Sunday, April 30, 2017

Michelle Dunne, PhD in economic Ignorance

An average length feature film runs about 100 minutes. If you are inclined to spend this much time to be entertained, I recommend that you spend 101 minutes watching a far more entertaining video online.

The way to get to it is to go to the website of the Council on Foreign Relations. Once there, go to the Elliott Abrams blog which came under the title: “Doubts About U.S. Assistance to Egypt,” published on April 28, 2017. This is a short article that says Senator Lindsay Graham held a hearing about Egypt in which the witnesses were a comical character named Elliott Abrams, an ignorant character named Michelle Dunne and a miserable character named Tom Malinowski.

Two links are given at the end of the article. One sends you to a 9-page PDF containing the Abrams testimony; the other sends you to the above-mentioned video, which runs for one hour and forty-one minutes. In it, you'll see and hear the testimony of Malinowski, a third generation Holocaust psycho advocating the idea of telling Egypt it must let the Congressional saboteurs – disguised as human rights workers – sabotage Egypt or else. You'll also see and hear the testimony of Dunne who knows enough about economic matters to make only six errors balancing her checkbook. That's an improvement over last year when she used to make seven errors.

And you'll hear and see the testimony of Abrams who has the habit of going comically ballistic when money is mentioned. The last time he did so is when the decision was made to give the 5 million Jews of Israel only 38 billion dollars instead of the 45 billion that Netanyahu wanted for putting America into trouble everywhere in the world. This time Abrams was able to suppress his ballistic instinct as he registered his anger that 94 million Egyptians were receiving a whopping 1.3 billion dollars for helping America navigate speedily from Europe and the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and the Orient – and back.

Where do these people get the information upon which they build their cases? Well, like any country, Egypt has opposition that ranges from mild to severe. You'll find these people express their views in local and foreign publications. Depending on their political orientation, they paint a picture of governance in the country that ranges from the mildly inept to the extremely destructive.

What happens subsequently is that the “highly educated” ignoramuses of America seize upon such sayings and build their cases. The trouble is that they don't even have the IQ to understand what's going on in their own country. For example, time and again, they prove incapable of differentiating between the sayings of those who like Donald Trump and those who hate him. And yet, they want you to believe they can differentiate between those who hate the current set-up in Egypt just a little and those who hate it a lot. And so the ignoramuses of America rely on the enemies of Egypt – local and foreign – to help them blurt out the nonsense that they do.

Which is why it is necessary to show how useless the testimonies of these people are when the time comes to put together a foreign policy for America. As far as their views with regard to Egypt are concerned, their testimonies must be treated with the fear and dread one would have for vials containing the Ebola virus. Thus, the Senators who listened to the testimonies of those characters should be aware of the following:

First, in the human rights category, there has been no hunger strike or riot in any Egyptian prison like there has been in Israel and in Latin America. That's because in Egypt, people are incarcerated for a reason. If and when they are, the state treats them with dignity.

Second, in the economics category, the smart money from East and West, and from North and South, is now going to Egypt, the country that was recently deemed the best place to invest. And get this now, my friend; one of the reasons given for such honor is that Egypt has a well trained labor force.

Third, in the global likeability category, America does not have to pimp for Egypt the way it does for Israel. And nobody is BDSing Egypt like they do Israel. Thus, to say that foreign leaders express their astonishment at America's tolerance for Egypt's style of governance is to tell a lie like only a very psychotic Holocaust psycho is able to fabricate one.

It is obvious that World Jewry is panicking at the goodwill they see forming between Egypt and the Trump Administration. It is therefore responding by trying to recruit the Congress, and have it work to sabotage the rapprochement that's resulting. Those who join the crusade are not patriots; they are traitors.