Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Modelling the West after his broken family

 “He gave me a shiner,” she cried out. And this was the cry — now echoing decades later — that’s about to tell us what we may be getting into, continuing as we do to neglect taking the necessary steps that would protect us from our follies and the scheming of others.


It happened that decades ago, two events materialized at about the same coincident time. They bifurcated and moved onto their merry ways for a time, but came back and sought to combine once again, giving us advice that may save Western Civilization from self-destruction.


One of the events to occur this long ago, was the ill-fated marriage between a man and the girl who was 30 years his junior. The other event to occur was a war that took place in accordance with an elaborate design that was imagined thousands of years previously, meant to negatively affect all of humanity.


That was the marriage of newly elected Prime Minister of Canada, then aging Pierre Elliott Trudeau—to the flower girl of the time, young Margaret who loved to live a full and jovial life despite the restrictions imposed on her by her newly acquired status.


Whereas the rumors that filled the atmosphere at the time was to the effect that Pierre Trudeau was the son of a wealthy businessman whose fortune he inherited, subsequent events cast doubt on that notion. It is that a disagreement about financial matters flaring between the married couple, was the reason that started a serious rift between Pierre and Margaret. From the description that was volunteered at the time, the disagreement escalated up to the man deciding to violently hitting his wife, giving her a “shiner,” as she pointed out herself.


That incident, more than anything else, is telling the world what it needs to know about the setting in which Justin Trudeau—son of Pierre and Margaret Trudeau—grew up and acquired the character that’s motivating him to think and act as he does, or neglect doing his duties where they are called for.


To observe Justin Trudeau navigate the vicissitudes of life, is to see someone who feels he was not given the chance to grab the reins of life sufficiently enough to have a normal family life. Bitter at the reality that this happened to him at an age when he was too young to push back against a situation that was unfair to him, he developed a style of life (more by habit than by reflection) that’s based on neglecting the needs of others even when those needs fall into the realm of his duties.


What’s happening now, is that the Canada which Justin Trudeau governs has fallen from the pedestal of the immaculate virgin, representing human rights, to the image of a cadaver that’s being consumed by the magots that killed it.


Trudeau has the power to rectify the situation, but his upbringing prevents him from doing the right thing. He is on a path of modelling Western Civilization after his own broken family, and there seems to be no one around willing to prevent him.