Saturday, June 9, 2012

No Fury In Hell Like A Eunuch Exposed

For a moment it looked like the sinister stars were lining up to create the perfect storm that will deliver to Israel and the Jewish lobby in America the sort of blow that promises to expose the Jewish entity as being the stud that is not really a stud but a eunuch artificially pumped up with American largess and potency -- attributes that America was running out of, thus becoming less capable of maintaining the stud-like appearance of the Judeo-Israeli eunuch.

It is that the Israelis and their cohorts in America had overplayed their hand trying to scare the Iranians, only to see the latter stand tall and remain unaffected by the wagging of a phantom tool of war that may have occupied a prominent place in ancient Jewish folklore but had become a sick joke in the psychology of modern warfare. And then it happened that the sinister stars delivered on their threat, and the eunuch came to look like the eunuch he really is.

It all began when Israel and the Jewish lobby in America delineated a time frame they called window and served it on the Iranians as ultimatum for the latter to knuckle under and immolate themselves; or else Israel's military of nighttime muggers was going to do the immolation -- this time in broad daylight -- do it alone or do it in cooperation with the American military which Israel commands by virtue of its monopoly on the Congress of bumbling idiots in the Washington Beltway. Well, the window came and went but the fake stud failed to deliver the blow he threatened to deliver either alone or in cooperation with the Americans.

And so you can imagine how furious the fake stud must have become for being exposed not as the glorious stud he wished to be and pretended to be but the wretched eunuch that he really is. And to make matters worse, the misery of the now exposed eunuch did not end here because worse things have happened to him as more troubles came to pile up on his shoulder. And it was the combination of all these mishaps that made him throw a tantrum so ferocious, he made Satan's hell look for a moment not like the hellish place that it is but look like a placid corner in the heavens.

What happened was that the eunuch was dealt one of the most vexing burdens you can imagine. It was shown that the credit he has been attributing to himself during all these years was owed not to him but to America, his largely silent benefactor. The truth came out not long ago when it was disclosed that the only time the Intel Corporation had asked the Israelis to do something, they did it so badly, they cost the Corporation more than a billion dollars in damages. Another moment came when it was revealed that the malware which interfered with the Iranian nuclear program for a short period of time was created by the Americans and not the Israelis.

Moreover, it came out that the only contribution made by the latter in that regard turned out to be the mistake that revealed to the Iranians and to the world the fact that America had committed an act of cyberwar – construed by many to be an act of war that may invite a response in kind. By now, it was becoming clear that the Israeli stud who was thought to be as potent in the field of high technology as a young and vigorous horse turned out to be as impotent as a ninety year old human blabbermouth with a mouth that is bigger than whatever is hiding in his underpants -- if there is anything at all in there.

This turn of the events prompted the Israelis and their cohorts, the Jewish leaders in America to decide that the time had come to do something drastic. They dusted off the old plans that had been stored on the shelves, and they went through them with meticulous care to see what they could find that will help them avoid the storm that was certain to hit them again and again. They discovered that the best way to do their thing was to build on the groundwork they have been doing for a number of decades. That had been the effort they made at transforming the American officials into the traitors that they became. The goal of the Jewish leaders this time would be to have the Americans betray their country one more time so as to give Israel and the Jews the momentum that will extricate them from their current predicament and propel them into the next adventure.

But how did they manage to accomplish all that in the first place? Well, you don't have to be brainwashed by a foreign ideology to sell your country to a foreign power, you only need to have the wrong kind of fire in the belly, planted there by a friend who looks so friendly, he would chop your liver into pieces, eat them raw and wash them down with a glass of red wine such as Chianti without you realizing what is happening till it is too late and you're out of liver -- your own liver, that is.

And it is at this point that you realize the friend was never really a friend but a demon in disguise. Beside the horror movies you may watch on the late night shows, and the odd individuals who might take the wrong kind of salt bath and become zombie attackers in real life, this sort of scenario is played out everyday by the Judeo-Israeli lobby whose proverbial fat and muscles are made entirely with the goodness that is extracted and digested from the liver of friends and allies -- most notably the Americans.

What a wrong fire in the belly can do is confuse you and cloud your judgment. When this happens, you cease to see the contradictions that the demonic friend has brought into the game. When you look into a number of such games, you discover that all the contradictions played out have one common theme. It is a theme that is so odd and so complicated, it can only be explained with an example. Here is one: It happened a few years ago that the Jewish lobby in America put pressure on the government in Washington to convince the Mubarak regime in Cairo to sell Israel natural gas for about a tenth of the going price in the region. Thus, Israel received aid from Egypt to the tune of half a billion dollars a year, a horror story that lasted a number of years till Mubarak was toppled. He was toppled because the people came to realize he was mismanaging the affairs of the nation -- the natural gas deal with Israel being one such example.

As extreme as that situation was, the opposite extreme would have been for the Jewish lobby to badmouth Mubarak describing him as a symbol of what was wrong with Egypt, and a reason to end America's military partnership with that country. And badmouthing Mubarak is exactly what they did as the Jewish propaganda machine began to call “aid” America's contribution to the military partnership with Egypt, then call for the partnership to be abrogated. And the baffling part is that the Jewish lobby did all this at the same time as Israel was receiving charity from Egypt in the form of natural gas and food aid.

