Friday, June 23, 2017

Creating Leverage over America from nothing

It happened that a report was released not long ago by the Defense for Children International (DCI) detailing how the Israeli policy of ethnic cleansing occupied Palestine, is using the method of murdering Palestinian children to pull off the ghoulish crime.

This is an ongoing horror story that keeps getting worse year after year, especially when you consider the fact that both the Israeli soldiers and the settlers they protect commit the murders, and get away with them.

And so, in a typical Jewish response to such reality, Benny Avni has seized the story of Jared Kushner, now visiting the region to try and broker a peace deal – and told his readers about the Kushner story by first mentioning another story. It is that of Palestinian teenagers who caught an Israeli member of the occupation force on their territory, and dealt with the matter as would any people living under armed occupation – be they teenagers or adults.

The odd thing, however, is that Benny Avni called the Palestinians––not the freedom fighters that they are––but terrorists. And he described the Israeli member of the occupation––not as the fully armed home-invading thug that it was––but a victim of bad reporting by the “BBC, Reuters and others”.

Benny Avni's article – where the aforementioned oddity and a few more can be found and studied – came under the title: “Jared Kushner's falling into a trap on Mideast peace,” published on June 21, 2017 in the New York Post. Throughout it, Avni adopts the mentality of painting everything Jewish or Israeli as models of perfection even when they commit the most horrific crime of mass-rape you can think of: the occupation of another country and the subjugation of its people.

He also paints everything Palestinian as models of imperfection, thus accuses the Palestinian leaders of responsibility for hindering progress towards peace. He does that shamelessly even as he composes an article that fits the decades-old pattern––adopted by the Jewish mob of pundits––of incessantly calling for the ditching of the peace process.

Here is what Avni says is wrong with the Palestinians:

“Palestinian infighting could frustrate any attempt to get the two sides talking again. Abbas recently stopped paying Gaza's electric bills. Gaza's suffering won't end unless Hamas stops being Hamas. For now, Hamas leaders won't use their own coffers. All that makes peace seem far away. The contours of a final agreement have generally been derailed by boneheaded provocations and impassable stalemates over issues like prisoner releases. Palestinian inability to take steps for state-building has also been a roadblock to solution”.

And here is what he says is right about Israel; about the Jews and about the American Congress … without betraying a hint of apology for their shortcomings:

“Americans, increasingly, won't stand for it [Palestinian resistance]. Congress is preparing legislation to cut US aid to the Palestinian Authority. Then again, Netanyahu's political dependence on right-wing political partners isn't helping either. His cabinet approved building Amichai, the first new West Bank settlement in 25 years. Will Palestinians deal with a leader who's intent on building in the West Bank? Will Trump?”

Now, my friend, study the following passage, and marvel at how Benny Avni grabs a handful of nothingness from thin air, and constructs a monument the size of the Great Pyramid at Giza:

“The president has said that unrestrained settlement activity is not helpful to the peace process … Amichai, it seems, went beyond the tacit agreements on settlements that Trump had reportedly reached with Netanyahu”.

What is verifiable in all of this is that the president said “settlement activity is not helpful to the peace process.” What it means is that settlement activity – and not the Palestinians – is responsible for hindering the peace process. But because Avni did not want to leave it at that, he came up with a trick to change the meaning. What do you think he did?

To find out, isolate the three expressions: “It seems”, “the tacit agreement” and “reportedly reached.” What do they have in common? They mean nothing concrete. They are abstracts plucked from thin air. But their inclusion in the passage makes it sound like Trump and Netanyahu had a chummy discussion during which they both agreed on a protocol for building new Jewish settlements in occupied Palestine.

The world is not going to analyze everything that's written by the Jewish mob of pundits in such detail; it has better things to do than spend time tracking the mob. At the same time, however, the sheer volume of the trash that the mob produces, will eventually have the desired effect. It will make the world believe that America nudges Israel to commit all those crimes against humanity.

The net result will be that the Jews will come out of this unblemished; America will come out tarnished.