’ll end up going naked – exposing her genitalia to show the world what he has done to her, and what he is doing to the country he pretends to govern?


Well, instead of speculating on how the scenario may have unfolded decades ago, we would do better to see in what way Pierre’s son Justin Trudeau is now governing that same country of Canada.


It can be seen that the simple act of mistreating a woman—perhaps leading to her exposing her genitalia deliberately or subconsciously—has done more than turn the incident into a metaphor representing Canada’s nakedness in matters that have to do with Human Rights.


What Margaret’s move did was remind us of the saying that goes this way: “No man is indispensable.” Thus, when proven to be as useless as a rusty nail stuck in a  broken door, even the once powerful must be shown the door so as to restore the situation to normal again.

Modelling the West after his broken family

 “He gave me a shiner,” she cried out. And this was the cry — now echoing decades later — that’s about to tell us what we may be getting into, continuing as we do to neglect taking the necessary steps that would protect us from our follies and the scheming of others.


It happened that decades ago, two events materialized at about the same coincident time. They bifurcated and moved onto their merry ways for a time, but came back and sought to combine once again, giving us advice that may save Western Civilization from self-destruction.


One of the events to occur this long ago, was the ill-fated marriage between a man and the girl who was 30 years his junior. The other event to occur was a war that took place in accordance with an elaborate design that was imagined thousands of years previously, meant to negatively affect all of humanity.


That was the marriage of newly elected Prime Minister of Canada, then aging Pierre Elliott Trudeau—to the flower girl of the time, young Margaret who loved to live a full and jovial life despite the restrictions imposed on her by her newly acquired status.


Whereas the rumors that filled the atmosphere at the time was to the effect that Pierre Trudeau was the son of a wealthy businessman whose fortune he inherited, subsequent events cast doubt on that notion. It is that a disagreement about financial matters flaring between the married couple, was the reason that started a serious rift between Pierre and Margaret. From the description that was volunteered at the time, the disagreement escalated up to the man deciding to violently hitting his wife, giving her a “shiner,” as she pointed out herself.


That incident, more than anything else, is telling the world what it needs to know about the setting in which Justin Trudeau—son of Pierre and Margaret Trudeau—grew up and acquired the character that’s motivating him to think and act as he does, or neglect doing his duties where they are called for.


To observe Justin Trudeau navigate the vicissitudes of life, is to see someone who feels he was not given the chance to grab the reins of life sufficiently enough to have a normal family life. Bitter at the reality that this happened to him at an age when he was too young to push back against a situation that was unfair to him, he developed a style of life (more by habit than by reflection) that’s based on neglecting the needs of others even when those needs fall into the realm of his duties.


What’s happening now, is that the Canada which Justin Trudeau governs has fallen from the pedestal of the immaculate virgin, representing human rights, to the image of a cadaver that’s being consumed by the magots that killed it.


Trudeau has the power to rectify the situation, but his upbringing prevents him from doing the right thing. He is on a path of modelling Western Civilization after his own broken family, and there seems to be no one around willing to prevent him.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The many paradoxes of a declining superpower

 Nothing defies human logic as would a paradox. That’s because in trying to resolve one, a human being looks like the dog that’s trying to bite its tail. It goes round and round trying to get the mouth close to the tail, but the more it gets closer to its goal, the farther away the tail goes.


This lesson and a few others can be derived from the latest of Clifford D. May’s creation which came under the title: “No better enemy,” and the subtitle: “America continues to empower its adversaries.” It is a column that was published on January 23, 2024 in The Washington Times.


The first thing that the writer did to expand on his theories, is clobber the reader on the head using the dopiest sledge hammer he could get his hands on. Look what he did as he attempted to explain his stance regarding the Iran-America standoff: He first suggested – as seen in the title of his article – that you must not empower your enemy. This implies he means to say: what’s mine should remain with me, and what’s yours should remain with you.


But then, Clifford May went on to lament that the Obama administration transferred to Iran’s rulers the $150 billion that has been theirs for years, but was kept by the Americans and their allies in an act that could not be described as anything but theft. And this poses the paradoxical question: Can you rob someone, yet let him keep what’s his? A breakdown in human logic might let you get away with so shabby a performance, but that will look no better than the dog biting its tail after all.


