Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And They Believe They Are Smart

Here is a stark demonstration of another reason why Jews always lose in the end; they are pushovers for flattery. Look what Dennis Prager is telling us now. He is saying it in an article titled: “What Bothers You Most?” and subtitled: “The answer says a lot about your moral universe.” It was published on January 27, 2014 in National Review Online.

To see how he got to the point of saying what he says, imagine someone telling a judge: I don't understand why this cop stopped me and gave me a speeding ticket when there is so much more that is going on in the city – matters that should occupy the attention of this cop and all the other cops. In fact, your honor, I don't even understand why you bother to preside over this case when there are more pressing matters to which you should be devoting your attention.

And no matter how many times you explain to Prager and to people like him that they cannot run loose, and do anything they want till all matters on the planet have been resolved, they keep going back to the Alan Dershowitz doctrine which says that Israel – and by extension all Jews – have the right to do to the Palestinians anything and everything that anyone has done or is doing to someone else.

And this is basically what Dennis Prager is saying now ... which is not different from what he has been saying all along, except that he has a new angle through which to present his case this time. To this end, he lines up all the horrible things which are being committed on the planet, then condemns the United Nations, the West and just about everybody else for being preoccupied with two matters. One of these is what he calls: “The alleged racism of the name of the National Football League's Washington team, the Redskins.” And the other matter is the continued occupation and looting of Palestine by the hordes of Jews who come from every direction.

But there is a noble exception this time, he says, which is Canada under Stephen Harper. And this is where you realize what pushovers these people are. Repeating a few words that happen to be the talking points they say about themselves, bestows nobility on Harper's Canada, in their view.

But did they study closely how he formulated what he said? They couldn't have because if they did, they would have come to a different conclusion. In fact, he spoke of the world constantly condemning Israel, and called that “nothing short of sickening.” Well, did he get sick? No, he did not. On the contrary, he had a jolly good time singing happy songs, and serenading someone or something. That's not being sick; not even in Canada.

The truth is that Canadians are thought to be polite because they are a very subtle people. And there is one important thing to know about their politicians. When they see a tragedy in the making, they take the side of the one most likely to get hurt so that if and when it happens, they will claim they took the right side but could do nothing to prevent the tragedy from occurring.

And having been the racist party from Western Canada before it became the Conservative party of all Canada, this group believes that the Jews are about to repeat history, and get themselves hurt again. Thus, the Harper group has decided to play it safe – play it the typically Canadian way.

As to Stephen Harper himself, in addition to being Canadian, he is an accountant, and has the temperament of one. He, like all accountants, does not like to be distracted. He will do a cost-benefit analysis of every situation, and pay the price that will remove the distraction regardless of the moral value of the situation.

In this case, his own people have been running around trumpeting what they are doing as being nothing more and nothing less that crass politics. They are not hiding it; they are bragging about it. To them, it is brag, brag, brag, incessant brag.

And this is what Prager has convinced himself is a noble act. What a pushover.