Monday, October 19, 2015

Blue Smoke, Mirrors and the Fog of War

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth. That's because there are two ways to miscarry the truth. There is the deliberate way, which is done with the use of blue smoke and mirrors. And there is the inadvertent way which is caused by the fog of war.

Parts of the Middle East are in turmoil at this time, and much has happened that can be studied to help us put those two realities in perspective. Now, as before, the Jewish propaganda machine has exploded what may be called a cluster bomb of lies over America. These are the same blue smoke and mirrors which, for several decades, have been shaping America's views about the Middle East. Having monopolized the public square in the absence of the social media of today, the Jews excluded all opposition from the square while spewing massive amounts of lies, something they did around the clock ... throughout the years ... decade after decade.

Had there been an honest “freedom of speech” in America during the past half century, we would not be discussing the situation in occupied Palestine the way that we do today. It would have been pointed out that when Jewish grandmothers and babies are taken into a war zone where they can get hurt or killed, the responsibility for their fate falls on the shoulders of those who sent them there, not on the Palestinians who do not want them on their property. And this would have been the end of discussion the way that discussions have ended with regard to South Africa and the former Zimbabwe.

If you find it difficult to believe this, recall what happened when Israel bombed a UN post in South Lebanon, killing scores of peacekeepers. The post was populated by Canadians, among others, sent there by their government to observe a ceasefire and report on violations if and when they happened. Well, the bombing of the place is what happened, and when the Prime Minister of Canada was advised of same, he blurted out: “What were they [Canadian peacekeepers] doing there? Don't they know there is an ongoing war?” And that was the end of this discussion. But if a Prime Minister can imply that his soldiers asked for what befell them and were responsible for it, ask yourself: what can be said about grandmothers and babies that were sent into a war zone by their Israeli government?

Alas, when it comes to Jews, the discussion does not end here. Despite the fact that not a single question of those that were asked of reporters by their TV anchors (regular and cable) was put to them without a preamble that portrayed the Israelis as victims and the Palestinians as aggressors – the Jewish pundits and their echo repeaters have been spilling rivers of tears because, they say, the “mainstream” media is biased against Israel. And they undertook to deliver tons of spoken and written sermons to explain their point of view.

Two examples illustrate the difference between the deliberate use of smoke and mirrors to miscarry the truth, and the inadvertent miscarrying of it when the fog of war plays a role. The first example is what happened during the last Israeli assault on Gaza, a time when scores of innocent people were bombed in their homes, on the beaches and in schools operated by UN personnel. Israel and its American supporters blamed the mishaps on the victims because they opined that civilians had no business being close to military installations. They said this, knowing that Gaza is an overpopulated small territory where no place can be remote enough to avoid the explosive force of 500 pound bombs.

Several investigations are ongoing to determine if war crimes were committed by Israeli commanders, but that's not the focus of this discussion. Of interest to us at this time are the walls of smoke and mirrors that were erected to paint the Palestinians as the architects of their own misery. The Jewish logic being that the Palestinians were to blame for staying in their homes when the Jewish aggressors came to bomb them. But the reality was that the bombing turned the entire Gaza strip into a war zone, a place from which grandmothers and babies could not escape.

Note that when people are killed – deliberately or inadvertently – the incident becomes a mistake that cannot be corrected because dead people cannot be resurrected.

Now contrast that reality with the incident which the Jewish propaganda machine is using to argue that the mainstream media is biased against Israel. It happened that a reporter for MSNBC was in occupied Jerusalem when a Palestinian young man came running, and was shot dead by the Israelis. He fell to the ground, and the reporter said he could see neither a knife nor a gun in his hand. But the camera never blinks – like says Dan Rather's book – and a replay of the scene with freeze-frame showed that the young man had a knife in the hand before falling to the ground. Well, that was a minor mistake on the part of the reporter, something that resulted from the fog of war. It was corrected instantly, and no one was hurt but the ego of the reporter.

Note that the mistake in this case was made inadvertently, that no one got hurt or killed in the process, and that it was corrected. Such mistakes happen all the time in the fog of war, and they are fixed if not instantly, after a while.

The upshot of all this is that time after time, what happened as a result of Israeli mistakes, is that Palestinians were killed, and the Jews erected walls of smoke and mirrors to argue that it was the fault of the victims. But when – as a result of the fog of war – someone said something that turned out to be exaggerated or false, the Jews and their echo-repeaters blew their entrails out of their bellies, hollering their pain at a media they accused of being biased … even after the media corrected their mistakes, and no one got hurt in the process.

If you don’t mind the gruesome spectacle of seeing entrails blown out of their bellies, watch Fox News. If you want to visualize the phenomenon as you read the sopping articles, read the right wing publications – some of which are delivered electronically before they come out in hard copy. They all sound the same because they all repeat the refrains handed to them by the Jewish propaganda machine.