Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Fox News Disease Infesting the WSJ

If you are a casual visitor to the Fox News (FN) channel while randomly surfing the aether-on-cable as I sometimes do, you will have noticed that FN suffers from a seemingly incurable disease. You will have noticed that throughout the day, they do very little on that channel but praise Israel and everything Jewish while openly insulting their own president and his administration. You may wish to call the phenomenon a bad habit, but where the habit proves to be a full blown disease is when you see everyone unload on what they call “the mainstream media” for not being like them. This is truly sick.

To be sure that it was not my bad luck which landed me always on that channel at the very moment that someone was unloading on the mainstream media, I once spent 3 solid hours between 6 o'clock in the morning and 9 o'clock watching a female anchor and her two male colleagues unload non-stop (and I mean absolutely, absolutely non-stop) venom of the most heinous kind against their own president and his administration as well as the mainstream media for not being like them. I felt like I was watching 3 sewer pipes flowing raw sewage for 3 whole hours. The boob tube had transformed from visual wasteland to sewage pipe pouring into a swamp.

This is a disease that has now metastasized – migrating to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the print sister publication of Fox News. The manifestation of this move is an article that came under the title: “Anti-U.S. Hostility Ramps Up in Egypt” and the subtitle: “Media Outlets Blast American Policies, Further Straining Ties.” It was written by Maria Abi-Habib and Adam Entous with a contribution from Jay Solomon and Leila Elmergawi, and was published in the Journal on August 9, 2013.

As suggested in the subtitle, the article takes on the Egyptian mainstream media – what the authors call “state and privately owned media outlets” – attacking them the way that the Fox News anchors of raw sewage attack America's mainstream media. The Journal authors do it to the Egyptian media outlets, accusing them of being “already no strangers to demonizing the U.S.” And they do so even after admitting seeing posters put up by ordinary people in Cairo's Tahrir Square that reflect the sentiments expressed by the media with regard to America's constant attempts to meddle in Egyptian affairs.

They know this is the reality, and they know why it is so. They know because the expert they consulted, Vali Nasr, told them about the depth of public (that's public not just official) distrust of U.S. policies in Egypt. He went on to say that “America has few fans in the country.” And he explained: “We're caught in a situation of having to essentially try to find a balance between our values and our interests.”

What Nasr was not quoted as saying – whether or not he said it – were the reasons why the people of Egypt, along with the rest of the region, distrust America this profoundly. It is that they have known, loved and respected America till the time when its foreign policy was snatched by the sort of people who now run the FN-WSJ complex and the sort of people who appear on it. And even though the American Constitution assigns foreign policy and the powers thereof to the Executive Branch, the world has witnessed the Jewish lobby usurp those powers by threats and blackmail, transferring them to the Legislative Branch where there exist more lapdogs than civil servants serving the people who elected them. It is a disgusting bordello that is no less stinking than the raw sewage pouring out the Fox News channel.

What makes the odor even more unbearable is the filth that they and their so-called progressive nemeses have joined hands and worked together for decades to pour into the aether. It is filth and still more filth by which they explain the reasons why America is resented and disrespected in a place where it used to be loved and respected. Here is an example of that filth: “The latest anti-American hysteria is a throwback to Mr. Mubarak's three decades of rule, when state-owned media fixated on a common enemy such as Israel or the U.S. in what critics called a bid to rally the nation and deflect from government shortcomings.” Nothing here about America's policies and nothing about a Congress of prostitutes operating under constant Jewish threats and blackmail.

This is the sort of filth that the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, NPR, Fox News and many others got away with as they poured filth into the public domain absent outlets such as this website to push back. But now it is different. Except for moments of desperation such as this one when Habib and Entous were joined by Solomon and Elmergawi, and were asked to write the kind of article they ended up writing. It may be the gift that keeps on giving to people like me who welcome having something to do responding to those people, but to others, it remains the sewer that keeps on stinking.

Luckily, however, a comical relief can sometimes come from a most unexpected direction. This time it came from Senator John McCain who warned that “some representatives in the Congress want to sever America's relationship with Egypt.” This is like telling someone: Stop complaining about what I do or I'll stop pissing on your carpet. And guess what the answer would be. It would be this: Stop pissing on my carpet before I castrate you, and make it so that you'll have nothing to piss with.

Maybe it is time to put this relationship on ice till such time that America finds a way to liberate itself from the yoke that is keeping it subservient to the will of World Jewry.