But why would they do this? you ask. And the answer is: Frankly my dear, I haven't got a clue. I can no more explain this mentality than I can explain why someone would cut up his friend into pieces and send parts of the body through the mail across the country. It is a disease that is so inexplicable, it may never be explained unless the Jewish lobbyists decide on their own to divulge why they would feed from the hand that is extended to then and try to feed on it at the same time. Even a savage dog is genetically programmed to recognize the difference between the hand and what it holds; but not these characters.

In fact, that same thing is happening in America right now as it has been for a while except that the scale of the horror is several orders of magnitude grander than anything we have seen before. And the irony is that the people being duped now are those in the American Congress and the Administration, collectively known as the people of the Beltway -- the very people who put pressure on Mubarak of Egypt to take the disastrous course he took, the one that ended his tenure. These people of the Beltway may not consciously owe their loyalty to Israel such as the case may be with a handful of them, one being Eric Cantor, for example, who openly and proudly places Israel's interest ahead of America's, but they are nonetheless the people that carry the wrong fire in the belly. They have the fire planted inside of them by the Jewish lobby as if the intention is to cook their liver and prepare it for consumption by them and by Israel.

Look closely and you will see that the game the lobbyists play at this time has two opposite and extreme poles. At one end, the demons are asking the U.S. Congress not to nickel and dime Israel anymore with a billion here and a billion there, but to appropriate a one time sum of ten billion dollars or more. What they have in mind is for the Jewish state to bring its debt load down to a level where its credit rating will not crash when it breaks its relationship with America; something they see as being in the cards. At the opposite pole, the demons plan to do the things they know will cause the Americans to interpret as being acts of treachery thus result in America seeking to distance itself from Israel as well as break its relationship with the lobby and its patron; the World Jewish Congress. And so, for reasons of Jewish pride and before any of this happens, the Jewish Congress will itself initiate the break in the relationship. But it will only do so after Israel will have received the check from the American Congress of suckers and bloody idiots. The Jewish group will take this step and immediately embark on the next leg of its demonic plan.

In this regard, the World Jewish Congress which claims to represent the entire World Jewry will do what it will because Israel has by now a storehouse of American military secrets that India, China, Russia and maybe a few other nations will be interested in buying and paying top dollar for. Thus, World Jewry will dump America as it has done throughout history with numerous other friends and allies. The Jewish leaders will then adopt new friends and allies by selling to them the American secrets. To be sure these are valuable secrets because they fall not only in the realm of the weapons that Israel was given free of charge, but fall as well in the realm of the tactics and the strategies that the Israelis have learned while conducting war games and exercises together with the American and NATO forces.

Aside from the dark history of the World Jewry, this will not be the first time that a treachery of this nature had been committed by Israel. In fact, the Israelis were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, so to speak, when they sold secrets of the American Falcon warplane to the Chinese. Were it not for a new technology that made it possible for the American satellites in space to take 3D photographs of objects on the ground, the Americans would never have realized that the Chinese planes they were seeing were exact copies of their own Falcon, made from secrets supplied to the Chinese by the habitually backstabbing and treacherous Jewish individuals.

It also happened a few years later that Israel sold to India the secrets of a radar given to it by America. What is unique about this piece of equipment is that it can “see” not only what is in the line of sight as do ordinary radars; it can see what is over the horizon thus give you a longer warning time to prepare a defense against an incoming threat. Thus, America has had ample evidence for a while now that the con artists who claim to be friends with America due to some kind of a glue that binds the two peoples together are, in fact, latched onto the body of the American taxpayers by the sucking lips of the parasitic leeches that they are. Indeed, the Americans who think for themselves have known that with friends like these, it would be safer to make their bed at the bottom of a snake pit and spend their nights there.

What you need to look for and to carefully observe from now on, my friend, is how the eunuch will continue to react to the fact that he has been exposed as a fake stud. This is something he believes has happened because someone leaked the truth about the Americans being the authors of the cyber attack on Iran while the Israelis were nothing but the blunderers who made the mistake that revealed the truth to the world. The fact, however, is that leaks have happened during all the time that there has been a Beltway; and very few people if any were punished for participating in the acts that ended in hurting American security one way or the other.

This is how the events have unfolded because each time a leak happened, one political party attacked the Administration while the other party defended it. But this time, the leaks have unmasked Israel as being a fake stud and a eunuch, a sin considered to be so monumental, it dictates the coming together “in a bipartisan and unanimous fashion” of the two parties to demand that heads be rolled. You see, my friend, if you're an American and you endanger American security, you have done something that can be forgiven and is usually forgiven. But if you embarrass Israel, well, this is something that is so horrendous, they will crucify you for it – no ifs or buts.

Remember this and never forget it: Embarrass Israel and you will hear the lamentation of Congressional voices asserting that “this time it's different because the resulting damage promises to be greater than ever before.” And so, it will be guillotine time for you whether or not America gets hurt because the truth is that you will have earned your punishment not for hurting American security but for embarrassing the state of Israel and/or any of the Jewish organizations.