Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A tragic Situation promising no Solution

Did you hear of the latest rumor that's circulating among a number of websites, and now spilling over to the major publications; one of these being the Wall Street Journal? The rumor is to the effect that the ingenious scientists of Israel were able to invent a new machine that can do more than decode the DNA; it actually translates the language of DNA into plain English.

And what the Israeli geniuses did in collaboration with their mouthpieces abroad is that they got blood samples from every race on the planet, and started reading their DNA secrets. One of the collaborators is Brendan O'Neill who wrote: “Rinsing Israel Out of Europe: The Zionistfrei Movement” and the subtitle: “In Britain, France, Spain and beyond, a drive to ban products from the Jewish state is picking up speed.” The article was printed in the Wall Street Journal on December 9, 2014.

Guess what the geniuses and company discovered. They discovered that the DNA of each race says something different from the other races, but they all have one thing in common. They have the following instructions etched into the DNA: You are a natural anti-Semite, and you must never try to change that. To demonstrate your antisemitism, you must boycott all products made in the Palestinian territories which are occupied by Israel.

Is this true? Did the Israelis invent a machine like that? Of course not. This was a ploy put together to make a point. And the point is that O'Neill is saying there is nothing wrong with what the Jews or Israel are doing. But there is something very wrong with the human species. It suffers from a disease called antisemitism that is so widespread, it has become the accepted norm everywhere you look.

In fact, something comes up in the first paragraph of the O'Neill article which points to what the Jews do that is wrong, and why they perceive the result – not as their own failure – but as the failure of humanity. Look at this passage: “Across the Continent [Europe], cities and towns are insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago.” This is like the recidivist who is released in a different town each time, and commits the same crime or something similar. When apprehended, he protests that the entire human species (not just the people of this one town or that one) is defective because it singles him out, and punishes him for doing nothing that is wrong.

To see how hopeless these people are, study this passage: “Leicester City Council voted to boycott goods made in Israeli settlements in the West bank … The Mayor insists there's nothing anti-Semitic about that … it's simply about expressing dismay with 'the behavior of the Israeli state.' But Kaufman isn't convinced. He wants to know why, 'of all the horrible things going on in the world.' the council singled out Israel for punitive treatment. 'It's blatant anti-Semitism,' he said.”

O'Neill does not say whether or not Kaufman got a response to his question. But any member of the human species looking at that give-and-take, will conclude that Kaufman is begging for a holocaust. This is so because someone that cannot be convinced when spoken to convincingly, is one that asks to be spoken to with action.

And because Kaufman does not want Israel to be singled out with a boycott when there are many horrible things going on in the world, he can only be asking that Israel be actively treated like everyone else. But what happens in the ugly world which he sees, is that Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan are being bombed. It must, therefore, be that he is begging for the bombing of Israel – so as to treat it like everyone else. But does he know what Netanyahu will say if and when this happens? He'll cry out: Help! It's holocaust again like I predicted.

To show that he understands the concept of what's good for the goose is good for the gander, O'Neill reports that the council of Dunbartonshire instructed local libraries to stop stocking books printed in Israel, and then quipped: Why not just burn them? Perhaps aware that here in Canada, the Jewish owners of a chain of bookstores emulated the Nazis by banning books they don't want people to read, O'Neill has asked the council of Dunbartonshire to respect and continue the tradition.

These people have had 3,400 years to learn how to get along with the human species and live the normal life they yearn for. But they are no more educated today than they were during the Stone Age. Their existence has been a never ending tragic situation that still shows no sign of being resolved.