Dennis Ross wrote “Trump Raises the Stakes for Russia and Iran ,” an article that appeared on
the website of the Washington Institute on April 7, 2017, reprinted from the
New York Times. As to the Walter Mead article, it came under the title: “In
Striking Syria, Trump Made All the Right Calls,” and the subtitle: “After this
week, American opponents will sweat a bit more, but there are bigger challenges
to come.” It was published on April 8, 2017 in the Wall Street Journal.
Curiously, Israel
was not included in the grouping that brought together Syria and North-Korea.
In fact, Israel was alluded
to only once in one of the articles when Dennis Ross deemed it important to
mention that “our friends in the Middle East –
Arabs and Israelis alike – will surely be heartened by this strike.” He did not
elaborate, but that doesn't matter in the wider context of this discussion.
Here is the significant passage in the Ross article: “The US response was
about sending messages to Assad and his allies … This American strike will also
convey to the Iranians, and to the North Koreans, that they had better take the
words of this administration seriously. [The missile strike] took place as the
Chinese leader, Xi Jinping was in Florida
to meet with Mr. Trump”.
And here is the significant passage in the Walter Russell
Mead article: “Mr. Trump struck at a Russian proxy while holding a summit with
Chinese President Xi Jinping in which North Korea was a major topic. [The
message being] to avoid the kind of crisis that would benefit no one, Beijing ought to bring a new sense of focus and urgency to
its dealings with Pyongyang ”.
But really! What's this about?
It's about an America that refuses to believe the world has
changed so much, it can no longer do what it could seven or eight decades ago.
Well, to be fair, let's say it is not that America
has always refused to acknowledge the changing times; it is that America 's
leaders have gradually ceded more and more of the moral authority to a foreign
organization that lives in the past. Its members hold on to a bygone era and
wish to take America
back in time as far as it will let them.
That organization is called World Jewry. Whatever the
ultimate motive of its members, these people have managed to forge a
relationship with the United
States that is truly puzzling. It resembles
in some ways the relationship that exists between Syria
and Russia , and the one that
exists between North Korea
and China .
But there is one exception that gives the America-Israel relationship the look
and feel of an act of pornography you don't see in the other relationships.
You see Russia
as the big country that protects little Syria and tells it what to do. You
see China as the big country
that protects little North
Korea and tells it what to do. But when it
comes to America ; it is
little Israel that tells big
what to do. This is the astounding reality even though Israel would not survive a day without America 's
physical and moral protection as well as its financial aid.
Not only are the Jews telling America
to strike Syria , for
example; they are trying to tell America
to tell Russia what to do
with Syria
or suffer the consequences. And they are trying to tell America to tell China
what to do with North Korea
or suffer the consequences.
The Jews are assuring the Americans this can be done by
telling them that America
remains as strong compared to the rest of the world, as it has ever been. They
are, in fact, massaging the American ego, and some Americans are succumbing to
the flattery. This game looks like pornography and smells like an open sewer.