Monday, June 5, 2017

Road to Hell that's paved with Jewish Punditry

There is the saying: “The Road to hell is paved with good intentions.” But that's not the only road that leads to hell; there is another one. It is the road that's paved with corrosive Jewish punditry.

This blog – which contains nearly 2,300 articles discussing thousands of postings by members of the Jewish mob of pundits swarming the marketplace of ideas and elbowing everyone else – is a compendium attesting to the destructive influence of the Jews who fight not ideas with ideas, but fight ideas with often hard to prove criminal coercion, and cowardly whispers of defamation.

Two recent articles can now be added to the list. They show how Jewish pundits can go off-base by a mile when it comes to understanding what's happening in the world, and how to handle the situations that arise on a daily basis. One article came under the title: “The battles of Britain and Egypt” and the subtitle: “Jihadis aspire to 'cleanse' the Islamic world and force the West to submit,” written by Clifford D. May and published on May 30, 2017 in The Washington Times. The other article came under the title: “Trump needs to test Arab promises to fight terror,” written by Benny Avni, and published on May 31, 2017 in the New York Post.

Clifford May begins by defining the two Arabic expressions “Dar al Harb” and “Dar al Islam.” Yes, Dar al Harb can be translated as “House of War,” but that's not the place where the arrogant disbelievers, heretics and apostates violate Allah's laws, like says Clifford May. It is a place where Muslims are discriminated against as if war had been declared against them. As to “Dar al Islam,” May's translation of it as “House of Submission” is false. To understand this part, we need to understand the difference between two Arabic words.

There is the word “Salam” which means “Peace” in Arabic. It is the same as the word “Shalom” in Hebrew. The expression “Al Salam Aleykum,” which means “may peace be upon you” is heard millions of times everyday in the Arab countries by Christians, Muslims, Jews and every other religion. Nothing in these greetings connotes submission. It is simply wishing the other person a peaceful day.

And then there is the word “Istislam” which means “Submission” in Arabic. The word “Islam,” referring to the Muslim religion, is derived from Salam and not Istislam. Thus, Dar al Islam means not the “House of Submission” but the “House of Peace.” Yes, a true Muslim submits to the will of God but so does every devout person in any religion. This, however, does not mean there is submission everywhere you see the word Islam. That's because submission applies only to the will of God.

When you understand that part, you reject May's insinuation that what the “jihadis” are doing or aim to do, has roots in the Muslim religion. He says the jihadis will want to enforce their interpretation of Allah's laws in the House of Islam if they can establish it. Well, there are crazies in every religion who believe they have a mandate from God to do His work. But no one has come up with an authentic document certifying this claim. The jihadis, like other similar groups, can dream all they want but they'll get nowhere because humanity will not let them.

As to Benny Avni's article, all you need to do to assess the validity of what he says, is to look at the situation in the Iraq/Syria battlefield. After millions of words, uttered or written by thousands of Jewish pundits in hundreds of publications for several decades, no one can make out who's who or what's what in that place. All of the verbiage amounted to nothing because it started out as useless.

Moreover, it must be said that every paragraph written during the time that the Jews were monopolizing the marketplace of ideas, was glowing with the certainty that what was said was twice as truthful as any gospel delivered from the pulpits. Well, right now, Benny Avni is again speaking with that same certainty, and here is a montage of that:

“[Saudi Arabia] where wealthy princes have financed extremists and some still do. The jihadists threaten their hold on power. The old guard traditionalists still want to play ball with the Islamists. President el-Sisi will remain an ally. All Sunni-run nations are staunch foes of Iran. Qatar maintains business ties with Israelis … Chummy relations with Iran was a top reason leaders drifted away from America, and why they'll return with a Trump presidency”.

To end his dissertation, Avni says this: The Saudis and their allies are right to be mad at Qatar. Marshaling Arab support has been difficult. Opposition to Iran can unify the region. Trump needs to command Qatar and anyone trying to have it both ways: Choose.

If not the world, at least the Levant has gone to hell already, and the world has not the will to repeat the experience. Thus, the Jews can get in step with the world or they can continue to agitate for more of the same.

After four thousand years of experience they ought to know what comes at the end of this journey. Thus, they have a choice to make: there is the civilized way; and there is the Jewish way.

To save them from themselves, President Donald Trump should give them a simple command: Choose wisely or suffer the consequences when no one will be in a position to help you.