This done, Clifford May transited to another aspect of his theories. He did so by asserting that: “Iran is not the only adversary of America that Americans have been empowering.” And so the writer took on Xi Jinping whom he views as being the powerful leader of China.


The paradoxes that emerge from the relationships that China has developed with America over the years, are so complex and intertwined, they make the Iran situation look like child play. In fact, it would be a good idea in this case to begin the conversation by reminding the readers it was the Americans who called themselves “Exceptional”.


They explained this was the case because they relied on their scientific and economic advancements on the immigrants they have been inviting to come into the country from around the world. And those immigrants, mostly of Chinese origin, do well in school, and do even better when they start new businesses in which they hire Americans by the thousands, paying them high salaries.


This means that the Chinese have more of what America needs than does America itself. This being the case, it cannot be claimed that the Chinese are stealing science and wealth from an America that has little or nothing which may be useful to them. But look what Clifford May says: “US companies and investment funds have helped to underwrite and modernize China’s military and intelligence apparatus.”


And this poses the paradoxical question: “Can America rely on the superior genius and enterprise of the Chinese, yet help modernize what is above its own level of comprehension and work ethic”?


Because paradoxes do not help resolve intricate questions, we must resort to the power of human logic when looking for solutions to hard questions. So we ask: What has gone wrong with America?


The first thing we notice when trying to answer that question, is that America suffers from two ailments. One has to do with the system of political governance (The Congress of infamy) which has been beaten to a complete paralysis by entities that transformed it into a tool meant to serve their own interests.


The other ailment is the system of education which has come to the attention of those same entities. They are doing to it what they did to the Congress using the powers of the Congress itself.


It’s a lamentable situation that may not have a satisfactory resolution.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Appetite of cannibals silencing Western Culture

 Way back during the decade of the 1960s when neither “political correctness” nor “woke culture” existed, the Jewish hate and propaganda machine had a field day describing the Arabs as being “sick dogs,” “wounded animals” and “cockroaches that must be exterminated” with the use of insecticide. The machine did all this on the pages of Jewish publications as well as the mainstream ones.


Taking a year of such abuse without protesting, I finally wrote a letter to the editor of Canada’s largest newspaper the Toronto Star, in which I asked the readers in very polite terms, not to believe that kind of propaganda because Egypt had always been and remained to that day a civilized country. And the unexpected happened.


It is that a representative of the Canadian Jewish Congress visited me at home during which time, he informed me that I must never again try to contact the publications of North America for the purpose of explaining the Arab point of view, or that of opposing the Jewish point of view – or for any other reason. Failing to comply with these instructions, he went on to warn, the Jewish Congress will implement the steps that will ruin my life now and well into the future. And the Jews kept the word that turned out to be the metaphoric expression of human cannibalism … as horrific as this may sound.


The Jews did it because I refused to comply with their savage instructions. In fact, instead of complying, I continued to express my opinions because I felt it was my right to do so, and because I reckoned that if I did not, I would be encouraging the Jews to establish in Canada a regime of Jewish dictatorship that will make the Nazi Regime of an earlier era look like a playground designed for children. Just think about it:


The Canadian Jewish Congress had the Canadian Government turn the Security Apparatus of the country (RCMP) to it …to do as it wishes with it. The latter put me under surveillance 24 hours a day – knowing, as they put it themselves – that I was “as clean as a whistle.” Their intent, however, was to gather the information that the Jews could use to drive the wedge between me and any employer, friend, associate or landlord I may have now and in the future. This is how the crime syndicate turned my entire adult life into the unmitigated hell, resulting in the creation of a body that needs assistance to function.


This is how I paid the price. It is that the Jews made use of their awesome hypnotic powers, and began to implement their multiple crimes by first convincing the leaders of Western Cultures that what they’ll see done to me, must not leak past the wall of silence which they are throwing to hide the case from the general public around the world. And so, nothing leaked, and no one knew what was happening despite the fact that I used every measure that was made available by the machinery of the Democratic System of Governance to help solve this kind of problems. The measures worked for others but not for me.


