Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lopez and Shea Encouraging Pedophiles

At a time when defenseless children here in North America and elsewhere in the world are being abused sexually by Catholic priests, Protestant ministers, politicians of all religions, and anyone having the power to commit this sort of horror and the means to hide it, you see two Catholic women – Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online (NRO) and Nina Shea of the Center for religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute – divert attention from this North American disease by talking about small things happening elsewhere in the world.
But there is more to their activities because not only do these women divert attention from what is going on right here – this continent of terror for defenseless children – they also work to turn the small things elsewhere into big things so that the American priests, ministers and their cohorts may go there and find more victims on whom to prey. You see how these horrible women do what they do in an interview published on August 1, 2013 in National Review Online. It is Kathryn Jean Lopez interviewing Nina Shea. The disgusting work comes under the title: “Killing Christians” and the subtitle: “Nina Shea explains how American Christians can stand up for their persecuted brethren overseas.”

The first thing they do is talk about Egypt because this is where they first wish to divert the people's attention. In fact, this is where their Jewish masters at NRO and the Hudson have a great interest – and they have it for two reasons. The first reason is something they have been denying for ages till they had no choice but to admit it. That is, the Jews have now acknowledged that they hope to see “Egypt fail” and they hope to see the “Syrians kill each other” because this will promote the glory of Israel; their only concern in the world.

The second reason is that you have four sexual cases involving public figures unfolding in the world at this time, all of them being Jewish. Three of these are unfolding in America, and one in France with global ramification. And these cases have come against the backdrop of a former President of Israel having been convicted of serial rape, the first such incident in world history.

When you add to this the revelation that tens of thousands of rape cases happen – against what is essentially captive men and women in the American military by their superiors – you can see why diverting attention to matters overseas serves the people who seek to hide this Jewish inspired North American scourge. And where the culprits are not in a position of superiority over their potential victims, they kidnap defenseless young women and keep them captives for as long as ten years in their basement to use as sex slaves.

And these are the horrendously diseased men and women of America who could not and would not attempt to solve their problems, telling the world they have answers to solve everyone else's problems. Look what one horrendously diseased woman called Kathryn Jean Lopez asked another horrendously diseased woman called Nina Shea: “What can be done for the Christians in Egypt?” And look how the diseased Nina responded to the diseased Kathryn: “The U.S. should use its substantial diplomatic and economic leverage to ensure...”

Well, let me tell these two sick women what the people of Egypt, Christians and Muslims alike, have said to the Americans who tried to meddle in their affairs. For one thing, they rallied by the millions asking their government to throw out of the country the American ambassador in Cairo and the consul in Alexandria. Even before that, the people of Egypt did something that goes against their grain because they could not find another way to make the Americans understand how disgusting they appear when making pretenses too outlandish for anyone to swallow. What the people of Egypt did was shout in Hillary Clinton's face obscenities about a sexual affair she most certainly would have wanted to forget about.

And this has been the way that the Egyptian people, Christians and Muslims alike, have been telling the Americans, especially the sickos among them such as Lopez and Shea: Mind your own fucking business and keep your noses as well as your genitals out of here.