Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Crocodile Tears to impress those Down Under

In North America “Down Under” refers to Australia, which is located near the South Pole, thus shown at the bottom of the global map. A single country that fills an entire continent, Australia is identified with the crocodile mascot but never associated with crocodile tears. Until now.

What happened was that during the election campaign in Australia, someone mentioned a fact about the habit of candidates in the so-called democracies to suck-up to the one-issue minorities by throwing to them a favorite bone of theirs to chew on. The intent is to distract the electors on their way to the voting booth, and while there, to absentmindedly vote for the candidate that threw them the bone.

This time, the voters happened to be the Jews whose one-issue has always been the exploitation of the country in which they live, and use what they extract from it to benefit the Jewish causes, including Israel. It happens at this time that the Jews dream about the countries of the world violating a most fundamental principle of human decency as well as international law by accepting as legitimate the Jewish thievery of a Palestinian property called Jerusalem. They want the countries of the world to legitimize this criminal act by moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

One of the candidates in the Australian election, promised his Jewish constituents that if elected, he would consider making that move. His opponent mentioned it publicly for the record, and this was enough for the Jews to throw their hands up in the air, jerk both knees, wail the bloody murder refrain, and accuse the politician that spoke out as well as the media that discussed the incident of “Blood Libel.” You can read all about this incident in the article that came under the title: “Media Story on Australian Election Contains Blood Libel,” written by Simon Plosker and published on October 24, 2018 in Algemeiner.

What's this about really? Well, to begin with, the incident was nothing more than a run-of-the-mill kind of talk that's spewed all the time during election campaigns in the countries that call themselves Liberal Democracies. In fact, this is the sort of thing politicians brag about, saying that only their democracy allows people to speak freely without fearing being punished for what they think or what they say.

It's not only the proponents of the system of Liberal Democracy that say these things, so do the Jews who profess to adhere to that same system. Well, to be accurate, it must be said that when they say they adhere to the system, they mean they do so in the sense that they take advantage of the rights which the system bestows on them, but make an exception when it comes to the obligations it imposes on them. This is especially true when it comes to free speech, an area where the Jews repeatedly demonstrate their strict adherence to the motto: Free speech for me but not for thee.

As a matter of fact, there are many ways to communicate that thought to the public, and Simon Plosker used one to communicate the content of his article to the readers. Here is how he did it: “It's one thing to suggest that Jewish voters have been paid off for their vote. It's another to draw a parallel with the story of Judas and the 30 pieces of silver. When applied to Jews, this is a classic antisemitic trope.” In other words, Plosker is saying that metaphors can be used when speaking of anyone, but the Jews are so special, metaphors cannot be used when speaking of them.

There is no doubt that Simon Plosker is here doing what comes naturally to Jews, which is to shed crocodile tears in the hope of getting something free of charge that will serve the Jewish causes. What can that be? You get a sense of what it may be when you analyze the following passage:

“Judas, even if uttered without the slightest anti-Semitic intent, conjures up an old and still potent image of the Jew as a Jesus Christ killer. His name has screamed 'Jew' to Christians. Indeed, he became for Christianity the prototype of the Jew: the treacherous, devilish, money-grubbing figure that all Jews were said to resemble”.

What does that say? It says that Christianity in Australia and everywhere else in the world must embark on a new program to educate their populations about the sensitivities of Jews. That's because 50 years of such education was not enough to eradicate this kind of anti-Semitic trope from being uttered by those who mean to hurt the Jews and those who don't.

With this, Simon Plosker is adding his voice to those who seek to impose teaching the Holocaust to schoolchildren, and those who seek to bring the bureaucracy, faculty and student body of universities and colleges under Jewish control.

It is always the same with these people who embrace that culture. No matter their ethnic origin, the color of their skin or the religion from which they convert to Judaism, they pounce on every little incident and try to extract something for nothing. They keep doing it till the people around them get so fed up, they pounce on them … and the rest is history.