Fifty five years later, I had grown older by this many years. While the spirit remained as vigorous as before, the physical body was beginning to turn creaky. I knew it was time to start working on piercing the wall of silence standing between me and telling my story to the general public. Thus, on December 24, 2022, I published the story on my blog hoping that this act alone will be sufficient for someone out there to take the first step that will motivate others to do likewise, and put an end to Jewish cannibalistic savagery that’s eating not only on my body, but also that of the Western Civilization it is diminishing.


It has been more than a year now since I published that blog, and there seems to be no sign that the hunger of the cannibals has been satisfied. They are munching on my body and that of Western Civilization like there is no tomorrow.


How much longer will this situation last?

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Genocide is a two-way street. To ignore one way is in-itself genocidal

 There is the saying: Human Rights for me but not for thee. It is used to indicate the selfish ascription of rights to the self while denying it to others. It also happens that the principle is often flipped, resulting in the ascription of wrongdoing to others but not the self. This condition may be put succinctly as follows: “Genocide by thee but not by me”.


If you want to see an example of this that’s so glaring it will pierce your eyes, read the article that came under the title: “South Africa and other antisemitic genocidaires accuse Israel of genocide,” and the subtitle: “Blood libel in The Hague.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on January 16, 2023 in The Washington Times. It is where the author accuses others of the sins they may or may not have committed while ignoring those committed by the group he is protecting.


But in choosing the title that he did, Clifford May does not realize that he reminds the readers of the old saying: “It takes a thief to catch a thief.” Yes, it would take a genocidaire to recognize and point the finger at a genocidaire, but that does not mean South Africa is in the same boat as Israel. The fact is that South Africa has rejected its sordid past, choosing instead to adopt a civilized way of life.


By contrast, the Jews who stole Palestine and renamed it Israel, are now engaging in the genocide of the Palestinian people because – like it was said to Golda Meir in her face, and she never objected – the Jews want Palestine without the Palestinian people, which is an extreme form of genocide that has never been the case in the White South Africa of an earlier era.


The following is how Clifford May makes the case he has tried to sell to the world, but has been rejected by the world to his profound chagrin, time after time after time.


May’s words: Israel was founded in part of the ancient Jewish homeland that for centuries had been under foreign imperialist rule. It is the only state in the world where Jews constitute a majority.


Commentary: The truth is that the imperialists were the Jews who first massacred the babies of Egypt, looted the country and ran looking for more victims to kill and rob. They found them in Palestine – known at the time as the Land of Milk and Honey – and engaged these helpless people in the merciless battles of Jerusalem, Ephraim, Ai, Gibeon, Jericho, Megiddo, Gideon, Midianites and Jebus.


The fact is that Palestine is now occupied by a majority of Jewish settlers who were paid and armed by the new imperialists of the world, to come and replace the indigenous Palestinians that have been in place since the beginning of time. This, in itself, is proof that the Jewish genocide of Palestinians has been happening, and continues to happen unabated.


And here is how Clifford May justifies the unjustifiable:


May’s words: Hamas is a client of Iran, whose rulers have been threatening and inciting genocide against Israel for 45 years. Under the Genocide Convention, doing so is “a crime in and of itself,” as often noted by Irwin Cotler.


Commentary: Perhaps Clifford May was never informed who Irwin Cotler may be. The reality is that he and Alan Dershowitz do not form “Two Peas in a pod.” Rather, they form two clowns in the Human Rights circus. Let me tell you how I know that:


There was a time when the Wall Street Journal would let the readers access its content without having to pay for the privilege. I took advantage of that privilege as long as it lasted, and told the truth as I knew it regarding the issues of the day.


At some point during that time, the two clowns, who did not like my opinions, teamed up and co-authored an article they thought will corner me in such a way as to force me shooting myself in the foot, after which they hoped they could institute legal action and have me silenced for good.


Needless to say I considered the idea so juvenile, I did not bother replying to their sneaky invitation.


Make what you will of this.

Monday, January 15, 2024

The difference between a failed democracy and a benevolent autocracy


Shortly after the end of the Second World War, the idea of the world being divided into a half that’s led by democratic America that won the war, and a dictatorship half that’s led by the Soviet Union that may have lost the war (sort of) but remained as dangerous as ever.


