Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The dead Corpse of American Diplomacy

The year 2014 has ended with the Palestinian Authority (PA) demonstrating to posterity not only that American diplomacy has been a dead corpse for a while, but also how and why the American image of being a force for good has so quickly transformed into that of the greatest threat to civilization since the Nazi era.

The PA did it by taking its case to the World, insisting that a vote be taken at the Security Council of the United Nations on the matter of Palestinian statehood. This is when the expected happened in that the submitted resolution was defeated thanks to the effort of the United States of America that worked relentlessly to this end. The way has now been cleared for the PA and its allies to pursue the entire Palestinian question along more promising lines working inside more favorable venues.

It is unknown at this point what will come out of the new Palestinian move as only time can tell how the various players will line up, and what they will do in response to the events as they unfold. What can be said with some certainty, however, is that some kind of parallel will be drawn between the way that local American politics was paralyzed in favor of fast-tracking the Jewish and Israeli interests at the expense of the American people, and the way that American diplomacy was paralyzed internationally in favor of fast-tracking the Jewish and Israeli interests at the expense of the Palestinian people if not the entire human race.

And that's where the image of America is beginning to change from the saintly projection that used to reassure the world America was here and would bring justice to those who deserve it … to the image of an America that continues to protect, encourage and pay for the most savage case of national rape the world has ever seen. In fact, since 1967 when the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations have called on Israel to end its aggression in Palestine, America has stood by Israel and played the dirty game of speaking like a saint while behaving like the dreaded prince of darkness.

It is that time after time, Israel has ignored the resolutions (that America did not veto) calling on it to stop plundering more of the Palestinian properties, and to start the process of ending the occupation. And time after time, America pretended to stand for what was right by echoing those sentiments but then financed the plunder of Palestine, replenished Israel's munitions depots after every genocidal war that the latter launched on the Palestinians, and paid the government of Israel cold cash as if to reward it for the savage job it did with cold-blooded precision.

The lesson that will come out this history will be to the effect that humanity did not treat the Jews as harshly as it did because of a capricious streak or a kind of evil intent; it treated the Jews the way that it did at different times and different places because of what the Jews had taken with them going into those places at the times that they did. In fact, there has never been something wrong with the human race; there has always been something wrong with a Jewish ideology that worked against the generous people who took the Jews in and sheltered them, only to see them turn into the little beasts that worked from within to paralyze their host at home and abroad the way they did with an America that is now useless at home and useless abroad.

Afflicted by an ideology which says nothing can exist that does not work to promote the glory of the Jews and of Israel, America is being transformed from the top down into a beehive of millions, all dedicated to work for the purpose of constantly praising the Jews in America, of keeping an eye on the treatment of Jews everywhere else in the world, of tending to the never-satisfied needs of Israel, and of dying while fighting the wars that the Jews would not fight for themselves.

It happened on previous occasions that the Jews attempted to transform one jurisdiction or another into a place such as that. They came close to achieving their goal but then, the ordinary people rose up and took matters in their own hands. They dealt with the Jews in a manner that was, in most part, proportional to how far the latter had gone at transforming the place that sheltered them into a place of so much misery, it could no longer be considered the laughing stock of humanity.

America is coming close to that point, and no one knows how all of this will be resolved. But Palestine will be the agent that will tell future generations the full and sordid story of the Jews in America.