Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Behold the moral Clarity of Gang Rapists

What is moral clarity? Who are the gang rapists?

The Jewish hate and incitement machine (JHAIM) came up with a concept of moral clarity which it defined as follows for the benefit of the mentally deficient George W. Bush:

Because Al-Qaeda hit America on 9/11, and because America responded by calling Al-Qaeda a terrorist organization then hit its hideout in Afghanistan, it stands to reason that because the Jews hit Palestine, and the Palestinians responded by throwing stones at the Israeli tanks that came to demolish their homes – that Bush should declare the Palestinians to be a terroristic breed of so-called human beings.

George W. Bush did as instructed, and the JHAIM (which is master at dragging the American Congress of the brain dead onto the slippery slope of self-castration) tried to drag the newly elected president, Barack Obama, a few steps down that same slope. To that end, it tried to drum into Obama's head that he would serve moral clarity by equating America's response to al-Qaeda with Israel's rape of the Palestinian motherland. But the new President said “no Sir;” I value my manhood too much to do this to me … and I will not do it to America or the Palestinians either. Get off my face, you evil thing, before I get angrier than I am already.

Upon that, the operators of the JHAIM went away and lay dormant, waiting for someone new to get elected President of the United States so that they may drag him or her like they dragged W. Bush, and like they continue to drag the Congress of you know what onto the slippery slope of shame and self-castration.

Those operators think they got their man in the person of Donald Trump who was recently elected President of the United States, replacing the 'excessively-principled' Barack Obama. And so the operators of the machine that never stops spewing hate and incitement chose one of their own to begin the process of “educating” Donald Trump in the arts and sciences of sliding down the slope of depravity and self-castration. They aim to drum into the head of the new President the notion that he must give the green light to every Jew in the world who wishes to join the gang that's raping the Palestinian motherland.

The operators chose Elliott Abrams to be the teacher who will do the honor. And so he began the lesson with an article that came under the title: “Bibi and Donald,” published on February 13, 2017 in The Weekly Standard. He is not telling the President that the gang of rapists already in place raping the Palestinian motherland is also raping the honor of America with every new victim it creates. No, he is not telling him that.

Instead, Elliott Abrams is pretending to tell the readers he has figured out what the Trump administration is thinking, but in reality is soft-pedaling the JHAIM notion that the solution to the problems of the region lies in the “'outside in' rather that the 'inside out'” approach. That is, America should work to improve the relation between the Arabs and Israel because this will engender a workable solution that will end the occupation of Palestine.

Well, my friend, this is nothing but a new formulation of the age-old Jewish promise of: give me this and give me that because if you do, all the world's problems will be solved; peace will come to Earth, and everybody will be happy. Many people – big and small – were fooled by that and gave the Jews what they asked for. The Jews pocketed what they were given and honored not a single promise they made.

The truth is that a decade-old Arab peace plan is on the table. It offers normal relation between the Arab nations and Israel. It asks for only one thing in return: the end of the occupation of Palestine. No, said the Jews because they would rather live in a perpetual state of war than return what they stole. In fact, if you read between the lines of the Abrams article, you'll find that he is saying this much, not realizing what he is revealing inadvertently.

Look at this passage: “Netanyahu had been pulled right since the Trump victory. He leads the Likud Party, and its right wing, parties to Likud's right, and the settler movement itself all saw Trump's victory as their chance to remove all restraints – to annex areas of the West Bank or announce massive new construction programs”.

It says the gang of rapists wants to annex the West Bank. They waited for the American sucker who will make it possible for them, and then take the fall. They look at Donald Trump and imagine scenes of a Palestinian exodus – that will be tattooed on America's forehead for an eternity – but will give the Jews what they could not get on their own, an ethnically cleansed piece of land from where to launch the conquest of the world.