People such as Winston Churchill and many other warmongers saw in this occurrence the opportunity to lead the democratic half of the world by engaging in a brand of demagoguery that made those who experienced the war, drink from the Churchillian cup of poison with passion. They feared the Soviet Union and its allies, the nations whom Churchill labelled dictators.


The result of this development has been a Cold War that lasted about half a century between America and its “Western allies,” and the Soviet Union with its “Eastern Allies.” The Cold War quieted down for a while, but then flared up again – played out this time by both the same old players and new ones.


What we have today is a reformed Soviet Union that took up the name Russia. Though one of the two pre-war superpowers, it is ceding its top position to its old ally China, thus allowing the world to be dominated by a rising old ally, and by America, its now fading old rival.


Because we live in “interesting times” as the Chinese would remark, people around the globe have their attention taken by the new drama that’s unfolding as they see it with their own eyes on television and the screens of the newly invented social media. And lost in this hullabaloo is the reality that there existed, and still exists a sizeable majority of countries whose political system remains non-aligned, refusing to dwell in the orbit of any superpower.


It is among these nations that you find the non-fanatic populations and leaders who just want to lead a normal life; one that may not reflect the exact image of a dictatorship or a democracy but remains pleasant to those who have adopted it. And yet, it is among these nations that the superpowers are exerting great effort, aiming to recruit into their own political systems if not their way of life as well.


For a while, America and its Western Allies seemed to win the heart and soul of the those countries, but then something changed. It is not that they flipped and endorsed the rival system. It is that they reverted back to their non-aligned status having tried and rejected the Western approach. In so doing, these countries are showing the rest of humanity how countries can adopt a system that neither fears the other nations nor scares them.


Even more than being ideal in their interaction with other nations, these countries provide a model as to how a governing body should deal with its own population. A contentious Area where the value of a system is gauged, happens to be the Human Rights field. In fact, where the West used to hammer the East using Human Rights as a weapon, the East is now responding by pointing out the failings which are displayed at every level of life in the Western countries, especially the United States of America.


Where permissiveness used to count as a triumph of the Western system of governance, it is now seen as the scourge for which the political leaders cannot even begin to postulate a possible solution. In fact, killing others and committing suicide have made America look like a slow burning but expanded civil war in which even the children are killing their classmates.


And when it comes to committing everyday sort of crimes, the situation has gone so far out of hand that store owners now punish their own employees for trying to stop the looters, than help in this endeavor by calling the police who may engage in a shoot out that has the potential to ruin the reputation of the store.


It is important to  note that this new culture of America is so contagious, it spread not only throughout the United States, but also across the border to Canada. From being keen at projecting the image of the sinless virgin, Canada now insists on being treated with respect despite its shortcomings.


And whereas the Eastern countries that used to govern with a tight fist to protect the country, they have gained enough confidence in themselves that they are now loosening their grip on the population. Not only that, but they feel they owe the West a taste of its old medicine. And so the Easterners are interfering with the Western system, so much so that it is the West which now cries uncle.


The trouble with Canada in this melee is that it fails to realise how short its shortcomings are, especially in the Human Rights field where it used to preach to the world what an ideal treatment of their citizens would look like, now seen to treat its own citizens like a magot that joined other magots in a criminal syndicate that kills and feasts on the rotting cadavers of its citizens.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Canada, a police state protected by Western hypocritical code of silence

 Long ago, when I was in college, I took a course that required the reading of a book which came under the title “Individualism Reconsidered” — if my memory serves. — The book contrasted the philosophy of life as pursued by the Western societies, against the philosophy of the Oriental societies, and concluded that perhaps there is a need for the West to adapt to the new world where individualism no longer has the appeal it used to have.


Well then, seeing what I see today, and what I am forced to live through, it must be said that Western Individualism has been Reconsidered with a vengeance. It did so by adopting – not a better philosophy of life – but one that is immeasurably worse. In fact, whereas in the past, individuals strove to stand out and be noticed by bucking the crowd, they now seek to be trendy therefore non-controversial by adopting the crowd-pleasing fashion of the moment.


