Sunday, April 26, 2015

How to weave a paranoia net and wear it

If someone is after you and you detect his moves, what you do in response – whether it is effective or not – can't be construed as an indication that you suffer from paranoia. If someone is not after you; it is so demonstrated to you time after time but you insist that you're pursued, this would be indication that you suffer from paranoia.

I see three possible levels of severity when it comes to suffering from the misery of paranoia. The first and mildest level is the one that you have acquired when you were pursued at some point in the past but are no more. And yet, you occasionally suffer from the recurrence of symptoms associated with the mental disorder. The second and more severe level of paranoia is the one from which you suffer at all time even when it is repeatedly proven that what you say is there doing this and that, is never there doing neither this nor that.

As to the third and severest level of paranoia; it is the one from which you suffer so intensely, you structure your life around visions you keep having … visions that never materialize. And yet, you keep responding to events that are never there, spending a great deal of time and effort taking measures that prove to be wasteful if not harmful. This is the kind of paranoia you see displayed in the article that was written by Lee Smith under the title: “Empowering Iran,” published on April 24, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

Speaking on behalf of the Jewish rank and file that never mandated him to speak for it, Lee Smith and his comrades – all self-appointed leaders of the Jews – wove a complete net made from yarn of paranoia, and forced the Jews to wear it whether or not they like the thing. The latest manifestation of what they are doing is the attacks they continually mount against their American President, Barack Obama, whose every move they interpret as one that aims to empower the enemy they chose for the day – this time Iran.

Despite the fact that America, and other countries, always calls for the cessation of hostilities when they take place anywhere in the world, Lee Smith saw America's urging of Saudi Arabia to halt its air campaign in Yemen as part of Obama's conspiracy “to protect Iranian arms in Yemen [to] protect the Obama nuclear agreement with Iran.” That's paranoia of the third degree.

Having determined that America's toppling of regimes in the Middle East at the behest of World Jewry and the American Jewish lobby – created the horror that is now sweeping the region, President Obama chose to make a deal according to which chemical weapons were removed from Syria ... rather than listen to the same old Jewish songs, and topple the regime there too.

And despite the fact that the Syrian High Command made it clear it will use its chemical arsenal against Israel if America attacked, you see Lee Smith accuse Mr. Obama of doing “nothing to stop [topple] Bashar al-Assad lest he endanger his nuclear agreement with Iran.” This is the kind of paranoia which makes him believe it is better to see another six million Jews gassed in their homes rather than be seen as having given a Jewish marching order to the White House, whereupon the order was ignored.

Another thing that paranoia of this intensity makes you do, is to imagine the unfolding of scenarios that can never happen in real life. Here is the one that Lee Smith is most fond of. He first posits that Tehran's position is a house of cards: “Pull out one, and Iran's burgeoning empire quickly collapses,” he goes on to say.

And this is where he begins to imagine the unfolding of his fantasy: “It's interesting to imagine how the last six years might have gone … As Assad's position became weaker … Another administration might have weakened Iran's position in Damascus and Beirut … Israel might have attacked Iranian nuclear facilities...”

There is one problem with this fantasy, however. It is that when someone is attacked, they tend to respond. And we don't have to go too far to determine how Syria, for example, would have responded. The Syrians themselves said what they would do. They would have gassed Israel to kingdom come, which is the very thing that the Jews say they want America to guarantee will never happen again.

It seems that Lee Smith and the Jewish Establishment in America could not care less if this happened. Why is that? Is it because they would then claim compensation? What a bunch of fraudulent savage demons!