Saturday, October 3, 2015

Defeated colonial Powers always seek to humiliate

Wherever the colonial powers went, in Africa or in Asia, opposition was mounted against their rule at some point in time, and the colonists always responded in the same manner; they mounted a campaign to humiliate the indigenous population by humiliating the leaders of the revolt.

Even in places where colonialism did not take the familiar form of having a garrison of soldiers that supervised a local police force in charge of maintaining law and order, the colonists practiced what came to be seen as a kind of political and economic humiliation. An example of this was the situation in Quebec, the French Province in otherwise English Canada. That's when the response to the English humiliating machinations became the French cry “maitres chez nous,” which means “masters in our own house.”

And there is the example of Jewish savagery in occupied Palestine where armed soldiers forced young men to strip naked and march in front of a foreign press with which the Palestinians were trying to communicate the realities of their pain and their suffering. There is also the crude imitation of this policy; that which took place in Iraq's Abu Ghraib where the American soldiers stripped the locals naked and attacked them with dogs or forced them to simulate violent sexual acts on each other.

That same mentality is currently at work in America where the Jews see themselves as a colonial power in charge of applying “Talmudic law and order” with the help of a garrison that's made of the Congress and the media. Everything went quietly, smoothly and according to plans … up to the administration of W. Bush. But when President Obama was elected, he started to resist the Jewish occupation; a stance that made him, in the eyes of the Jews, what the colonial powers of yore used to call an “outlaw”.

This is when the Jews launched a quiet campaign of humiliation that nevertheless failed to deter President Obama from continuing his effort to break away from the Jewish hold on America's ship of state, especially in relation to matters having to do with foreign policy. And this is when the Jews openly declared him to be an outlaw, and started to fight him as such.

You can see how Charles Krauthammer is conducting a campaign to humiliate America by humiliating Obama in the column he wrote under the title: “Obama's Syria debacle,” published in the Washington Post on October 1, 2015. His first sentence establishes what he seeks to accomplish: “If it had the wit, the Obama administration would be not angered, but appropriately humiliated.” The key word here is: humiliate … in vogue these days among the Jewish pundits participating in the campaign against America.

Being the nobodies that they are, the Jews first established a kind of moral superiority over the Americans by playing to the hilt the “victim” card even though America never victimized them but saved them from the acts that the rest of the world used to inflict on them. This done, the Jews proceeded to establish control over the key institutions by playing one against the other, and purging them of the individuals – such as Charles Percy – who refused to submit to them. And they replaced these rebels with their own handpicked stooges.

Even now, being the nobodies they have always been, the Jews find it necessary to fight Obama by playing someone against him. That is, they are playing Putin against Obama … which makes it so that they are playing Russia against America. And in the process of humiliating Obama, they are humiliating America. This is okay with the Jews because they believe they can turn the American public against their leader, brushing aside the possibility that the public will eventually turn against them.

What is upsetting Krauthammer, the self-appointed Viceroy of the American Colony, is this: “The whole point of Russian intervention is to maintain Assad in power.” To understand this anger, we recall that the old colonial powers first conquered one people then drafted them to subjugate another people, and so on.

Having subjugated America, the plan was to use this gain to go after the nations of the Middle East surrounding Israel. The Jews succeeded somewhat under W. Bush who toppled Saddam, but failed under Obama who did not topple Assad. And so they are angry.

This backgrounder should help the reader understand what the Krauthammer column is all about.