Monday, April 6, 2015

Authoritarian Artificiality vs. Natural Democracy

Intent on being his true self to the end, William (Bill) Kristol is offering the example of his person to the world as a case study on the realities of authoritarianism as compared to the realities of democracy. He wrote in this vein: “Our Once-In-A-Lifetime President” and published it on April 5, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

Before I discuss what's in that piece, let me tell you what prepared me for this discussion. I was in my pre-teen years and then my teen years when I attended a catholic school run by Christian brothers during the decade of the 1950s. Pope Pius XII was reigning at the time, and there was controversy about his handling of a few matters pertaining to the war that had ended a number of years earlier. Needless to say that those matters were way above our heads – the children that we were. But some things remained in my memory, and I had the opportunity to ruminate over them when I matured years later.

Two ideas drummed into my head during the early years, clashed when I was able to reason independently. I accepted the notion that every era required a pope with qualifications to suit it. But the question lingered: was the pope chosen by cardinals who were thinking independently, or was he chosen by Divine Will acting through these cardinals?

How I ultimately resolved this question is of no consequence now that so much water has gone under the bridge, and so much has changed in my life as well as my thinking. Suffice it to say that later in life, as I began to think of the systems of governance which exist in this world, I found myself using the same kind of thinking and the same kind of analysis to resolve some questions in my head.

This brings me to the Bill Kristol article. The whole point of his presentation is to express a profound indignation at President Obama who views this opportunity as a “once-in-a-lifetime” event. To Kristol, this means that: “only Barack Obama, Barack Obama truly believes, can make this historic and transformative deal happen.” Which, in turn, leads Kristol to believe that Obama seeks: “for this special moment, in this once-in-a-lifetime moment [that] all should step aside, and all should defer to our once-in-a-lifetime president.”

Well, the thing that can be said is that the saying “once-in-a-lifetime” means we have a number of unique occurrences converging naturally at the same time. For example, Iran has reached a point in the development of its nuclear infrastructure never seen before. It has elected a president with a temperament that is new to the Iranian revolution. Also, the American people twice elected a president that does not believe in “you're with us or you're against us” but is willing to sit and negotiate even with “rogue nations.” All that makes this moment a special one, never to be duplicated naturally.

Thus, for someone like William Kristol to sweep it aside, and then propose the creation of an artificial situation that will be tweaked to bring about a preconceived outcome – one to replace the natural outcome that would result from the Obama approach – is to kill the democratic form of decision making which comes naturally to human beings, and replace it with the authoritarian form of decision making. And this will be of the kind that the Jewish ideology fabricates all the time and seeks to impose on the world.

You can see how Kristol prepares the reader to accept that artificiality. He mentions at the start that Obama claims the existence of a “basic structural and strategic case for the deal on both sides.” He then speculates: “It's a case that would presumably hold two or five or ten years from now, and for that matter it's one that presumably held two or five or ten years ago.” There are two presumptions here, each referring to three possibilities of the kind that nature never repeats in the exact same way.

Only someone who believes in the oxymoron of a stagnant evolution would say what Kristol is saying. But he does not believe a word of what he is saying because he looks forward to the time when Obama will no longer be president. When this happens, he hopes that he and people like him – using all the artificial means at their disposal – will persuade the next president to implement their agenda, and shove it down the throat of the American people and the world.

This would be the Jewish thing to do. And he is eager to do it.