Tuesday, August 20, 2013

American Draculas Craving Coptic Blood

On August 19, 2013, three articles were published in National Review Online with regard to the subject of Christians in Egypt. This happened despite the fact that the heads of the three largest Christian communities in that country – The Coptic, the Catholic and the Anglican – told the world, especially the Americans, to mind their own idiotic business, and to keep their dripping noses out of Egyptian affairs.

To be certain, there is an ongoing revolution in Egypt; it has been ongoing for more than two and a half years during which time close to 3,000 people have died. Out of these, no more than 30 were Christian, a number that represents only 1 percent of the fallen victims in a population that is 10 percent Christian. Thus, for some people and some organizations in America to come out and express the wish to get involved, says only one thing. It says that they crave for more Christian blood to be shed because this is how they will benefit from the situation. And no matter what vehicle any of them will use to gain something, their wishes and their actions must be interpreted as craving the blood of Egypt's Christians.

This is the insight you gain when you read: “Coptic Kristallnacht” by Andrew Doran, an article that also came under the subtitle: “The Muslim Brotherhood is terrorizing Egypt, and Christians are a particular target.” What prompted Doran to write this article is a correspondence he had with a Christian in Egypt who said: “Copts had a big role in this revolution … The Christians fasted with the Muslims during Ramadan. It was very good. It brought unity.” If this were not enough to upset a Dracula hoping for disunity and the shedding of Coptic blood, consider the following: “The revolution had broader popular and institutional support, including from the military, the police, the judiciary, the Muslim clerics of Al Azhar Mosque, and the Coptic Orthodox Church. More to the point, the 2013 revolution was peaceful.” This says that if you are a Doran, and you read about a peaceful revolution, you fantasize about a violent Kristallnacht, and share your fantasy with the editor at National Review Online.

And you do not stop here. You run wild with your imagination, and satisfy your thirst for blood by transposing on the current situation – which you called peaceful – a historical situation that was said to be violent. How violent? Well, here is how Doran imagines it to have been: “The ... attacks against the Christians in Egypt are reminiscent of Kristallnacht in Germany in 1938, when Nazi paramilitaries ... murdered scores of Jews in a disturbing foreshadowing of the fate of European Jews over the next few years.” But that's not what your Christian correspondent in Egypt was saying, Andrew. What's wrong with your head? Need a psychiatrist or something?

Doran goes on to talk about the Final Solution, but that's not how his Egyptian correspondent sees the matter evolving. Rather, it is this: “You have fought to get democracy as you have it, we are fighting for our own democracy. That is what you are seeing now.” And this is the poignant reminder that seems to have hit Doran like a bolt of lightning, prompting him to acknowledge: “If freedom and stability are restored to Egypt, it will be despite, not because of, the West.” To which I say amen, and further advise this “Westerner” that he should mind his own idiotic business, and keep his dripping nose out of Egyptian affairs.

And this brings us to the David French article that came under the title: “Not one More Plane, Not One More tank. Not One More Dollar, Until Egypt's Christians Are protected.” The first thing this author does is urge his readers to read Andrew Doran's article about Kristallnacht. By this, he means to say he too is having the same fantasies as Doran. This done, he does not need to rehash the fantasies, but goes beyond them and offers a solution. To this end, he lists the inventory that makes up the strength of the Egyptian military.

Now you ask: Why would David French do that? And the answer is simple. He is responding to something that came up in the Doran article. More specifically this part: “The revolution had broader popular and institutional support, including from the military, the police, the judiciary, the Muslim clerics of Al Azhar Mosque, and the Coptic Orthodox Church. More to the point, the 2013 revolution was peaceful.”

Did you notice the part where the military is mentioned? That's what is protecting all Egyptians, including the Christians. Thus, if you weaken the military, the Christians along with the others, will be without protection – and that's what should not happen, says David French. Is this an illogical stance? Of course it is. But he is not smart enough to recognize it as such. Worse, when told about it, it does not bother him that he blundered. What's important to him is that Egypt remains defenseless so that it can be attacked. And when this happens, blood will flow like a river, and all the Draculas like him will assemble to drink their most favored liquid: Christian blood.

He goes on to recommend: “Not one scintilla of aid until the Egyptian military [stops] this persecution in its tracks, protecting the most basic human rights of its Christian citizens.” But that's what is happening now, and if the military is weakened, it will not be able to continue doing so. Yes Sir, says David French, now drooling at the mouth thinking of all the Christian blood he may soon be licking. And so, he goes beyond Doran's fantasy, and formulates his own. It is this: “The crisis could escalate quickly to Balkan- or Syrian-level brutality and religious cleansing.” Whoa! There is enough here to make a Dracula come out of his crypt even in daylight.

And this brings us to the Nina Shea article: “Egypt's Christians Are facing a Jihad” about which I am not going to waste a minute of my time except to say that I previously wrote about this woman. Given the low quality of her presentations, and the uselessness of the outfit she represents, she should perhaps try to serve humanity by looking after the unfortunate people who live in a lepers colony or something. Maybe she can become the new Mother Theresa.