Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Story of Usama and the Dick

Imagine a number of years from now when all of us who are alive today will be dead and spending eternity somewhere beyond the outer boundaries of the universe. There will be those of us playing with the angels in the playground of enchantment. There will be those of us fighting with the devils to secure the coolest spot in the dungeon of fire. And there will be those of us sitting in a limbo room waiting for the Big Guy to decide our fate.

This room is full of souls, but is emptying one soul at a time when an angel comes to take it to the playground of enchantment, or a devil comes to take it to the dungeon of fire. After a while, no one is left in the room but two characters that dare not look at each other in the eyes. The door opens, and this time no angel or devil appears. Instead, it is the Big Guy himself who enters the room and tells the two that he doesn't know what to do with them. For this reason, he has decided to let each one determine what must be done with the other.

He says he'll be back in one hour to see what they have decided, and exists the room closing the door behind him. Soon after, one of the two characters speaks to say that his name is Usama. He also says he recognizes the other as being the Dick.

DICK: Not the Dick. My name is Dick ... Dick Cheney.

USAMA: And I am Usma ... Usma Bin Laden. I think you should go to hell because of what you have done, and what your people are doing: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, savage interrogations, you name it. You did it all, leaving nothing to the barbarians.

DICK: No. Not us. You should go to hell because you killed 3,000 of our people on 9/11. This is what started the war between us, and we had no choice but to respond. We didn't know what else you were planning, and we had to know one way or the other.

USAMA: If you didn't know what we were doing, we knew what you were doing. For decades and decades, if not for a century or more, you used every excuse you had to interfere with our lives, our resources, our relationships with each other or with the rest of the world. Invited to do a small job, you overstayed your welcome and desecrated our land. Invited to discipline one of our own who went out of control, you went out of control yourselves and ruined his country and his people. Invited to work with our organizations showing the respect we have always shown to your organizations, you sought to destroy what we had the way that you tried to destroy our OPEC.

DICK: This is only natural. We teach our kids to be competitive. When they grow up and see an opportunity, they let nothing restrain them if they determine they can overcome it. If you are weak in an area where you're in competition with them, they'll take advantage of the situation and seek to derive maximum gain.

USAMA: When we have an understanding with someone, we honor what we pledge and we expect the other party to honor what they pledge. Your people have not been doing this.

DICK: Of course not. Like say, contracts are made to be broken. Our kids are taught not to avoid reneging on a pledge but to avoid being caught doing so.  When they grow up, they try to get away with what they can if they feel they can. It is up to you to make sure they cannot.

USAMA: And that's what explains why you pretend to be a nation of laws when all you do is look for ways to get around it. As to us, we talk less about the law, and do more to keep our word as well as honor our pledge. Your conduct is deceitful; ours is noble.

DICK: Still, I say our system is superior to yours, and the proof is that we have a stronger nation.

USAMA: You may want to think so. But as the battle between us continues to rage, you'll soon learn that my people will defend themselves because they would rather die than be crushed by someone. You say give me liberty or give me death. We don't wait for someone to give us liberty; we say, I'll fight for my liberty till I die. What my boys did on 9/11 was to send a message to your people that we'll do to you what you do to us.

DICK: But you're not doing what we're doing. We may cheat and we may double-cross, but our methods are civilized compared to yours which are primitive.

USAMA: No, you're wrong. You are comparing the wrong things. What must be compared are your deceitful pretenses against our honor and our nobility. It is also what your military does that must be compared to what our kids do when they cease listening to their elders, and take matters in their own hands. Look at it closely, and you'll find that we are a noble people; you are cheats. Also, using the most terrible weapons, you murder us by the hundreds of thousands. This prompts our kids to retaliate by killing one or two of yours. This is a comparison that shouldn't even be made.

DICK: I guess you're saying I may indeed be a dick, but I'm not good enough to be your dick.

USAMA: You said it; I didn't.

DICK: So what do we do now?

USAMA: We tell the Big Guy you wish to have a sex change.