The trouble is that in trying to blend with the crowd, most individuals are forced to step on their individual preferences. They may listen to the same music as the rest, eat the same foods, wear the same style of clothes and pretend to love them all when in reality they hate them all. And so, they cannot wait to get home where they live the life that suits them away from the eyes of the crowd.


A life that unfolds behind the veil of a hypocrisy pushed to that level of intolerance, is troublesome for sure. But worse than all this, is the retreat to a conformity that is hammered onto the psyche – not just of the individual – but the society as a collective. And when the society happens to be the group that’s in charge of governing the country, unfathomed calamities can result.


To understand what follows, a reminder to those of a certain age and others — of what Eric Severeid once said — will be helpful. It happened during the era of the Watergate Scandal that commentators expressed frustration at their inability to get truthful information from government officials. Severeid explained the phenomenon by saying something to the effect that the bigger the crime, the bigger the tendency to hide it.


This makes it so that in our contemporary age of conformity, banding together in a gang, and joyfully rape the Civil Rights of someone that has no means to protect themselves, can easily grow to become a Western crime against humanity that is so massive, everyone will keep silent about it. This is because to unveil a horror of this magnitude will also expose a level of hypocrisy that can dissolve the glue which keeps together all parts of the Western Alliance.


In fact, this is how Canada was protected by a wall of silence that lasted many decades. It was a time during which the leaders of the country forgot that they were supposed to protect their own citizens against foreigners who might want to use them to exploit Canada. Thus, instead of discharging their duties as they should, the Canadian leaders allowed the foreigners — foremost among them the Jews — to infiltrate the system of governance, and use the country’s artificially propped up good name to turn it into a Jewish plantation that serves the diplomatic and propaganda needs of Israel.


One of the victims that probably suffered the most under the rule of this depraved mentality, is yours truly. Advanced in age and in need of much help that counts as Assisted Living, I urgently need a resolution of my case so that I may go on and live the rest of my life in relative comfort and peace of mind.


When my requests in Canada got nowhere, I appealed to the leaders of the Western Alliance to intervene and pressure the Canadian Government to resolve the case as soon as possible, thus save me and protect the good name of Western Civilization.


It has been a while now, and I see no indication that something is in the working.


Has the entire Western Alliance lost its soul?

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Arab countries will reject the next Sykes-Picot


To explain the recent events in the Middle East and predict where they might lead, Clifford D. May started telling the history of the region as seen from the Jewish point of view. And so, he began his account by citing the events of October 7, 2023.


To that effect, Clifford May wrote an article that came under the title “The long war,” and the subtitle: “Israel won’t cease firing until Iran’s Hezbollah does.” The article was published on January 9, 2024 in the


But because it has always been deceptive to start telling history from a point in time that is most convenient for the Jews, it was necessary to go back to the beginning of the story each time, and remind the audiences of the root causes that contributed to making the situation what it is today. This time is no exception and so, here is what must be known before embarking on the historical voyage of Clifford May.


The sad truth is that the world was in turmoil at the end of the Nineteenth Century and the start of the Twentieth Century as it had been for a while: The Ottoman Empire was crumbling, the Zionist movement was gaining strength, and the European powers were fighting each other or conspired together in an effort to divide the world among themselves.


Sitting on the sideline and salivating at what they were witnessing, were the Jewish leaders of the Zionist movement who lost no time making themselves useful to one side as well as the other among the European combatants. In so doing and playing the game deftly, they obtained promises from both sides as to how the Jews will be rewarded when the war will be over.


It all came to a conclusion with the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement between France and England. This is when the two divided the former Mideastern Ottoman Empire between themselves, giving a piece of territory for each to occupy and exploit, and a peace of mind in which to bask triumphantly for decades to come. As to the Zionist minds, they experienced anything but peace. In fact, they went into a frenzy akin to that of chicken when fed by a farmer that is throwing grain at them.


Easy to grab and hoard, and more delicious than manna falling from the sky, the Jews spent the next half-century feasting on the territorial morsels that used to make up 80% of Palestine. When done with that, the Jews went for the neighboring Arab lands, trying to make dessert out of them. Alas, this desert turned out to be made of the prickly cactus fruit they could not swallow anymore than a snake could swallow a porcupine.


