And yet, this is what many writers are advocating nowadays,
professing to be American patriots. They pile articles on top of articles in
which they list what they say America
must do to reengage with the world and lead it to the nirvana of their
imagination. One such article came under the title: “Trump's Middle East
doctrine” and the subtitle: “A key objective is the isolation of Iran ,” written
by James A. Lyons, and published on June 13, 2017 in The Washington Times.
Captivated by these notions, James Lyons develops the
courage to spell out what he believes the Trump Middle East doctrine looks like
or ought to look like. He says it consists of defeating all the terror
organizations in the world, including the Islamic State … also known as ISIS.
In addition, he sees America
work to isolate Iran ,
which he characterizes as being the world leader in state-sponsored terrorism.
But the devil being in the details – to paraphrase an old
saying – it is where the James Lyons argument starts to disintegrates. It is
that to expand on the Trump doctrine, he lists eight activities which he calls
“our core vital interests” as being the goals that need to be fulfilled. The
trouble is that they will raise the eyebrows of those who want America to be
the altruistic power she has been during the post-war era.
These people want to see an America
that will be feared and respected at the same time, not an America that may be feared but also challenged
by the big powers such as China
and Russia , and harassed by
the smaller ones such as Iran
and North Korea .
These nations will most certainly push back against the idea of an America that's
implementing its core interests at their expense.
Furthermore, having mentioned that the Trump doctrine
promises to go after Iran
because of its terrorist activities, James Lyons then promises that America will “ensure the survival of Israel .” He
says so at the same time as he urges the Muslims to adopt a policy of
“sovereign responsibility,” which means they must rely on the self. That's one
sauce for the goose and another one for the gander.
It is a double standard that doesn't even stop here. It gets
worse and here is how: to call Iran a sponsor of terrorism, and not call out
Israel when the whole world views this thing as being the only terrorist entity
on the planet, is so upside-down, it destroys the writer's argument as well as
his credibility.
And there is more of what should worry everyone. It is that
James Lyons counsels two other courses of action which are as repugnant as they
are dangerous. He advocates “removing the Iranian theocracy from power,” and he
advocates “establishing a sovereign Kurdistan .”
Well, it is obvious that this man is out of touch with the set of values upon
which human morality stands.
What James Lyons misses is that having seen what happened in
Iraq and Libya , the
world has come to abhor regime change. And having seen what happened to Palestine , the world has come to abhor creating a clone of
Israel .
In fact, the world has concluded that change imposed from the outside, always
leads to calamities that get out of hand. It wants to see none of that ever