Monday, February 20, 2017

Solo Haggling to maintain the Status quo

Whereas a Zen saying affirms that one hand cannot clap alone, the same does not apply to Jewish haggling. In fact, David Makovsky is demonstrating that a single Jew – absent an interlocutor – will take it upon himself to haggle a subject to death so as to maintain the status quo that he and others like him worked hard to establish.

The author takes the solo flight in an article he wrote under the title: “Beyond 'One State'” and the subtitle: “Preliminary conclusions from the Netanyahu meeting,” published on February 17, 2017 on the website of the Washington Institute for Mideast Policy. On the surface, the article sounds aimless and pointless. It is that in fact to some extent, but something holds it together internally; and you'll get a sense of what it is when you become acquainted with the backgrounder that follows.

David Makovsky, and a number of other “soloists,” found it necessary to pull off this kind of performance having been alarmed by an exchange that took place during a joint press conference between President of the United States Donald Trump and Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

What led to that specific moment was Trump's assumption that a problem created by Jews would be based on rational reasons, therefore resolvable like any normal problem. He thought that in the matter of the Jewish occupation of Palestine, the way to end the occupation would be for Israel to withdraw its troops, in which case there will be two states. Alternatively, Israel might wish to annex Palestine, in which case there will be one state.

And so Trump advised Netanyahu that any choice would be acceptable to the United States if it were acceptable to the Palestinians. Evidently, Trump could see that either plan would be easy to negotiate between the parties and easy to implement … thinking that the Judeo-Israeli culture were rational enough to lead to such outcome.

Unfortunately this was never the case. Like all matters handled by Jews, the situation in Palestine was contorted like a pretzel that received a few extra twists. Citing the fake excuse of security, Israel started building homes for settlers in the occupied territories decades ago. When told this was illegal under international law, Israel assured the world that what goes up can come down, and will. It promised that as soon as a peace treaty was negotiated with the Palestinians, the settlers will vacate the West Bank.

Instead of this happening, however, the number of settlements kept increasing, and the peace accord kept getting more elusive. Unable to continue with the con game of reassuring the world that the settlers will eventually evacuate, Israel finally admitted that the settlements were a fait accompli that shall be made permanent with or without a peace accord.

That's when the question arose as to what will be the fate of the Palestinian population. Because the Jews want the West Bank more than anything that anyone can offer them, they plan to keep it come hell or high water. Because they cannot maintain the Palestinian population under occupation forever, they will have to give the Palestinians full citizenship, in which case Israel will cease to be majority Jewish. This being something they will not countenance, they are probing a third alternative they call the “situation.” It is a demonic scheme they will not discuss publicly because it is as depraved as it is criminal under international law.

The plan is a wild fantasy brewing in the heads of sick people who scheme to turn the West Bank into a place so unlivable, the Palestinians will flee it “on their own accord.” By the time very few Palestinians or none at all will be left in the territory, Israel will annex it, expecting to suffer minimal opposition internally, and minimal condemnation from abroad.

This is what's expressed in the Makovsky article. It is done in a way that's so subtle; no one is expected to sound the alarm. For now, the author is advocating the maintenance of the status quo, which entails the open construction of new settlements under what he calls the George W. Bush formula.

While this is going on, illegal settlements will be allowed to rise elsewhere with the understanding that the government of Israel will legalize them retroactively at some point in the future. In fact, the government did so not long ago with hundreds of settlements deemed illegal by a local court. And Israel will play the game again and again for, this is the Jewish way.