Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Savage Scenario of the 'Situation' Thing

Asaf Romirowsky and Alexander Joffe are associated with the Middle East Forum, and they co-authored an article that came under the title: “The world must finally awaken to the UN refugee agency's failures in the Palestinian territories,” published on June 12, 2017 in the New York Daily News.

It must be said that the Middle East Forum was founded by Daniel Pipes who wrote articles promoting the idea that there is no substitute to winning. His conclusions have been for Israel and America to manufacture situations in which Israel can confront the Palestinians and score as many wins as possible. It does not matter what kind of wins they will be as long as they are wins. An example in which Pipes saw Israel win without even trying, is the war in Syria. He wrote at least one article in which he expressed joy that the Arabs were killing each other, and wished that the various sides in the conflict would finish off one another.

But other winnings must be schemed for, and the latest was cobbled together by an alliance of Jews from America and Israel, and given the name “Situation.” It aims to ethnic-cleanse Palestine of its Palestinian population, thus complete the Jewish takeover of the land. The scheme is meant to accomplish that demonic feat by making life extremely unbearable for the Palestinians, causing them to flee the only home they have known since the beginning of time.

In fact, ratcheting up the savagery of the occupation has already begun with the occupier allowing the armed Jewish settlers to ransack the fields where Palestinians grow their food; with the steady reduction of the amount of water that the Palestinians receive to drink and to irrigate their fields; and with the recent call to cut off the vital help that the Palestinians are getting from international organizations. In fact, this is what the Romirowsky and Joffe article is about.

The authors tell of the meeting that Netanyahu had with US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, in which he urged her to put the weight of the United States behind the said criminal scheme, deemed to be of cosmic proportions. Netanyahu wants to see the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) shut down because – in the competition between Jewish savagery and Palestinian stoicism – the “Palestinians continue to receive overdue attention,” say Romirowsky and Joffe.

The situation on the ground as seen by humanity is such that in the contest between the Palestinian “Right of Return” and the Jewish “Desire to Connect,” the Right to Return wins hands down. Who in his right mind would say that someone who converted to Judaism to get a job at CNN has a greater right to a piece of Palestine than a Palestinian that has lived on the land since the beginning of time?

The recent convert may have developed a burning desire to “connect” with a land he could not find on the map a few months before his conversion, whereas the Palestinian yearns to return to the home from which he was chased out at gunpoint. Not even John King or Wolf Blitzer would say that the desire to connect is stronger than the yearning to go home.

Thus, a clash has erupted in the points of view pertaining to the actual situation as it exists on the ground, and the artificial situation that the Israelis and their enablers have concocted out of thin air, and continue to peddle. In that regard, the latter have advanced the argument that the problem is not Israel's savage treatment of the Palestinians or the neglect of its obligations as an occupier, but the work of UNRWA which continues to bring humanitarian relief to a suffering people when – according to the Israelis – it is doing more harm than good.

Their reasoning is so horrific and diabolic, you know right away it can only be Jewish. What these people are arguing now is what they have been arguing for decades. It is that the only way they envisage peace coming to the region, is for someone to voluntarily give Palestine to them. You can make this choice, they say, or you can expect to see the peace of the grave impose itself on the people of Palestine.

Here is how they formulated that principle: “Israel's position and ongoing U.S. funding have created a situation that has promoted Palestinian rejectionism.” In other words, they say that the money contributed by the United States to UNWRA has kept the Palestinians fed so well, they adopted the “refuseniks” method to fight oppression that Jewish dissidents used in the old Soviet Union, and won the sympathy of people everywhere. And so, our writers are urging America to take Netanyahu's advice, and join the effort to starve the Palestinians and get rid of them before they win the sympathy of people anywhere.

Until this happens, the Jews will continue to lament that America's money has kept the Palestinians from having to choose between fleeing the land of their birth or taking a premature trip to the grave.

This is why they want to force a choice between one or the other by convincing Nikki Haley to put the weight of the United States behind their criminal scheme of shutting down UNRWA.

This will rig the competition between Jewish savagery and Palestinian stoicism in such a way as to allow Jewish savagery to triumph … which is their ultimate goal.