There was a time, decades ago, that some people saw it
coming not because they were clairvoyant or anything like that but because they
possessed a little common sense. They could see that if America continued to swagger around the globe
like a big eunuch who is trotting in the nude believing he is blessed with the
manliest of all endowments, America
was going to lose the respect of the world. This is because there is nothing
more self-deprecating than to brag about something you don't have when the
world can see you don't have it.
In fact, the world conducted a mock trial at the time and
found the swaggering American chief blusterer – a man nicknamed the W – to be a
war criminal and a menace to the world. Not only that, but the world also found
that the big eunuch was piloted by a minnow eunuch of the ambiguous kind; a
demonic fabrication called Israel which is the joint where the swaggering W was
emasculated and then taught how to give notice to the world that he will never
allow someone else to surpass America's endowment.
It also happened at the time that a media machine was honed
in America
to serve as megaphone and a bully pulpit for the raising of mouthpieces that
will do the dirty work for the minnow. The aim was to spread among the American
public and the legislators, the moral clarity of the ambiguous kind that the
minnow eunuch was famous for. Inspired by the Jewish Rodney Dangerfield's
lament: “I don't get no respect,” the mouthpieces were taught to go around and
name all those around the world who did not get no respect.
By that time a new President, Barack Obama, was elected in America who
vowed to clean up his country and restore sanity to the relationships it
maintained with the rest of the world. Little did he know, however, that he
would collide head-on against the mouthpieces, the megaphone and the bully
pulpit of the minnow eunuch whose influence had metastasized throughout the
country like a cancer of biblical dimensions. Protected by the financial clout of
the Fox-News/WSJ organization, the mouthpieces of the little eunuch unleashed a
vicious campaign to belittle their own President, and make it look like he too
got no respect when, in fact, he was succeeding in halting America's slide down
the slope of no respect.
And now that America
is beginning to get back some of its old luster, the mouthpieces are being
gripped with hysteria. You see this in the Bret Stephens column titled: “The
Age of American Impotence” that was published in the Wall Street Journal on
June 25, 2013 also under the subtitle: “As the Edward Snowden saga illustrates,
the Obama administration is running out of foreign influence.” The author sets
the tone of his dissertation early on with this: “Mr. Putin [Russian President]
always seems to discover … an opportunity to humiliate the United States .”
But the fact is that Putin did nothing of the sort. What happened this time is
what happens all the time; it is that Bret Stephens jumped on the opportunity
to humiliate America
because this is what he and those like him do for a living. These people get
paid to humiliate America
and praise the minnow eunuch that is Israel .
In fact, talking about Snowden, the columnist finds an
opportunity to belittle the work that President Obama did to alleviate the
image of a self castrated America
swaggering around the world with a big mouth and little that would be
considered manning up to the challenges of the time. Thus, Stephens wrote the
following: “It's been said that his [Snowden] case illustrates how little has
been achieved by President Obama's 'reset' with Moscow, or with his California
schmoozing of China's Xi Jinping earlier this month.” So you ask: Who said
that? And the answer should not surprise anyone; it was the media machine to
which Bret himself belongs. And he sees no shame in concluding that “we are
living in an age of American impotence.”
This point made, he now sees that such “is the larger
significance of the Afghan diplomatic debacle.” But that's not all because he
goes on to say that: “What's happening in Afghanistan
is of a piece with the larger pattern of U.S. diplomacy.” He thus laments
about Iraq , Syria and Iran where he feels that President
Obama has failed to trot the swaggering American allure of a superpower now
castrated by Jewish fiat.
And Bret Stephens ends the
column by making the facetious suggestion that Moscow
must now be trembling because of America 's expression of
No, the idea was never to make someone tremble; it was to
bring calm to a world that has seen too much trembling already, especially by
the Jews who were herded into the gas chambers that their leaders contributed
mightily to erect. Let not this history be repeated, Bret. Never again.