Except for the few gains they made in the Golan of Syria and the West Bank of Palestine, the Jews got bit in the mouth; were kicked in the pants and kicked out of most places where they tried to settle — thus changed their strategy. Instead of trying to beat the Arabs, they now tried to join them.


To that end, the Jews worked on two plans simultaneously. On the one hand they asked the Americans to do what the latter are known to do best; that of prostituting themselves morally while pimping for an Israel that keeps giving the middle finger to both the American flag and the Constitution.


On the other hand, the Jews recruited the Iranian dissidents operating in the West, and paid them to do what was necessary to disrupt the relationships between the Sunni Muslims and Shia Iranians. The aim of this work was to make the Arab countries fear Iran so much, they would ask Israel to protect them. But this turned out to be the move that resulted in the emperor being seen as naked.


In reality, no one knows the weakness of the Israeli military like do the Hamas fighters of Gaza. Time after time, they engaged their foes in ground battles and beat them the way that a storm hammers a neglected beach. In fact, the Palestinians discovered that the only gains the Israeli can score, are those during which they come flying warplanes for which the Palestinians have no defense. But when it comes to engagement in a man to man combat, the Israelis show that their spine is made of marshmallow.


It now seems that the clock has been set back several years for the Jews and their American pimps thanks to the action that Hamas took on October 7, 2023.


It is now difficult to project how events will develop next except to say that the Arabs will continue to reject instituting another regime of Sykes-Pico in the Middle East.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

David Johnson is a man of solid integrity

 I never met Professor David Johnson or communicated with him verbally or otherwise. But as fate would have it, our lives crossed twice. When this happened the first time, I learned what a highly moral man David Johnson was. Before the crossing of our lives happened the second time, I feared that David Johnson will be punished for his integrity by those whose motivation is generated by immorality.


Here is the story behind my first crossing with David Johnson:


It was about 20 years ago that I got an idea about turning sea water into fresh water using a very economical method. I was in Montreal at the time, thus sent my invention to McGill University for testing and appraisal. This gave me the opportunity to communicate with the head of the Department in charge of such matters. The woman liked the idea so much, she promised to start the testing soon and let me know how to proceed from there.


When she failed to contact me for a number of days, I called her department only to be told that she was transferred to another post. I called her there and had a discussion that turned out to be the antithesis of the enthusiastic way by which she had greeted the invention when she saw it first. A few days after that, I heard in a news broadcast that David Johnson was no longer Chancellor of McGill.


Immediately, the rumors began to swirl among the academics of the nearby Concordia University as well as among the English speaking lawyers of Montreal, to the effect that David Johnson was pushed out. Nobody said why but I knew why. It was that the Canadian Jewish Congress, joining hands with The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and others, had formed a crime syndicate that made it their business to make life miserable for me.


Fast forward 20 years, a time when I already had a blog for a decade and a half which I deliberately and consciously did not use to tell my story. I did not, so as to establish myself as a writer first and foremost; one who thinks and writes about a variety of issues. I made that choice lest I be considered an operator that’s wielding a cudgel and using it to hammer his audiences.


But then, on December 24, 2022, I published the first article in which I began to tell my story. I mentioned the fact that I will soon turn eight years of age, and hinted that I was not doing well health wise. Thus I asked to be compensated for the 55 years (20,000 days) of terror that my persecutors inflicted on me. To my surprise, I discovered that the audiences liked this personal kind of articles more than they did the previous kind. But that was not the response of the Canadian Government, now in the hands of Justin Trudeau, head of the Liberal Party.


As if owned and operated by the Canadian Jewish Congress whose sole purpose in life is to convince the feeble minds in power that only Jews can suffer persecution, the Trudeau government refused to see the enormity of the crime that was inflicted on me by non-other than the Jews and their feeble minded lackeys who are nevertheless in high positions.


Failing to see that playing the Jewish game was to commit crimes against humanity, Justin Trudeau responded to my postings by dancing the ritualistic body language that’s meant to tell everyone there was nothing I could do to offend him. Thus, I shall never be in a position to force him approving the release of the money owed to me. But how was the body language played?


The game was played by first pretending that China was spying on Canada, thus creating an artificial bogeyman meant to represent the alter ego, not of the criminal syndicate of Jews and their Canadian lackeys, but of China that was doing nothing more than mind its own business.


