Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Jewish Dagger of Ambiguity in Trump's Back

In some cultures, the Jews are stereotyped as money lenders who will want a pound of your flesh if you can't pay them back. In other cultures, they are stereotyped as holders of a dagger they'll plant in your back if you can't be of use to them in some other way.

Of course, all money lending stories are not the same, which is why different individuals tell different stories about their experiences with Jews. The same goes for the kind of daggers that different Jews will plant in your back. Think of them as daggers made of different materials, each representing a different mental disposition of the dagger's holder.

This brings us to Jonathan S. Tobin whose mental disposition is clearly revealed by his use of the dagger he is showing to the Jewish-American rank-and-file. That's what the article he wrote is all about. It came under the title: “Trump Puts the Ball in the Palestinians' Court,” published on September 28, 2018 in Algemeiner.

The first thing that Tobin does is ask the question: “Is the two-state solution back at play?” A thousand words later (during which time he displays his most prized possession, the silver dagger he'll stick in the back of those who say yes to the two-state solution,) Tobin closes his argument with this: “Netanyahu is clearly betting that they can’t,” they being those who would say yes to the two-state solution.

Between the question at the opening of the article, and the answer at its closing, Jonathan Tobin uses a thousand words to dazzle the readers with the magical powers that his dagger possesses. Its name is “ambiguity,” and it gives the Jews the ability to say two contradictory things simultaneously to achieve two incompatible goals, thus allow the Jews to have it both ways.

Jonathan Tobin's preoccupation at this time is that he wants to reassure Netanyahu's base their man will never give Palestine back to the Palestinians. He also wants to tell the world that the problem plaguing the Middle East is not the recidivist Jews who remain as naughty as ever, but the faultless Palestinians who only want the Jewish squatters out of their property. To achieve his two objectives, Tobin used the magical powers of his dagger. Look how he did that:

“Trump signaled he was open to a two-state solution. It's a stand that should discomfit Netanyahu that has been hostile to the notion, promising Israeli voters there would be no Palestinian state created on his watch. But Netanyahu didn't seem bothered by Trump's statement; he didn't view it as a threat. Why? At the core of the peace plan is a concept opposed by Netanyahu that doesn't show signs of panic despite the fact that Trump expects Israeli concessions to compensate for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. So why is Netanyahu calm? It's because thanks to Trump, the ball is in the Palestinian court. If Abbas is interested in an independent state, all he has to do is say “yes” to a state that will be demilitarized. So long as the ball remains in the Palestinians' court, it is good news for those who oppose the two-state solution”.

Despite the fact that Tobin openly and repeatedly reassures Netanyahu's base that their man is the obstacle to peace, you can see how he refrains from criticizing this reality, yet shamelessly goes on to plant the dagger of ambiguity in the back of Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, and Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority. Here is when and where the magic happens: “Thanks to Trump, the ball is in the Palestinian court. If Abbas is interested in an independent state, all he has to do is accept a demilitarized state”.

This is an example of the impossible oxymoron forming a typical Jewish ambiguity: it is the use of the two words “independent” and “demilitarized” in the same sentence. Even a child knows that a so-called state that's not allowed to defend itself is a state that's not independent. These two words do not go together except when coming out the mouth of a Jew … and they did come out the mouth of Jonathan S. Tobin.

Right now Jewish settlers, soldiers and foreign visitors roam the West Bank because the Palestinian Authority cannot stop them. Also, moronic foreign governments are invited to build embassies on undefended Palestinian lands because the lands are not defended. The travesty that's perpetrated on the West Bank is not perpetrated on Gaza. That's because Gaza is defended whereas the West Bank is not.

Tobin has just told Netanyahu's base that Trump will change nothing in the West Bank, and if lucky, he might even convince the people of Gaza to become like the West Bank. Now my friend, you know why Netanyahu is not worried.

The Jewish dagger of ambiguity was planted in the back of both Abbas and Trump. Abbas who is used to that, pulled the dagger and threw it away. Trump is not used to it but doesn't realize what it is. However, there will come a time when he'll realize how badly served he has been by the charlatans he hires to assist him.