Monday, July 1, 2013

The Boomerang That Can Hurt or Caress

Two editorials tell a wrenching story about a superpower whose soul was savagely mangled by the cultural hooligans of a species that is otherwise fair and well adjusted. The first editorial was handed down on June 29, 2013 under the title: “Dangerous Divisions in the Arab World” by the editors of the New York Times. The second editorial was handed down two days later on July 1, 2013 by the editors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) under the title: “Egypt Erupts Again” and the subtitle: “Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are now the protest targets.”

The two editorials deal with the same subject; the rising up of the people of Egypt against a president that did not live up to their expectation. The Times discussed the subject just before the announced date of the rising; the WSJ discussed it on the day that it did. The readers who would be familiar with such matters could not fail but see the inner connectivity that ties the two editorials. Reading them feels like the same person or the same group wrote the two pieces. The first is a hopeful expectation that a severe calamity will befall Egypt; the second is a disappointed expression that the calamity did not materialize. This was the work of the cultural hooligans who left behind philosophical implications of almost cosmic dimensions.

The connectivity that exists between the editorial boards of the two publications is not something that is unique. In fact, it is becoming increasingly more evident to scientists that the universe is interconnected in many ways; the latest discovery being that you can affect the behavior of a runaway photon that has traveled some distance already, by acting upon a twin photon that was created at the same time by the same action but has remained within your reach.

There is not a theory yet that would explain this phenomenon, but what can be said about it is that there must exist a means for the transmission of information which instantly bridges the distance between the two photons, or do so almost instantly no matter how far from each other they may be. The point being made here is twofold. First, the whole universe is undoubtedly interconnected. Second, the transmission of information from one point to all points in the universe is what maintains the interconnectedness of everything that is.

It is possible, therefore, to build around this discovery a philosophical construct to the effect that the easier we make the transmission of information on our planet, the more interconnected it becomes. And the effect of this will be that more and more, what happens in one corner of the planet will affect everything and everyone on it. And the inescapable conclusion we must draw is that everything we do will eventually become a boomerang that sooner or later will come around and reconnect with us. And so, we can each make our boomerang in stone and be hurt by it when it comes around and hits us, or we can make it in velvet and see it caress us when it comes around and flies by.

In fact, that philosophical construct is not unknown to our human civilization. It has been around for thousands of years and has been practiced in one form or another by almost every culture that came and went or that persisted to this day. Just about every group, clan, tribe or nation has seen the utility in doing good by others, and has practiced a gesture to this effect so that the others may return the favor. The flip side of this truism has been that everyone who ignored the philosophy was reminded of it as rudely as a difficult lesson can be inflicted on the thrower of a stone who would see it return like a boomerang and hit him in the face.

Amid all this, there exists one notorious group that consistently refuses to practice that philosophy honestly even though it knows it well enough to pretend practicing it. That group is made of the self-proclaimed Jews whose members come from every race and every religion and convert to what they call Judaism. This done, they claim that the conversion is the act which allows them to belong to the Semitic race even if they do not have one drop of Semitic blood in them. And they go on to claim that because they belong to that race, they are entitled to the privileges that the Creator has conferred on it even if the Egyptians who are a subset of the Arab group – therefore authentic Semites – are not aware of being entitled to something that excludes the other races.

And so, the self-proclaimed Jews who pretend to be Semitic when they are not, also happen to be the savage hooligans who seek to obtain what they claim is theirs when it is not. Still, they run around and nudge the feeble minds that populate the editorial boards of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and a few other publications. Because they religiously believe that fantasies do materialize sooner or later, they nudge those editors to fantasize in their writings about horror befalling other people. And because horror is the fuel that keeps them alive and functioning, they consider the fantasy to be a prayer that is said for them.

But how could all this insight be squeezed out from the two editorials? To answer the question, we observe that the editorials are supposed to be about the rising of the Egyptian people against a President they have deemed to have been ineffective. But look how the New York Times introduces the subject: “... the killing of four Shiite men in Egypt last week seemed vicious … a Sunni Muslim mob raided a house and beat, stabbed and lynched four men.” And look how the WSJ introduces the subject: “This confrontation comes amid a sectarian bloodshed … Sunnis attacked a Shiite Muslim family … Muslims and Egypt's Coptic Christian minority have clashed repeatedly.”

What's that all about? Well, a sectarian civil war among Muslims, and one between Muslims and Christians are the two pillars of the Jewish fantasy. Their leaders have whispered about it for ages, and they talked about it openly for that long. Because they could not rely on their own resources to have it materialize, they ran around and recruited feeble minds to do the pray-fantasizing for them. They thought they were handed a golden opportunity with the one-of-a-kind incident that occurred in Egypt. And so they rushed to the editors of the two rags and nudged them to say a prayer of horror for them. Sure, said the editors who linked the uprising to the horror that happened once – and only once – in Egypt. And they hoped that the rising will degenerate into a horror show, thus fulfill the Jewish prayer.

All you need to do now, my friend, is wait long enough and you'll see that in behaving the way they did, the Jews made their boomerangs from stone. Sooner or later they will come around and hit them in the face the way it has been for nearly four thousand years.