Sunday, January 20, 2013

He Went To Kick Asses, Got Terrorized Instead

The American culture is such that it can make a joke out of any situation, and the people will laugh at it – but not always. There are times when the occasion is so solemn you can neither think of it as funny nor seek to trivialize it by turning it into a moment of cheap humor. Those who make a living producing the comedy that adds to the American culture and enriches it understand this reality, and they adhere to an unwritten code that has kept them from crossing the line between what is acceptable and what is not. But things are changing.

Things are changing in a way that was totally unexpected not long ago. It is that a humor – a kind of sick humor is now coming not from the professional humorists who still restrain themselves but from people who came close to being a casualty in a serious situation but were lucky enough to escape a dire fate. The sickening part is that some of these people have started to cash in on their experience by turning it into a farcical moment to be laughed at. They are doing so in complete disregard of the other people: those who perished, those who suffered and may have recovered, and those who still suffer and may continue to suffer to the end of their days.

One of the would-be comedians is Tom Cotton, a character recently elected to represent an Arkansas district in the Federal House of Representatives. He was a soldier in Iraq who must have had a cushy job because he never encountered the enemy, never saw actual combat and was never injured. He is now back in America doing two unexpected things. First, he is doing the sort of thing that the Jewish lobby used to do; the thing by which the lobby trivialized the Holocaust. Second, he is doing the sort of thing that the Israeli army used to do; the thing by which it acquired the image of an army of cold blood killers and of male bimbos.

Tom Cotton must love doing this sort of things because he has done it yet again. He wrote an article under the title: “Hagel's Historical Delusions” and had it published on January 19, 2013 in the National Review Online. He starts the article with this statement: “...Chuck Schumer … implying [Hagel] to be … massively ignorant of history...” And so you ask: What's he beefing about? And he tells you what that is. He says this: “[Hagel] basically said, look, the bottom line is the world has changed since 2005, '06, and '07. Iran is … more militant [now] than it was then.” And you are puzzled that he should beef about something like this.

So you ask if there is humor in trivializing something as serious as this. You think about it, and all you can tell is that there is no hard hitting humor in it but maybe a light one – enough perhaps to make people smile, or chuckle a little. It is that when it comes to being massively ignorant about history, Tom Cotton has shown to be the most massive of them all. He did so when he forgot – or was being deliberately ignorant of his own history. This would be the history which pertains to the expression of an opinion on how the world is changing, and what the consequences of that change may be.

Look what happened here: At some point near the end of the Twentieth Century, a cocky young Tom Cotton wrote an article and had it published. It was an article in which he attacked the use of the internet in the classroom. Shown how wrong he was by the passage of time, Cotton refused to admit he was fundamentally mistaken about the subject, but acknowledged that he has undergone a change of heart and a change of mind on the matter.

To this end, he posited that the world has changed and so did the internet. He also said it is for this reason and this reason only that he now believes the internet is okay to have in the classroom. Well, we can only say it is too bad for the Cotton to have chosen being so massively ignorant of his own history before attacking Chuck Hagel's treatment of history. He made a fool of himself in the process, and he knitted a story that shows the historical delusions he talked about to have been not those of Hagel but his own. Laughter please.

While there may be humor in this, there can be no humor in another stance that Tom Cotton has taken. Look at this passage: “Iran was smuggling a ... roadside bomb into Iraq … To be fair, though, perhaps Mr. Hagel didn’t think these acts of war made Iran dangerous ... After all, he voted in 2007 against designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.” To explain how staggering this is to an international audience, I must say something that is taboo here in North America but is not in the rest of the world where this sort of stance is mentioned more often and more solemnly than here.

When you go to war, you don't expect the enemy to treat you with courtesy. You try to kill him before he kills you because if you don't, you end up dead and he goes home to his loved ones. The enterprise called war must be as frightening to him as it is to you. Thus, the one thing you should never say is that you were a good soldier facing him, but he was a terrorist facing you. If and when you talk like this, the world will say about you what is no longer uttered in North America. It will call you a faget while in North America, they may only call you a male bimbo in a soldier's uniform.

This idea about “us” being soldiers, and “them” being terrorists was put forward by the Judeo-Israeli league for the poison of the American mind and the American culture. It all started when the world began to see the extent of the terror that the heavily armed Israeli soldiers and the Jewish settlers were committing against the unarmed civilian population of Palestine. To legitimize Jewish terrorism and delegitimize the Palestinian resistance to occupation, the Jewish propaganda machine in America first attacked the Palestinians by recruiting people who stood in front of the cameras and sniveled: “They throw stones at our soooldiers, oh pity me, pity meee.”

When they did not get enough pity from a public that had it up to here with Jewish self pity, constant whining and forever exacting something for nothing, the Jewish propaganda machine upped the ante in that it started to describe the Israeli soldiers of occupation as being “just kids” barely 18 years of age who should never see a stone thrown at them even when they shoot to kill Palestinian babies in the arms of their mothers, and kill the mothers too.

When that kind of propaganda failed to make the people of America run in the streets to demand justice for the Israelis and punishment for the Palestinians, the Jewish lobby got into the act. It blackmailed the prostitutes that populate the Congress as well as their male counterparts, the bimbos of that same institution.

They all got together and passed resolution after resolution in favor of Israel and all the Jewish causes. Among these was a resolution to the effect that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps was henceforth regarded as being a terrorist organization. The prostitutes and the male bimbos signed it; the real men and real women refrained. Now, Tom Cotton is whining that the outcome was not unanimous.

If America is to be respected again in the world, it will have to have real men and real women at the helm governing it. No longer can it afford to send GIs “to kick asses” then complain they were terrorized by an enemy that refused to treat them with courtesy. This is not what real GIs expect; it is what the world sees as being the wish of a faget right out the mold of a Tom Cotton.

I will only say to him: Shut up, you male bimbo. Just shut up and spare your country further embarrassment.

The world will not apologize for its views and neither will I for mine.