Thus, every time I wrote about my ordeal in a blog, Trudeau and his clique would rail against China to let the world know they sympathise with me even if they will not puncture the wall of silence that has been the most painful ordeal I was made to endure for decades.


When the game began to look silly, Trudeau appointed David Johnson as Special Rapporteur on Foreign Interference to give the game a modicum of respectability. But the highly moral Johnson refused to play the crooked game of the criminal syndicate and resigned.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Liars toxic as poison gas, contagious as Ebola

Finally, they produced the human-looking devil they spent 3 months training to tell the load of lies that missed its intended target for the long run but hit the human community like an Ebola infection that’s now trying to spread throughout the human settlements.


The story is that despite America giving them free of charge the deadliest weapons and ammunition ever invented, and despite promising to give them nearly a million dollars for killing any and every Palestinian man, woman or child — the Jews of Israel failed to accomplish the assignment that was handed to them.


In fact, they failed despite the effort they exerted to pave the way for the liar to succeed at spreading his vicious lies around the world. They tried and failed to mobilize both the  American media and government agencies, and failed to put them into a service that was aimed at framing the Palestinians by accusing them of crimes they did not commit. The biggest and most horrific false accusation was that Hamas had raped and killed an Israeli woman, maybe even 2 more women.


Now that the Jews of America and Israel have realized they will never succeed in eradicating the Palestinian people or the Hamas group that’s defending them, those same Jews began the process of backtracking. To do it they, at long last, produced the liar they trained to affirm that the rape was committed by Hamas. But what happened was that the liar changed his tune to now affirm that the rape was not committed by Hamas.


With that horrible accusation out of the way, the Jews of America lost the false excuse they had been leveraging for pushing the American government to give Israel the green light to go on and accomplish the full and complete genocide of the Gaza Palestinians. The sanitized and hypocritical expression they employed to tell the general public that what they were calling for was that “Israel must finish the job.”


Well then, had this happened, it would have made it easier for the settlers in the West Bank to slaughter the Palestinians and rob them of their lands as well as their other possessions. Instead of a free and democratic Palestine from the River to the Sea,” it would have been a restyled Jewish ghetto in the business of devising schemes by which to attract money from the rest of the world, and live well without having to work.


While that defeat of the Jews now seems a certainty, the damage they created trying to frame Hamas will continue to plague the human race for a long time to come. It is that the American propaganda machine in the hands of the Jewish American moguls and the Israelis, had managed to convince prominent American non-Jewish women to go on television and regurgitate the Ebola-like virus as well as the poison gas that was supposed to frame Hamas for crimes they did not commit. Here is how the propaganda was meant to work but failed to do so:


Using the two-step trick that the Jews developed over the centuries, the women were taught to begin laying out their accusation by first mentioning a video clip showing the initial contact between the rowdy Jews and the Hamas police force that went to arrest them. Even though the incident was no more violent than what happens in America when the police shoot people in the back for violating a traffic light, or for killing students demonstrating against the Vietnam War or for torching people wholesale the way it was done at Waco, Texas — the women tried to make it sound like Hamas was brutal when arresting the Jews. But the reality was that the rowdy Jews were the ones who used violent means to resist arrest.


This done, the regurgitating prominent non-Jewish American women moved on to the second step. It was to repeat the depraved accusation that Hamas raped Israeli women. The accusatory women did their deed by speaking in such a way as to intertwine the false accusation and the reality of Hamas who did nothing more and nothing less than a professional job arresting a bunch of drunk and rowdy Jews. Still, by intertwining the reality with the fantasy, those diminished women made it sound like the reality and the fantasy were one and the same event. 


This makes it imperative for the rest of us to let these women know they created a condition by which future rapists will deny that they raped and be believed. In turn, this will give the defense attorneys the legitimacy to grill the accusing women, doing to them what the women have complained about for decades: Being raped once by a lowlife, and a second time by the system.


The best thing the foolish women can do now is to go on television and retract their lies. To be forgiven by the public, they will have to show remorse by speaking with an intensity of locution that equals the intensity they displayed when making their false claims.