Monday, May 16, 2016

Mainstream Billboards for Terrorist Manifestos

It looks like the responsibility for giving aid and comfort to illegitimate dissidents and would-be terrorists has passed from the hands of the long-established media in America to the newly formed mainstream publications.

It used to be that anyone in the non “democratic” world that had a manifesto to publicize, found a welcoming mat at such old rags as the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. They do so to a lesser extent now but find a warm embrace and a billboard on which to array their manifestos at the Huffington Post and other similar publications.

It must also be noted that what's done by the print media is replicated in some fashion by the electronic networks that have the ability to scroll news at the bottom of the screen. The networks also own websites on which they publish full blown opinion pieces that often sound like terrorist manifestos.

This is not new to the self-described “liberal democracies” that have a tacit but unwritten understanding among themselves not to fight each other like they used to, as long as there are weak nations they can exploit and get from them what they can, thus keep their own people content and quiescent. To make sure that the weak remain weak and not progress enough to demand better treatment, the democracies continue to give voice to the dissidents who labor to start an uprising, destabilize the government and further weaken already weak nations.

For example, shortly after the 1952 Nasser revolution in Egypt, there arose as many as a dozen pirate radio stations that openly incited the people of Egypt to rise against their government. When this did not happen, the two colonial powers, Britain and France invaded the Canal to cripple the waterway and deny Egypt a vital source of income, thus help sow discontent. When the aggression failed and the discontent did not materialize, the European powers invited Egypt's dissidents to come set-up shop in Europe and continue to incite the Egyptian population as well as plan sabotage activities in the country from there.

When the Europeans were warned they were playing with fire, they rejected the warning thinking that they had a winning hand and will not lose. But then, it happened that the children of the dissidents – who grew up in a place that felt as alien to them as living on a different planet – realized they were treated as second class citizens because of who they were. They turned against the countries of their births, thus served notice that the world had changed for good. And that's when the warning that was rejected at an earlier time proved to be a wisdom too advanced for a self-deluded liberal democrat to have understood.

While all this was happening on one level, something else was brewing on another level. It is that the Jews whose manifesto (they call the Old Testament) promises them dominion over the entire planet – worked stealthily to take on the role of ultimate colonial power. To achieve the promised outcome, they infiltrated the American media, took control of a large number of outlets, and used them to shag a Congress of simpletons. Now firmly in control of that thing, the Jews used it to take possession of the American military, sending it to inflict on the weak nations the horror that the dissidents could never inflict. They destroyed the nations they visited to the delight of the Jews – especially those operating out of Israel – the Jewish base of operations; the Jewish al-Qaeda.

Still unable to spark an incident that can be used to order the American military to go destroy Egypt and/or Saudi Arabia, the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis of hate and incitement is putting savage pressure on the media to blanket America with anti-Arab slander, and anti-Muslim denigration of the kind never seen previously outside the Yiddish vernacular. Their goal is to reconstitute a plan that went awry … but they know not how to do it.

Nevertheless, the Jews continue to work on the plan. You can see in the Huffington Post an example of the borderline sort of terrorist manifesto you'll never see anywhere else in the civilized world. It came under the title: “Egypt On a Mission to Abolish Its Youth,” penned  by Menna Elnaka, and published on May 9, 2016 in the Post.

You'll also see an example of how an old associate in crime – such as Doug Bandow of Jack Abramoff fame – works on such matters. He penned a wishful thinking kind of article under the title: “Egypt's Copts Likely to find Persecution Ahead from Increasingly Repressive Military Regime,” published on May 14, 2016 in the Post.

The first writer boasts he has the power of the persistent voice, and the gift of rebellion to win the final battle. The second revels in the Jewish fantasy of a civil war in Egypt he hopes will prove to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.