Wednesday, January 16, 2013

They Do It To Themselves Then Cry Foul

Suppose someone had written the following passage years ago: The Jewish leaders keep changing the narrative because a false picture of an epidemic of antisemitism distracts Americans from Jewish hatred and enshrines the Jews as the country's leading victim class, a strategy intended to intimidate citizens into remaining quiet about Jewish supremacism and lay the groundwork for granting Jews special privileges and protections at the expense of others. In short, anti-Jewish hate crimes are a powerful Jewish weapon.

Would you look at that passage and think that its author must have been clairvoyant because what he described has transpired in that exact manner over the decades? Well, you would be correct in thinking this, my friend, but for the fact that the passage was not written years ago; it was written only days ago, and written in a slightly different way. In fact, this is a paraphrase of what came in an article written by David Rusin and published on January 11, 2013 in the National Review Online under the title: “Hate-crime Stats Deflate 'Islamophobia' Myth” and the subtitle: “Islamists inflate the number of anti-Muslim crimes in order to silence critics.” Replace Jewish with Muslim and you will have the passage as it was written by its author. But what's going on here?

What's going on is the same old Jewish game of looking at themselves in the mirror, spotting the ugliness they inflict on the human race with their activities, then turning around and accusing someone else of what they see in themselves. What Rusin is doing in his article is use statistics not for what they may reveal, but use them as a pretext to make a point which is contrary to what logic would dictate.

The point that Rusin makes is this: “analysis of FBI statistics covering ten ... years ... reveals that, on a per capita basis, American Muslims ... have been subjected to hate crimes less often than other prominent minorities. From 2002 to 2011, Muslims are estimated to have suffered hate crimes at a frequency of 6.0 incidents per 100,000 per year ... blacks (6.7) ... homosexuals and bisexuals (11.5) ... Jews (14.8). Americans should keep these numbers in mind whenever Islamists attempt to silence critics by invoking Muslim victimhood.”

Well, I am not aware of Muslims attempting to silence critics by invoking Muslim victimhood but I am well aware of Jews attempting and succeeding to muzzle, even silence critics by invoking Jewish victimhood. I have been so muzzled myself, and silenced for a period of 40 years till the internet came along and gave me the opportunity to make my voice heard. But I am not complaining because I know I have been in good company with thousands of other people suffering more or less the same fate, including Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and President Jimmy Carter of America whom the Jews have tried to silence to the extent that they could. And why do they do that? Because they say that criticism results in victimizing them.

This is ugly, and it is the ugliness that Rusin saw when he looked in the mirror. It is what he rushed and accused the Muslims of trying to do when, in fact, the Muslims tried to do no such thing. But while he was belaboring a fake argument, the poor thing made the point that should be clear to anyone with an IQ higher than his. The point is this: despite the wall to wall dreadful publicity surrounding Islam and the Muslims in America, and despite the wall to wall glowing publicity surrounding Judaism and the Jews in America, the rate of hate crimes committed against the Muslims is “59 percent lower than Jews” according to the FBI statistics that David Rusin has cited. Why is that?

Well, I have been answering this question for several years now – something I have done repeatedly on this website and elsewhere – without having the luxury of reliable statistics to prove my point. What I did, instead, was rely on observation and analysis. In fact, the point I have been making was simple. It is that people hate what they fear. And what people fear the most is what may be done to them in stealth. Yes, they will get angry and hate someone who will attack them openly, but will only hate till the anger subsides then forget about it. As to the one they suspect is damaging their interest in stealth, they will develop a visceral hatred toward him; a hatred that can only be made to subside by eviscerating that individual and his group from their community.

The examples I used to make my point were those of the ethnic mafia groups that have operated and still do in America. Such groups have ranged from the Italian and Irish mafias of decades ago to the Asian and Russian mafias of more recent times. In fact, at one time or another, America was at war with those nations while giving shelter to their citizens – all of whom could not be called exemplary characters. And yet, even at the height of the cold war, the American people did not hate or fear the Russian mafia as much as they hated and feared the glorified and “exemplary” Jews.

The reality is that the American people have treated the Russians in their midst with respect, and have extended that same courtesy to the Asians, the Cubans and the Muslims, all of whom were treated and still are with no more animosity than were the Russians, and a lot less fear than the fear they have of the Jews.

The one thing that remains constant despite the wall to wall glorification of the Jews is that the Americans still distrust and hate these people no matter the color of their skin, their ethnic background or the accent with which they speak the English language. But why is it that the people of America fear the Jews and hate them more than anyone else? The answer is this: Precisely because of the mentality that is displayed in the Rusin article.

No human being can bring himself or herself to tolerate a sight that is as horrifyingly mutilated as the spirit which is displayed by David Rusin. It is an atrocious sight.

People will forgive a kid who may attack them physically, and they will forget about the incident after a while. But what people will never forgive or forget is a David Rusin who would inflict on them the look of his spirit.

This is human nature and try as they may, no Jewish organization will ever change that.