Wednesday, January 31, 2024

How Canada’s Human Rights nakedness was exposed

 It usually takes a long time during which many people exercise great effort to bring it. But when the resolution comes, it brings with it a surprise. It proves that whereas the efforts were worth it, all that was necessary to bring about the resolution, was the single revelation that eventually cracked the case open, and exposed the horrors of the regime that broke Human Rights in the first place.


A scenario unfolding in that manner took place in Canada but with a twist. Because the situation is so complex as to have unfolded inside a wall of silence that is itself protected by a degenerating Democracy, the situation has not resolved itself completely despite the fact that all which needs to be known has been revealed, and no one denies or questions any part of it.


It was a violent act committed by an aging husband (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) against his young wife (Margaret) that started the ball rolling in favor of exposing the inherent hypocrisy which sits at the core of the democracies that say one thing but live by rules opposite to what they preach.


You see the hypocrisy when you learn that Pierre hit Margaret because, being young and loving life, she dared to spend more money on clothes than he budgeted for the purpose. Did Margaret respond to that act in a way that suggests retaliation? Well, it is impossible to tell if her subsequent behavior was meant to be a response, or that it was a show of determination on her part to live the life she chose for herself despite Pierre’s menace to resort to violence.


However, the one thing that cannot be ignored in what Margaret Trudeau did subsequent to him disciplining her violently, is that she chose a public place where she sat without wearing the underpants that would have covered her naked vagina.


Could this be her deliberate way of telling him that if he keeps restricting her access to money for buying clothes, she’ll end up going naked – exposing her genitalia to show the world what he has done to her, and what he is doing to the country he pretends to govern?


Well, instead of speculating on how the scenario may have unfolded decades ago, we would do better to see in what way Pierre’s son Justin Trudeau is now governing that same country of Canada.


It can be seen that the simple act of mistreating a woman—perhaps leading to her exposing her genitalia deliberately or subconsciously—has done more than turn the incident into a metaphor representing Canada’s nakedness in matters that have to do with Human Rights.


What Margaret’s move did was remind us of the saying that goes this way: “No man is indispensable.” Thus, when proven to be as useless as a rusty nail stuck in a  broken door, even the once powerful must be shown the door so as to restore the situation to normal again.