Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Motivating America with subtle Demagoguery

Here is an “out of the box” novel idea: America should tell anyone willing to give it advice – solicited or not – that it no longer responds to scary scenarios. From now on, America will only respond to advice that counsels how it can help other peoples attain what they must achieve, but cannot succeed on their own.

It is important for America to adopt this doctrine and make it paramount in order to suppress all other doctrines that came before it. These were the doctrines that prompted America to shape a monstrous world, and ruin itself in the process. The readers interested in the subject will have no difficulty seeing that when Winston Churchill scared America about the Soviet Union, he helped spark a Cold War that resulted in a nuclear arms race between the two powers. This, in turn forced the Chinese to develop their own nuclear arsenal, which motivated India to do likewise, and Pakistan to follow suit. This hellish situation is Churchill's legacy.

Parallel to that development but moving at a slower speed, America got itself tangled up on the Korean Peninsula and has been there for six and half decades with nothing to show for its troubles but a nuclear armed North Korea that is now capable of hitting most of America's allies in the region, as well as a good swath of America's own territory.

Just as the shooting war in Korea was coming to an end, the French who found themselves mired in a Vietnamese quagmire, developed the smarts to replay the Winston Churchill ruse. They scared the Americans about a domino effect actualizing itself in East Asia; a reality they warned will turn the entire region into a communist haven. The Americans bought this argument, responded by bailing the French out of Vietnam, and took their place in the quagmire. A decade later, America, that defeated the state of the art Nazi and Japanese war machines, had suffered a major defeat at the hands of a backward Third Word country.

And before the Americans had the time to catch their breath and lick their wounds, the Jews were there whispering in their ear the following refrain: Boy have I got a winner for you! No, it's not the Brooklyn Bridge this time, it's the Arab derriere. It is the thing you'll go to at the height of your disappointment, kick some asses and take out your frustration. America thought this was a great idea, followed the instructions exactly as they were given, and produced the horror story you see unfold in the Levant today.

For these reasons, America must never again let itself be scared into antagonizing someone or starting a dispute that can escalate to a serious conflict. What America must beware are the smooth talking operators who will talk her into starting a small dispute, promising that this will settle all outstanding issues. But the moment that America will respond positively to such a call, the smooth operators will get to work plotting the future steps that will turn America's involvement into a perpetual war.

An example of how America was sucked into losing wars by smooth talkers came in the form of an article under the title: “Beyond Deconfliction in Syria,” written by Andrew J. Tabler and published on November 16, 2017 on the website of the Washington Institute. Tabler, whose only interest is to serve Israel, caught America at a time when it was ending its entanglement in the Syrian conflict, and gave it his advice. Because ending the conflict is bad news for Israel, he wrote a 1000-word essay to tell America in a very subtle manner what to do to keep the conflict going. What follows are excerpts that show how the writer developed an argument to that end. First there was the civilized part:

“President Trump and Russia's Putin issued a joint statement on Syria expressing satisfaction with recent joint deconfliction efforts … Strategic issues are clouding prospects for a sustainable diplomatic settlement. Whereas the United States is wise to avoid anything resembling war with Russia, U.S. policy should not allow Russia to cement Iran's grip on Syria … The United States must make clear that it will not endorse any election process in which Assad participates”.

And then came the demonic part:

“Otherwise, Assad will be guaranteed a victory and Iran will maintain its position in the country. Such factors will increase the likelihood of a future Iran-Israel clash, hinder national stability, and foster the conditions that allowed the Islamic State to thrive in the first place”.

Do you know what this does, my friend? It tells Washington there is no way Assad will not participate in the election, which means America must stay out of the talks. Because Assad is guaranteed to win, and Russia will allow Iran to cement its grip on Syria, America – that was wise to avoid starting a war with Russia – may be forced to start one anyway, to avoid letting Israel attack Iran … with consequences that will hinder America's national stability.

And that's the kind of civilized-sounding – but actually demonic – advice that America must reject because it is a devious attempt to get it involved in a never-ending war against Islam.