Suppose you overhear a man say to his interlocutor: “Look at
those kids playing with matches near the powder keg that's by the depot of
ammunition. We should do something about it before the whole place goes
supernova.” The interlocutor asks: “What can we do?” And the man answers:
“Let's get a can of gasoline and douse the burning matches before their fire
spreads in all directions.
Hearing that conversation you think this is not for real.
You postulate that if these two characters are not escapees from a mental
institution, they must be rehearsing a vignette for a comedy show about two
escapees from a mental institution. But you know what, my friend, as stupefying
as it may sound, this metaphor is not too far from the real conversation that
the mob of Jewish pundits in America
is attempting to initiate with the decision makers of America .
The attempt began a while ago; it is continuing at this
time, and given the mode of operation that's adhered to by the mob of Jewish
pundits, it will go on indefinitely or until something material changes … like
a deafening kaboom or something. You can see the latest installment of that
Jewish effort as it came under the title: “Team Trump can still prevent the
next Mideast explosion,” an article that was written by Benny Avni and
published on October 3, 2017 in the New York Post.
As indicated by the title, Benny Avni who is a member
(presumably in good standing) of the Jewish mob of pundits, is saying that a
critical situation exists in the Middle East, and that it's about to go big
bang. However, he explains that we still have the time to deal with the little
fires the locals are playing with if we go douse them with the incendiary
machinations we inflicted on Iraq ;
on Libya and now on Syria .
Avni uses the rest of the article to argue the reasons why
he believes that intervening in this situation is the right thing to do. But
you'll find that his arguments were rendered moot given what you see in the
first two sentences that make up the first paragraph of the article. The first
sentence goes like this: “Kurds deserve independence.” This, in fact, is
supposed to be his ultimate conclusion and yet, he has it at the start of the
Like it or not, this style of writing is allowed but only if
you handle it right. Being careful what you do with it is an important
ingredient because having revealed his conclusion early, the rest of Avni's
arguments can only be assertive, and not predicated on events that may or may
not happen. Otherwise, he'd be showing to have made up his mind, not knowing
whether or not the right conditions exist. And this happens to be the mistake
that Avni made as you'll see in the second sentence of that same paragraph.
Put in condensed form, this is what Avni says in the second
sentence: “US officials need to recognize the crisis in Kurdistan
–– a crisis that will explode unless we find a solution.” What kills the
argument is the phrase: “unless we find a solution.” For Avni to conclude that
the Kurds deserve independence conditional on us finding a solution is a
contradiction in terms.
That's because “deserving” means to have a meritorious case
that's intrinsic to the Kurds, and not dependent on external factors. In fact,
the rest of the Avni arguments show what the external factors boil down to; and
they are not pretty. Simply put, they say that independence for the Kurds means
the breakup of Iraq ,
an Arab country. This will serve Israel 's interests just fine, which
is why we should help. Here, in condensed form, is how Benny Avni made that
point in several paragraph:
“Here's the case for supporting Kurdish freedom. Kurdish
leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani allied with Israel ,
even as Iraq
battled the Jewish state. It's in America 's interest. The Iraqi Kurds
have been on our side for decades. Kurdistan will serve as reliable buffer
against Iran
and Sunni jihadists. Kurdistan would prefer to
be an American ally. The Kurds deserve America 's full-throated support”.
Considering that the Middle East has gone from being the
Garden of Eden to being a Jewish hellhole by the creation of Israel in its
midst; and considering that since the entity's inception, the leaders of Israel
have behaved like escapees from a mental institution, it stands to reason that what
they want to do now will further expand the hellhole till it’s big enough to
swallow the entire region.