Friday, January 12, 2024

Canada, a police state protected by Western hypocritical code of silence

 Long ago, when I was in college, I took a course that required the reading of a book which came under the title “Individualism Reconsidered” — if my memory serves. — The book contrasted the philosophy of life as pursued by the Western societies, against the philosophy of the Oriental societies, and concluded that perhaps there is a need for the West to adapt to the new world where individualism no longer has the appeal it used to have.


Well then, seeing what I see today, and what I am forced to live through, it must be said that Western Individualism has been Reconsidered with a vengeance. It did so by adopting – not a better philosophy of life – but one that is immeasurably worse. In fact, whereas in the past, individuals strove to stand out and be noticed by bucking the crowd, they now seek to be trendy therefore non-controversial by adopting the crowd-pleasing fashion of the moment.


The trouble is that in trying to blend with the crowd, most individuals are forced to step on their individual preferences. They may listen to the same music as the rest, eat the same foods, wear the same style of clothes and pretend to love them all when in reality they hate them all. And so, they cannot wait to get home where they live the life that suits them away from the eyes of the crowd.


A life that unfolds behind the veil of a hypocrisy pushed to that level of intolerance, is troublesome for sure. But worse than all this, is the retreat to a conformity that is hammered onto the psyche – not just of the individual – but the society as a collective. And when the society happens to be the group that’s in charge of governing the country, unfathomed calamities can result.


To understand what follows, a reminder to those of a certain age and others — of what Eric Severeid once said — will be helpful. It happened during the era of the Watergate Scandal that commentators expressed frustration at their inability to get truthful information from government officials. Severeid explained the phenomenon by saying something to the effect that the bigger the crime, the bigger the tendency to hide it.


This makes it so that in our contemporary age of conformity, banding together in a gang, and joyfully rape the Civil Rights of someone that has no means to protect themselves, can easily grow to become a Western crime against humanity that is so massive, everyone will keep silent about it. This is because to unveil a horror of this magnitude will also expose a level of hypocrisy that can dissolve the glue which keeps together all parts of the Western Alliance.


In fact, this is how Canada was protected by a wall of silence that lasted many decades. It was a time during which the leaders of the country forgot that they were supposed to protect their own citizens against foreigners who might want to use them to exploit Canada. Thus, instead of discharging their duties as they should, the Canadian leaders allowed the foreigners — foremost among them the Jews — to infiltrate the system of governance, and use the country’s artificially propped up good name to turn it into a Jewish plantation that serves the diplomatic and propaganda needs of Israel.


One of the victims that probably suffered the most under the rule of this depraved mentality, is yours truly. Advanced in age and in need of much help that counts as Assisted Living, I urgently need a resolution of my case so that I may go on and live the rest of my life in relative comfort and peace of mind.


When my requests in Canada got nowhere, I appealed to the leaders of the Western Alliance to intervene and pressure the Canadian Government to resolve the case as soon as possible, thus save me and protect the good name of Western Civilization.


It has been a while now, and I see no indication that something is in the working.


Has the entire Western Alliance lost its soul?